Yesterday morning, I looked out the window and noticed a lot of birds flying around. At first I thought they must be starlings, but no. They were robins; I don’t know how many, but I’d say at least 30. They’d swoop into the trees, swoop back down to the ground, drink from the birdbath, and dine on burning bush berries. It was magical. I’d say they were here for an hour and a half.
They were on their way south and stopped at the Hill-Sparks Inn for some food and drink.
I just looked outside again. There’s a few more stopping for a visit.
Anyway, I grabbed my big girl camera and took some photos with my telephoto lens.
The birdbath was a mess; thank goodness there was some fresh rainwater in there.
A few fights over the birdbath.
Completely delightful.
By the way, groundhogs go into hibernation in October. Someone hasn’t got the memo; the big groundhog has been sighted into November. In fact, last Saturday, I opened the kitchen door and he ran past me. I haven’t seen him in a few days, so maybe he’s finally made the move. Lots of chipmunk and squirrel activity right now, as well.
I’m going to go clean the birdbath.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.