I had to share this photo with you, taken last week in the late afternoon when the sun floods the den. I hadn’t yet acquired my newest putz house, so it’s missing from the photo.
There’s been no sun lately! Yesterday it rained all day. Today it will rain all day. Tonight, the rain will turn to snow and we’ll get about an inch or so. Much of the snow already on the ground has disappeared in all the rain.
It’s been a tough couple of days around here. Sunday, as we were returning home, we saw four deer that had been hit by cars. Two of them were near our house – one of those two, just down the road, was a young deer, perhaps one of the four young deer that are frequently on our property. Then on Sunday night, we heard a noise outside but didn’t realize until the next morning that someone had hit an adult deer right in front of our house. That driver never stopped, never checked on the deer. Don had to move it off the road. He, of course, was trying to keep it from me because he knew how upset I would be but I happened to look out so I saw it happening.
You know how I feel about this. It makes me sick to my stomach. Hunting season ended on Sunday and all I heard that morning and every morning for two weeks was the sound of rifles being fired.
People driving too fast down our road. People seemingly not caring about the carnage they have created, not caring about the loss of life. I’m still reeling a bit from all of it. Don was quite shaken by it, as well.
I know that it is sometimes unavoidable, but 95% of the time it is. Staying within the speed limit gives one time to react.
I hope things calm down. I’ve never seen two deer hit in one day on this stretch of road.
Don has to head into the city today and I’ve got some work to do here. We continue to love the Christmas tree and the lights that gleam all day long. The tree seems to make our cottage even more of a haven, even more beautiful and welcoming. We’re grateful for the Christmas season. And thankful for our life here in our little cottage.
I pray for the safety of everyone – human and animal – during this holiday season.
Happy Tuesday.