This is the view from the edge of our woods – the back of our property. It backs up to that same field that we see when we’re taking our walk.
We walked through our woods yesterday. This little walk was initially taken because we wanted to make sure the raccoons that got in our trash the other day hadn’t scattered it up in the woods. When I discovered the upended trash can the day before yesterday, I immediately looked toward the woods and saw an opened trash bag about halfway up the path, retrieved it, rebagged it, and reflected that this particular visit had been much less messy than the one in the spring. I can only presume the raccoons were spooked by something and ran off. Still, we thought we should check out the rest of the woods.
So, as we made sure there was nothing up there that we needed to bag, we ended up finding our way through a clearing to the edge of the property. Then we had to walk through waist high goldenrod and wildflowers to reach the field. It was gorgeous. Wildflowers everywhere, bees buzzing, butterflies and moths, just plain lovely.
We could see areas of ground where deer have been sleeping. It’s nice to know that they’re safe here. No hunting allowed on any of our neighborhood properties.
We found another path back to our property, this time walking through another neighbor’s wooded property, which borders our property to the south.
We don’t go back there often enough. It’s really beautiful this time of year.
This is one of the very, very old posts that mark the property line at the edge of the woods. You can see some ancient barbed wire hanging from this one. There are four of them back there, but I’ve not seen them on anywhere else on the property. I assume they date from 1891 (when the house was built.)
All in all, a lovely day. I finished The Woman in the Window and started in again on I am Pilgrim, by Terry Hayes, a book I had just started a couple of years ago when I was pulled away for something else, most likely a book I had to review. I never got back to it. It’s an excellent mystery/spy thriller. I saw an ad the other day for Hayes’ newest book, which is to be published soon, and I realized I’d better get a move on and finish the one I had on my shelf before the new book comes out.
Errands to run today. I’ve been putting them off but it’s time. Then more reading, I hope.
Happy Thursday.