My geranium – another plant that I overwinter – finally bloomed. I had to prune it earlier in the season and the rain knocked off an earlier bud before it could open. So, knowing that rain was coming for the weekend, I moved her to a safer place on the porch until the threat passes. I think I’ve had this plant at least as long as the Boston fern, if not longer.
Monday. It rained all night and it’s still raining now. I slept in a bit because we were up later than usual. Don has an eye appointment this morning.
Lucy telling me all about her day. She insisted on replacing her sweet dress with some dungarees.
She’s right. They suit her. She’s my scrappy girl.
It was a low-key weekend. I read a lot! I’m nearly to the end of The Girl in the Eagle’s Talons. The writer who is taking over this series has done a bang-up job. She understands the characters and remains true to the essence of the storyline that Steig Larsson established many years ago. I imagine that isn’t at all easy.
Mere sent me a photo of my nephew and his girlfriend, taken when he was sworn in as a District Attorney. They swore them in as soon as the bar results were posted. And he has a trial starting this week. I am so proud of him.
Looks like there’s a tentative deal in the writers’ strike, which has been going on longer than that of the actors. I eagerly await the details. Several of my former students from Boston University are writers in Hollywood. I hope they got everything they were fighting for. And I hope the actors get the same. AI is the biggest threat, both to the writers and the actors – that, and streaming.
My brain is a bit foggy this morning as I’m still not fully awake, so I hope this all makes sense! I’m not even sure what is on the horizon for the day; more reading for sure. And some dreaded bathroom cleaning.
Rest in Peace to Terry Kirkman, a founding member of The Association – he wrote “Cherish” and “Everything that Touches You.” I got to know him through Don who knew him from his Los Angeles years. How lucky I was to “know” him. He was unfailingly kind to everyone, including me. He worked for years with people in recovery and he had a heart as big as all outdoors. I’m very sad. I was a huge fan of The Association, saw them live in concert, but I was an even bigger fan of Terry and the man he was. Rest in Peace, Terry.
Say safe.
Happy Monday.