Don went to Trader Joe’s the other day, so I gave him orders to come back with flowers. I even took the time to show him photos of the specific flowers I wanted – alstromeria. He passed his test with flying colors.
Fresh flowers are very pricey around here. Our local supermarket will have a price of $12 – $15 per bunch. I just can’t pay that much money when I know that the price at Trader Joe’s for the same amount of flowers – actually, more flowers – is $3.99. No can do. I got two bouquets for much less than the price of a supermarket bouquet. Pretty good deal!
Not long after I wrote yesterday’s post, our furnace guy came over and replaced our thermostat. He was pretty sure the power surge blew out the thermostat. The replacement, which he thinks might be better, is unfortunately not digital, like the one we had. That means that I have to put on my glasses to read it and fiddle with the dial. Ah well. As soon as he put in the new thermostat, the heat started to come through our baseboards and all was well.
The driveway and parking area were very icy, so I salted everything so Don could get out of here and run some errands, one of which was this:
Yep. We decided we had to get the other three cups and saucers. They needed to be together. I love this Susie Cooper pattern so much and after I learned more about it and her, I loved it even more. For now, they are living on this yet-to-be-filled-with-books shelf. I’m thinking some sort of tole tray would be pretty behind them. What do you think?
More flowers.
Today, I get to go through the depressing ritual of buying new jeans. Yuck. But since a largish hole has appeared quite near the crotch of my current jeans, methinks it’s time to replace them. After all, I mustn’t reveal too much.
Don’t forget: today is the last day you can leave a comment in order to be entered in the giveaway of Hush Hush, Laura Lippman’s latest mystery. Click on this post.
New post up on Just Let Me Finish This Page.
Happy Thursday.
Your flowers are beautiful Don did good :) I hate clothes shopping too and especially for jeans, I always need long legs and no waist which is hard to find so I normally give up and go home. Are you getting snow again today?
Tomorrow, Dawn. 1 -3 inches. Will it never end? I see that you called yesterday. Maybe we can talk today?
I am so glad you went back and got the other cups, when I read your post about them I was thinking oh how sad they were seperated, but now are back together again and look great!
We felt the same way, Ann! Now everyone is in the same place.
Don’t wear your glasses when you shop for new jeans. You will have so much more to choose from because you will look great in them all!
Wise advice, Carolyn Marie! I’ll take it!
Thank you for the flower photos! I will look at them today while I wish for spring! Nothing like flowers to cheer you up :) I agree with Carolyn; not only don’t wear your glasses, just keep your eyes shut while jean shopping!
Yes to both suggestions!
Dear Claudia,
You did the RIGHT thing keeping that beautiful cup and saucer family together. I have full confidence you will find just the right thing to “back them up.”-Judy A-
Thanks, Judy. Another fun search lies ahead!
I’m a thrift store shopper and think it is funny to see row after row of almost new women’s jeans. Those racks represent a lot of shopping miscalculations. Good luck. When I find a pair of jeans that feel good to me I wear them to tatters. Your Susie Cooper collection is quite attractive……and you say you don’t do vignettes!
Well, I arrange things – but only once, as a rule. I think that’s the difference! I’m glad you like this particular arrangement, Kaye!
I find it so depressing to shop for jeans. It’s so hard to find decent fitting jeans for middle age women. I’m very short (4′ 11″) which makes it even more challenging.
Don did a good job, the flowers are beautiful.
Oh, I know! I’m very tall and that’s a problem, too. I’m making Don come with me, Kathy. Poor guy.
Gorgeous flowers Claudia. Don did an excellent job. :-) I, too, love that you bought the other cups. It was sad to think of the set being broken up. They look happy right where they are and a tray added would be beautiful. Jeans? I mostly wear dresses, partly because I hate jeans shopping and dresses are much more comfortable to me. I have one pair of jeans that I found at Shopko that have an elastic waist. When paired with a loose top, no one would ever know. It’s our secret. Ha!
Jeans shopping and bathing suit shopping equal two of the most frustrating and depressing shopping experiences. I’ll just have to bite the bullet and do it. Wish me luck!
Oh I love it that you got the whole set of cups & saucers Claudia. They look so good together. I think the tray might be a good touch. The flowers are lovely. The Azaleas are blooming lavishly here and every time I see a big bush of them I think of you and how much you’d love to see them.
Oh, how sweet of you, Janie. I sure would love to see them. I’m craving flowers big time!
When I came to that picture of the cups & saucers all together again, I envisioned them all “talking” at once about how awful it had been to be apart, and thank GOODNESS they were back together again!! Just like a group of sisters meeting up after being separated. Glad you brought them home ~ and together. :-)
I think they’re happy, Chris!
A tole tray behind the teacups would look lovely…another shopping trip perhaps? I’m glad you were able to keep the teacups all together! Have fun jean shopping….I don’t envy you! ;)
I don’t envy me, either!
I have the same flowers in 3 places in my house right now…living room, bedroom, bathroom. They’ve lasted 2 weeks already. And like you said, certainly can’t beat that for $3.99. When my mom was here last week, she brought me 2 bunches of the unopened daffodils that TJs sells at the checkouts. (I think they’re only 99 cents for 10 of them.) I put them in water and they opened the next day. They are still in bloom and not wilted at all.
Love that you got the entire set of teacups. They’re beautiful. I think a toile tray behind the set would be perfect.
Good luck on finding jeans. Almost as bad as trying on bathing suits!
Daffodils are so lovely, Melanie.
We’re just about ready to leave for the Jeans Extravaganza. Wish me luck!
Claudia, I laughed out loud seeing all the cups and saucers together. So glad you sent Don back for the rest of them. They are so special. Love the fresh flowers. I have to take Mom to TJ’s today for our coffee run and I think I’ll treat myself to a bunch. I bought new jeans last week and it was painful but I did find a pair I love. I got compliments on them from my friends yesterday when we toured the Biltmore House. So good luck!
Hopefully, I’ll find a pair that fits well. They don’t seem to last as long as they used to, that’s for sure.
Those cups needed to be togeather. They make quite a statement by themselves. Just so pretty on the shelf. I wouldn’t put anything with much of a pattern behing them. It would take away their beauty. But that is just me. But then again I need to see things together to see how it would actually look. I love astromerias. They last longer then some flowers I can think of. The shape of the flowers are interesting/unique. And so many different colors. Have a great day.
Alstromerias last a long time – that’s the reason I seem to always choose them. I like a lot of bang for my buck!
I think that your cups/saucers look fine just as they are. Most of all, use them!
It struck me to view you as tall. I wonder why I thought you weren’t?!!
I don’t know. I’ve often referred to the fact that Don and I are both tall. I’m 5’9″ – Don is over 6’4″
So glad you got the other cups! Now, they are a collection! LOL. Can’t wait for TJ’s if nothing else but the flowers! Glad you got the thermostat fixed and the heat is on.
You’re going to love TJ’s Judy. It’s great – lots of affordable, good food and great deals on flowers.
Well, I know this is completely goofy, but I’m really happy to see those little teacup-and-saucer “siblings” back together again and all settled in at your house. I actually felt badly that the set had been broken up. My Mom collected china and we spent many satisfying hours wandering around at flea markets etc, looking at [and salivating over] beautiful things. But she was always on a budget, both money and time, so she had a few rules about what she would seriously consider, and one was that she’d never break up a set. She usually couldn’t afford them anyway, and it helped to cut down on the “finalists” when she was ready to buy. Glad the cottage is all toasty and warm again. Enjoy your day!
I’m glad they’re all together, too. It was bothering me (and Don, too, it turns out.)
Alstromeria are wonderful cut flowers as they last so long. I have a dusty pink plant of this flowering in my garden at the moment but this makes me think I really need a good red as well. I am now imagining a border just of these! I’m glad you got all the Susie Coopers. I look forward to seeing what you find as a backdrop.
I wish I could grow them here, but they don’t do well in my gardening zone, Sally.
Hello Claudia, I love the cups too. Glad you can enjoy them. Have a good afternoon, Doris
You too, Doris!
I love both the tea cups and the flowers! Beautiful in your cozy cottage! I have done well with finding a good fit in Lee jeans. They come in different lengths, short, medium, and tall. I’m 5’3 and their short length jeans fit me perfectly. Jeans do wear out so quickly these days. I remember wearing Levi’s back in the day, and they lasted forever!
As it happens, Lily, I bought some Lee jeans today!
The Alstromerias are gorgeous but they are poisonous to cats and I have two cats that think plants are quite tasty..I have to check any plant I may want for inside to see if it’s on the safe list..Ha!..I knew you would buy those other cup & saucer
I was worried about the remaining 3 cups and saucers at the antique store! I was thinking that maybe you could get at least 1 more for you and Don to have one each. So, now I am happy with your collection. They are beautiful!