I’m writing this post on Sunday as sort of a Sunday/Monday post as I will be on the road tomorrow morning.
First of all, I want to apologize for including my thoughts on commenting in yesterday’s post. Those thoughts haven’t changed, but including them in the post was probably too controlling. I struggle with this at times. It is my blog, and I do have to have some rules. But, as an adult child of an alcoholic, I have issues with control and I think you saw that yesterday. This might well be a passive-aggressive apology, because the issue I mentioned does irritate me. However, I don’t want to be harsh or too controlling, either. So, please accept my apology.
Instead of preparing for my trip, I spent yesterday afternoon on this:
Do you remember this jewelry holder that I found at an antique shop? (Only $20!) It’s been at least a year since I found it, maybe longer. I immediately thought it could be a doll clothes wardrobe. I used it as a photo prop for a while, but I did nothing other than that.
Then I saw some wardrobes on my Blythe feed and decided to finally do something. I had to add a “pole” for the clothes. The dowels I had on hand were much too thick for the hangers, so I went with a wooden skewer is usually used for shish kebob. I have a big pack of them, but I never use them for food. I cut it to fit the opening and then painted it green. I was going to try to build something to keep the pole in place, but I quickly realized my ideas were not going to work. Yesterday, I decided to look through a toolbox to see if there was something I could use. Sure enough, I found a couple of hex nuts that were the right size. So I glued them in place and inserted the pole and it worked!
I have to find a better drawer pull. Right now, I’m using push pins.
This drawer holds t-shirts.
And the bottom drawer holds extra shoes.
Of course, I still have lots clothes in the red suitcase, but this is awfully cute!
Okay, my friends. I’m off to the store to pick up some things I need for the trip, then to the gas station to fill up the car and check the air in my tires. I’m driving home on Wednesday. There may or may not be a post. It will depend on how much time I have before I hit the road.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday/Monday.