Taken from inside the living room.
These two bunnies hang out here a lot. I love watching them. They’ll suddenly start chasing each other in big circles. They make me laugh. This morning we watched them play again. They eat for a while, then suddenly they’re on the move running here and there. And my favorite: when they jump in the air, all four legs lifting them straight up. Pure joy.
It’s still hot, but the humidity broke in a series of thunderstorms that rolled in on Wednesday afternoon, thank goodness. I’m going to do some mowing this morning – the corral and the back forty. I’ve been too immersed in the political world, so I need to shake it off and do something physical. That always helps. I did yank some weeds yesterday and will do some more of that today.
I posted this on my Blythe feed the other day:
“They had a secret meeting.
After sitting at the bargaining table, it seems they feel they aren’t getting enough photo time.
They want a new contract.”
And then, later:
“The holdouts.”
Thank goodness for this little escape from the real world.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.