That lovely bridal veil spirea bush that came with our property is in bloom. It’s so gorgeous. Every year, I am amazed by its beauty. I could take endless photos of it.
We had lots of thunderstorms last night – severe thunderstorm watches were up for a great deal of the northeast. We were trying to watch To Kill a Mockingbird on TCM, but it kept getting interrupted by that godawful warning noise that scares the crap out of you and a robot-voice issuing yet another long warning. I know it’s necessary, but since the flow of the movie and several key scenes were muted by the recurring warnings, we gave up.
Thankfully, we were spared any damage and I don’t think we got any hail. It hit the eighties here on Sunday and it was quite humid. Today will bring a high of 86. Then it’s back down to the 70s tomorrow. Our crazy spring continues.
After spending several hours over at Rick and Doug’s, we headed home. Our first task was to get the A/C unit for our bedroom out of the shed. We immediately installed it. We wanted to be able to sleep and not sweat! Mission accomplished.
The lovely little bell-like flowers on the Solomon’s Seal.
During our visit to Rick and Doug’s, we got to throw a ball to Sam, who loves nothing more than catching it in the air. It brings back memories of our dogs. Winston and Scout were great runners – Scout was as fast as any dog I’ve ever seen. Like Sam, they would chase balls for hours. It’s fun to get the chance to play with a dog again. And we adore Sam.
Baby morning glories. They’re coming up, as well as baby zinnias. This year, I also planted some sunflowers and they’re also breaking through the ground. It will be interesting to see how they do.
Happy Monday.