It’s very, very cold, it’s windy, the porch plants are now dead, BUT it’s sunny.
I’ll take it. There is a distinct difference in my mood and my engagement with just about anything when the sun is shining.
Stella likes it, too.
So does the piano.
Don’s beginning to feel a wee bit better. He had a spurt of energy this morning and now he’s crashing. It just takes time, doesn’t it? He booked out (through his agent) for the week so he can kick this thing to the curb. In the meantime, we’re having hot soup, hot herbal tea with honey in the late afternoon, and the afghan is back in business.
I must share something with you. I had to hold off until the Paris posts were complete. A package was waiting for me at the post office when I returned from Paris. It was from reader Kathy from Iowa.
Two paperback versions of To Kill a Mockingbird – one in Russian, one in Hebrew.
Amazing! My collection of TKAM in different languages is growing and I’m thrilled.
Thank you, Kathy!
Wouldn’t it be cool if I eventually have an entire shelf full of these?
Speaking of shelves. Don’s old vintage dresser (which is currently falling apart) is in the upstairs hallway at the top of the stairs. My vintage dresser (not quite falling apart, but a bit of a pain in the tush) is in our bedroom. Available space, as always, is an issue in this house.
Don wants to get rid of the dresser. I’ve had my eye on an IKEA dresser that has clean lines and drawers that open and shut easily. We could fit two of them in the bedroom.
I’ve always envisioned that little niche at the top of the stair (which used to be my ‘studio,’ remember?) as a great place for a mini-library. We know that we need more bookshelves. I’ve got stacks and stacks of books sitting around and now that Don is reading rather voraciously, we’ve got his books, too. So we’re toying with the idea of installing shelves on both sides of the wall, with a little chair or ottoman in the middle. It would really make that area pop and it would allow us to have even more shelf space.
Perhaps it will be a winter project.
Stay warm.
Happy Wednesday.