Why do I have the feeling I’ve posted this photo before? In fact, I have that same feeling about both of the pictures today. Sometimes I just don’t have new photos to share with you, so I go back in my photo library to find something current which I think I haven’t used yet. But…it’s a bit of a crap shoot. I’m pretty sure I haven’t used it, but I’m not absolutely sure, and then I say to myself, what the heck? Use it.
Anyway, the flowers down by the mailbox still look like this, so I’m putting it in the post. I love Queen Anne’s Lace and it always shows up down by the road in the late summer.
We have a primary here today for State offices; Governor, Attorney General (so important now as NY State is taking action against Trump,) Representative, etc. If you live in New York State or any other state that has a primary today, get out and VOTE!
Rick and Doug are stopping by this morning with Sam to check out what they need to know about our alarm and watering the plants when we’re away. They leave tomorrow. Sam is coming in to see our house, just in case we ever need to keep him with us for some reason. He can sniff it out and it will seem familiar to him. I love that boy.
I stopped by the place where Don was hanging out with his camera yesterday. He has a whole set-up now and he’s doing well! Anyway, we’d had a little tension that morning (yes, we’re like everyone else, we do have arguments) and I regretted being short with him. So, as I was showering, I decided I needed to stop by and apologize. Which I did.
One thing about Don that makes me fall in love with him all over again is that he is always surprised and delighted when he unexpectedly sees me. A smile lights up his face, he leaps to his feet, and embraces me. It’s no different than it was when we were first dating. I know I’m his favorite person, but in those moments, I really know I am.
How lucky am I? I already know the answer. Very.
Happy Thursday.
duplicated photos or not, they are beautiful. glad you still have some flowers in mid-september and especially after the heat and rain combo you’ve had this summer.
good planning to bring sam over, just in case. the next time he visits, he’ll think “i’ve been here before! i like this place! i like these people!” :)
hope the ants are soon gone! and that people vote!!!
those words about don and your relationship together just made me smile … not the argument part (though that’s to be expected in relationships), but the apologizing if you felt it was needed and especially the part about his face lighting up when he sees you. everyone deserves that. glad you have it with each other!
hope everyone has a nice day.
usual here. i am ready to go home. :)
kathy in iowa
just checked instagrams (yours and don’s) … congratulations, don, on the write-up in the paper!
keep up the great work and may it take you where you want to go with it!
kathy in iowa
He’s had lots of publicity in his career, but this is the first publicity he’s had as a photographer.
Sam loved our place and settled in on the sofa almost immediately!
Thanks, Kathy!
Love your relationship with Don. It’s a winner!
It is. I’m a lucky girl.
What a sweet story. This brought a smile to my face this morning.
Always happy to make a reader smile, Susan!
Oh, how I hate it when I snap at my husband. I can feel it the instant it happens and I feel so badly. But it is real life. Always things to work on.
Hope Sam finds the cottage to be a happy place. I am betting he does!
Well, they didn’t have to cart me off to the hospital at my Dr. appt. My BP was elevated, but nothing like I thought it was going to be. Just as I was going in I saw the news flash that the idiot said the 3000 dead in Puerto Rico was a lie. I truly thought that would do it. So, I guess I can fight on for a while longer!! Everyone who has the chance, go and VOTE today!! Have a good Thursday!
ALWAYS things to work on! I feel the same way.
Same had a good time!
I’m glad that your BP wasn’t off the charts, my friend!
Your relationship with Don echos what I had with my late husband. I’ve been missing him a lot lately, much more than I usually do, which is quite a bit. However, I never envy people who have such special partnerships…I wish them lots of happiness, and not ever to take the relationship for granted.
You are in my thoughts, Wendy. You handle it with such grace thought I know it has to be very hard. xoxo
Your flowers make me smile…who cares if we’ve seen them or not….their beauty was captured to be remembered and preserved. And the ‘tension’? Who doesn’t have some tension. I am quick to snap too…you’d think I would’ve learned some control after 44 years…but, I’m still working on it. I think the enchantment that you and Don obviously have says it all.
Enjoy your day! ;)
I’m still working on everything. The older I get, the more I realize I still have stuff to work on.
Thanks, Donnamae!
That special smile just for you. How lucky you and Don are to have each other. I’m in Cali with Ashleigh and very happy. Hugs!
So glad you’re with your daughter, Linda! Have the best time!!
Aw, so sweet that you are both so in love still. It’s something to treasure for sure! :]
It is, indeed. Thank you, Brae!
Don’t worry about re-posting a photo; love all your photos. Repeats are OK! (Although I find myself repeating things in my comments and then feel embarrassed.)
I was just talking about that same subject with my husband last night…is it EVER more important to vote than now, yes indeed.
How fortuitous that your trusted friends moved so near to you so that you both can help out each other for anything!
I don’t know how we lasted so long here without them!
Your Queen Anne”s Lace is very charming. I wouldn’t mind seeing it 100 times!
Judy A-
Me either! Thanks, Judy!
Claudia, any time you want or need to repeat some of your photos, it’s totally OK as far as I’m concerned. [Like THAT matters – LOL]. I have a folder in the “Pictures” section of my Mac labeled “Claudia” which, at last count, has 86 of your photos saved in it. Pictures I just couldn’t let go of and which I happily “re-enjoy” from time to time. There’s a reason the networks came up with that whole “rerun” concept, dontcha know? Peace. 😃
Love that. A rerun of a photo. I’m in! Thanks, Janet.
I hope Sam had a good times sniffing out your cottage…Good wishes to the guys for their trip too!
He sniffed everywhere! Ran up the stairs immediately! Thanks, Nancy.
Aw, Don is a sweetheart. Saw your post on Instagram. Congrats to him!
He is! Thanks, Kay.
Did you watch “The Miniaturist” ep 1 on PBS Materpiece? Dutch dollhouses!
I didn’t, simply because I wasn’t crazy about the book. I’ll look for some photos from the the series. Thanks, Nancy!