Rain, rain, rain…so far, it’s a gentle rain, so I’m not complaining. The grass is getting greener every day. I see buds on the climbing hydrangea, the lilac bush, the daffs up on the edge of the woods are clearly visible and I can see the beginning of flower buds. My neighbor’s daffodils are already blooming, but our clump is in the shade so they will take a bit longer.
I can’t wait until the day I can take pictures of flowers and green things again. I’ve felt fairly limited lately in terms of photo possibilities.
Speaking of which:
I just finished Old Filth last night. I loved every word of that book. Jane Gardam is brilliant.
Next up is The Man in the Wooden Hat, number two in the Old Filth trilogy.
After that, either number three in the trilogy, Last Friends, which is upstairs in my TBR pile, or Sea of Tranquility, the latest from Emily St. John Mandel. I’m a big fan of her novels.
And then there are all the other books in the TBR pile, just waiting for me.
And because I’m limited to playing with dolls and reading:
Advice from older sister (maybe about head size.)
Don is off to get some donuts. I am abstaining.
We loved watching Ken Burns’ documentary about Ben Franklin. As always, even though I thought I knew a lot about Franklin, I learned so much more about him.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
I thought the same thing about Ben Franklin. SO much I didn’t know. I think I will need to watch it again when Rick does — he missed it and I’d happily watch it over. Ken Burns is so darned amazing. He knows how to tell the story.
Wonderful looking books. I must check into the Old Filth trilogy. And brace yourself — if your valley is getting Michigan weather, you are due for more rain. We’re scheduled through Saturday, which means Sunday’s egg hunt for the boys might be seriously muddy!
Well, I know we’re getting rain today, tomorrow and then again on Saturday.
I hope it stays dry for the egg hunt!
Thanks, Jeanie!
Stay safe.
We enjoyed the Ben Franklin documentary also. I thought it was something that should be shown to all the school children in the country. We hear about the founders in school but not the whole story and not in context. Looking forward to more Ken Burns.
I think that’s a great idea – to show it to schoolchildren. Absolutely!
Stay safe, Jan.
I didn’t realize you had a climbing hydrangea…one of those is on my ‘to buy’ list this spring. Any advice you care to share?
I just noticed your pic…you look like a French movie star. Did Don take that photo?
You have a very clever way of propping up your girls… it works so well. They are a delight. Enjoy your day! ;)
No tips really because ours doesn’t bloom very much. It’s tucked under the overhang on the shed, so I think it doesn’t get enough sun. I get maybe 3 or 4 blooms, which is disappointing. Lots of leaves, though.
Yes, Don took that photo and I posed that way deliberately. Taken on our road trip back home from California 4 or 5 years ago.
Thanks so much, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
I read Old Filth a couple of years ago, right after reading Faith Fox, after your recommendation. I now need to read the other two in the trilogy.
Love how Ken Burns presents a story you thought you knew and opens your eyes to the complexities of history and those who lived it. Also loved hearing Paul Giamatti chime in as Adams again.
Does your tiny girl have the same size feet as the others?
Yes, read the other two. The second one is from Betty’s point of view (Old Filth’s wife) and the third is from the another lawyer’s point of view. I won’t say who or it will spoil things.
Re: Franklin. I had no idea about his son’s alliance with England and how it changed their relationship. Fascinating!
Yes, her feet can fit in Blythe shoes. Isn’t that interesting? Some people who have these dolls dress them in Blythe clothing as well. Not everything (especially pants) would do, but I bet I have a few pieces that would work.
Stay safe, Shanna.
Wren is adorable! I didn’t realize the head size is so different. Is body size the same so they can share clothes?
We are getting rain here too, and the rest of the week. I can see the grass starting to green up a little. And I looked outside yesterday and saw a bluebird at the feeder. I haven’t seen any action around the bluebird house yet, but I did read that bluebirds do return to previous nesting spots so I’m hopeful.
Take care
Body is much shorter, but there are some Blythe clothes that would work.
I’m so glad you saw a bluebird, Marilyn. That’s a good sign!
Stay safe.
I’m going to look for the Ben Franklin program. I think Ken Burns is a gifted storyteller also.
We just returned from a week and a half in Portugal. Our major concern was, of course, COVID and its effects on travel. I’m glad to report that we felt safe throughout the entire journey, and boy, did it feel good to be almost normal again. Mask wearing is still mandated indoors but it was so nice to mingle with people other than those in one’s bubble.
I’m glad you got to visit Portugal, Wendy. Sounds heavenly!
Stay safe.
I am loving your little BJD. I had a teeny tiny one that my sister had repainted, her name was Tilly, and I sent her back to my sister a few years A girl and I miss her, she was just pocket size. Happily, my friend who was helping me clear out the basement, found my little Riley tall for me, the one who had gone to France with me. When things get a little more orderly here I plan to bring them out. A friend of mine was just raving about the Franklin story. I’m going to try to catch it. So glad that you and Don are feeling better
This girl isn’t quite pocket-sized, but pretty close!
Thanks so much, Nora.
Stay safe.
quick note on lunch break (at most, 21 left!) …
book trilogy sounds interesting. thanks to you and everyone else for sharbook suggestions.
glad you’re getting buds and greenery. same here and it makes me feel good to see them.
my oldest niece has covid now. exposed on the job. thankfully she has a mild cold-like case. praying that she feels better soon and her husband and two little kids and the rest of our family stay well, that everyone in the world gets safe and healthy.
i can easily say no to donuts … just not a favorite treat for me (that would be brownies).
happy wednesday to you all. stay safe.
Hope your niece feels better soon, Kathy.
I say no to everything with processed sugar, so that means brownies, too, though I’m sure they can be made with some other kind of natural sweetener.
Stay safe.
We just started the Ken Burns Benjamin Franklin last night….it’s wonderful. Looking forward to part 2 tonight.
I love Wren, she is adorable.
You have will power to abstain from donuts….I don’t think I could! Take care, Jen
Sometimes – rarely – I don’t abstain. But thankfully, I did yesterday!
Stay safe, Jen.
I’m about to go out in the car, go look at something else even though it’s 90 degrees out there and the car will be so dang hot to get into; but I need some different scenery; heartsick over news coverage out of Ukraine; disappointed one of my relatives (a mature, fully-grown, adult woman!) has AGAIN hit me up for money when I’ve explained over and over again that I have nothing I can loan or give, having to once more detail my personal info to try to convince her that I have no way to fund her and her problems/life; upset I am that my husband and I are AGAIN victims of an identity breach, this time with our home-loan company; continuing to TRY to understand my friend’s grief over the loss of her dog when I-myself just lost my own dog of 13 years a mere two months ago (my dog was a part of my life for twice the amount of time she had with hers, although any comparison isn’t fair; grief is grief, yet I didn’t call HER every day crying endlessly about it as she does with me for three solid weeks although, to restate, I am TRYING to be understanding and to be a good friend except that I, like anybody, have my limits); but, you know, we’ve all got problems and I’m feeling drained. Like I’d like to get lost in the hills in a remote cabin and tune out the world for a little while.
I’m not supposed to have soda pop (I admire your sugar discipline, Claudia) but, frankly, at the moment, a tall Pepsi with crushed ice from the drive-thru sounds pretty good. One thing nice/sentimental is that my grocery store’s in-store bakery will finally have hot-cross buns for Palm Sunday; yay; a special treat for the Easter week.
I think I need to shop the house today or tomorrow and surround myself with my collection of decorative eggs and bunnies and little yellow chick figurines; make up an Easter basket to set on the table; get some pretty pastel colors into my surroundings. I can never look at my Ukraine Easter eggs (pysankas) again in the same way, knowing what those innocent civilians are enduring, but I can hold the people in my thoughts and somehow pray for healing of a nation that just wanted to be free. I have other relatives in the U.S. who are vacationing in Austria, Poland and Hungary (the heretofore-postponed [pandemic] tour once included Russia, but certainly not now), starting Sunday, which feels inappropriate to me for a few reasons although I’m trying to remain unjudgmental.
Yep, my mind is troubled and I couldn’t concentrate on reading a good novel right now if I tried (although it’s precisely what I need!). My TBR pile is getting taller and taller. I do need to force myself to just dig in. Immerse. Reading saves our sanity!
Here’s a photo for you; show us your fabric eggs again. I love them. You made them! Make a little vignette; you’re so good at it, like with the dolls, Claudia. (I love that new little sister is holding big sister’s hand; comforting!)
Times are hard. I’ve had a hard time coping with the news and the horrors of the invasion.
I’m going to get out my Vintage by Crystal Easter figures.
And I’ll get out the fabric eggs, Vicki.
Stay safe.
Two of my favorite author! Both geniuses in my opinion.
Stay safe, Betsy.