Tired, tired, tired. That’s how I feel today. For several days, I haven’t been sleeping my usual 7 hours, more like 6, and it’s taking a toll. Plus, Don tends to stay up later than I do because his body clock is tuned to nighttime performances. Our respective rhythms are quite different at the moment and we are definitely having to get ‘used’ to each other again. Plus, we are having ‘control’ issues, which is to be expected. I am used to being in control here because I’ve had to be for the past 6 months. Don is used to being in control of his environment. So we’re having to negotiate. It’s re-entry time.
One of the hollyhocks is blooming. The other is not. It’s growing, new leaves are emerging, but the flower buds stay small and are brown. What the?? They’re right next to each other, too.
This is stonecrop and it’s growing in the memorial garden. I had to look it up because I have absolutely no memory of planting it. None. And it’s not as if this little garden bed has been in place that long. Yikes.
Morning sun.
That’s all I’ve got today, my friends. I’m really beat. Hopefully, I’ll be more chatty tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday.
You’ll get there. In the meantime, may the coffee be extra good this morning. The flowers are gorgeous!
Lack of sleep will get you down and then all the emotions of the last week. Take time to rest and get used to being together at home again. Hugs to you both.
That pretty hollyhock is unusual! I’ve never seen one with striping/veining like that. I like it. Hoping you get plenty of rest today. Everything will wait for you to be rested.
Be good to yourself, Claudia. My husband traveled a LOT over the years, and I often felt that I was constantly adjusting. The hollyhock is gorgeous. It looks so papery and delicate.
Your garden photos are wonderful! Have a peaceful day; you deserve it!
Your flowers are glorious. Just gaze away at them…and rest. You’ve both been on an emotional roller coaster these last few weeks….take it easy, and settle back in together, while you can. Enjoy your day! ;)
Beautiful! I am blaming memory blips over flower names on lack of sleep! Feel free to use this excuse. ;)
kind of like two alpha dogs! :) maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that the show ended early. what if it went on for several years like that? I hadn’t thought about it from that standpoint. it would be more like you were both single. he with his place in the city and you with yours there at home.
it doesn’t sound like a happy situation to me for long term run!
add to that a lack of good restful sleep and mix well. oh my.
it will all sort itself out. life seems to be just one adjustment or another in every way! XO
Your comment about control issues is very familiar to me ! My ex used to be a submarine officer and expected to run things after being away months. I think it improves after about a month. Your pics are beautiful – I think I must go find some coleus now.
Beautiful flowers everywhere!
I’m glad you get to have coffee with your buddy again :)
My other half travels a fair bit, I am happy with him or by myself, I do find the adjustment phase as we get used to sharing and balancing again can be rather trying.
Adjustments and change are not easy. We get so accustomed to the daily dance of our lives, that we can do those steps without even thinking about them. Re-learning those things we mindlessly do day out and day in, and to incorporate another in, can take some time. Even thinking about what to have for dinner now is different. But you know that as you have certainly been there and done that! I know that personally, as I have gotten older, change takes me a bit longer in which to adapt. Maybe it is because now I have more time to think about it and fret.
It is still hot and muggy here. The humidity this summer has been incredible. We haven’t had rain for so long, I don’t think mowing will be needed this week as lawns are turning brown rather quickly. I hope you and Don have a good Tuesday.
Hi Chris
I love your description of “ the daily dance of our lives”
Really makes sense to me
Hope you get back in sync soon. xo Laura
Hi Claudia
As I read this post ( and wondering how you are able to describe your experiences so well- a real gift) – I became aware I was humming the Rythm of life from Sweet Charity
May the rythm of your life be magical ( and include more sleep)
Oh my gosh, your garden is beautiful. I love all the little surprises you are getting out there. I suspect that the new plants came on the wind and just wanted to join this beautiful place.
Oh, I could write a book about sleep disorders, but no one would read it. I just hope you find a way to get back to your regular sleep. I was thinking of starting a “3am Club”. If you were up for the day, come to my house for coffee, tea, and/or orange juice. We could sit and talk or watch old movies.
Those flowers are beautiful. Hope you and Don can get back in sync soon. It will work out eventually.
You do get the prettiest volunteer flowers at your cottage Claudia…everything is looking great!…You and Don will be fine…just hang in there and things will work themselves out…
Your garden photos are especially stunning today, Claudia. And it sounds like you’ve got a little surprise there with the stonecrop, which I’d never heard of before but is absolutely lovely. In fact I’ve received quite a botanical education since I began reading MHC. You should add that to your resume, m’dear. Enjoy the rest of your day. Peace.
My husband and I have ‘re-entry’ issues when one of us is away for even a week. It’s not pleasant but we get thru it. You and your husband are also dealing with grief and exhaustion, but you are such good companions and I’m sure rest and a batch or two of angel biscuits will right the world. I love photos of your garden and I’ve been enjoying your new secret garden vicariously this summer. While our home is surrounded by woods, there is no lawn and no place to set up an area like that, so thinking of you and Don in a quiet place with cool drinks, soft air, bird sounds and books makes me feel peaceful. Thanks for sharing so much loveliness with us.