Every day I feel a bit better. I’ve still got a bit of chest congestion and I’m still coughing. But less and less. Mostly, I simply feel depleted. My muscles are a bit woozy and I’m tired. But that will also get better as each day goes by.
This insane weather doesn’t help. Once again, it’s going to be in the sixties today and tomorrow, then another 20 degree drop in the temperature, then a tiny amount of snow. All in four days time. Next week, the temperatures are going to be in the forties, which is where they should be at this time of year.
If I never taste another Ricola in any flavor or form, I’ll be thrilled. The constant sucking on lozenges is about to drive me insane. I’ve had to stop with the ‘herbal’ variety (cannot stand that taste anymore) and go with the lemon/mint sugar-frees.
I’ve been laying low, doing my best to kick this virus to the curb. Luckily, I’ve felt good enough to read and do crossword puzzles, change the bed and wash the sheets, vacuum and dust. I just finished reading Wilde Lake by Laura Lippman this morning. A review is coming up on Thursday. Now, I’ll tuck into Julia Dahl’s newest, Conviction, due to be published on March 28th.
Don is getting our older car checked out today, in preparation for his drive out to the West Coast. I’m a bit nervous about all of this, but it’s an adventure he is determined to undertake and I understand and respect that. The car, a 2001 Honda CR-V, is incredibly solid and trustworthy. But it’s an old car. I offered to substitute the newer car, but Don thinks of this one as ‘his’ car and he wants to drive it.
We won’t even mention how sad the both of us are at the thought of being separated for three+ months. We won’t go there. Or that this is the first time I will be here in the cottage without my Scoutie by my side.
If you want to see my new eyeglasses (reading) from Warby Parker, check out the IG feed. I hate taking selfies. I managed to cobble together one shot that wasn’t too embarrassing. Selfies are for the young, those with rosy cheeks and nary a wrinkle on their face or neck. When I take one, I seem to spend way too much time trying to find something that I can edit into something halfway decent. Seeing how one has aged ain’t pretty.
Happy Tuesday.
Don will be in my prayers while he drives to the west coast. My daughter is driving home from Denver today and the next few days. She is driving a truck and a trailer with her car. It makes me very anxious. So lots of travel prayers going out.
So glad you are feeling better. Butterscotch lifesavers are good too.
I hope you feel perkier posthaste. It’ll time out okay, with you well on the mend by the time Don leaves, or else he’d worry too much. What an adventure for him, to drive coast to coast (my dream to do that), although I realize you two have done it before. If he stays on the interstates, he’ll have help if he needs it with the aging vehicle but hopefully not, which is why he’s of course getting it all checked out beforehand. I can see why he’d want a vehicle for THAT long in SD; he wants his wheels! He’s probably got all kinds of things he wants to do and see when he’s not working, since it’s a place he knows so well. And then when you come out to visit him, you guys can go-go-go; take a side trip, etc.
The weather IS odd. I’ve been hearing them talk on the evening news about it in your neck ‘o the woods. We were 39 degrees and frosty (icy windshield) at 7am although it was sunny and I thought our days of a potential freeze were fairly remote as we head into March here in SoCalif. Rain we can still expect, yes; but these are pretty cold temps for us and I didn’t protect any of the plants last night; hadn’t been paying enough attention.
Claudia, I’ve forgotten; what is your work schedule in the three months Don will be gone (three months definitely is sounding like a long time; I was separated from my husband for six months once due to a relocation/move with him heading out long before me, since I stayed behind to sell the house, etc., but a relative stayed with me for four of those six and, yes, I had a full-time job and 4 pets to keep me busy, including three young & rowdy doggies). I can’t recall if you’d said you’ll be going in and out of the city. If nothing outside the home, do you have any projects to start, like what about a new doll house; something to delve into, able to spread everything out and even temporarily take up space from Don’s part of the office if you had to, while he’s away. Gardening, probably? You could spend a lot of time researching/fine-tuning your London-Paris trip. Or you could start writing your novel!
My husband has been gone for most of the past two months and one thing we religiously do is check in with each other by phone, of course to hear the sound of each other’s voice and touch base about details/schedule, but also to make sure each is okay, starting out the day and ending the day (a little bit of ‘hovering’ and doing the mother hen thing [in the most positive of ways] ). I, in these instances, am never much detached from my (old-fashioned but totally satisfactory FLIP!) phone.
I see that i/g selfie and I like your glasses. Even a candid shot with no makeup? You don’t look your age. You look younger, Claudia. I mean it.
Oh, I have a bit of makeup on!
We’ve been separated for six months in the past. I was out teaching/coaching in SD. Don was here with the dogs. Would never do it again.
My work on Anastasia will last through the end of April, but that’s really all that’s on the horizon right now. At the moment, I’m not really motivated to start any new projects, though I’ll definitely be working in the garden. I might also try to paint the kitchen, something I should have done years ago. I hate painting, however, so I’ll really have to motivate myself.
I may go out there for a few days in May and then again at the end of his time in LaJolla.
It’ll come to you, how to pass the time. Right now, you just need to feel better.
Yes. I’m feeling pretty weak at the moment. I can tell my body has been through a bit of an upheaval.
With you on the Ricola!….In the past I’ve used them non-stop when faced with one of those “feels like sawdust in the throat” episodes. Your taste buds and whole tongue feel Ricola numb!
I know this separation will be exceptionally difficult; we especially need the presence of our love ones these days. Your strong connection to each other will help bridge the distance and hopefully be a big help getting through it. Life’s thorny problems get to be a bit much; you just want to say, “Oh come on, no more!!”…. Knowing this is a wonderful opportunity for Don can provide that little spot of happiness. Regardless of our weird weather, wishing you and Don good times each day. Dianne
It’s always hard being away from each other but we were remarking yesterday that these times are especially tough to weather when not together. xo
PS Love your glasses; don’t you love the name Warby Parker? Have some very similar but they are the tortoise shell……..Dianne
Mine are tortoise shell, too – just can’t tell from the photo!
I saw that IG post yesterday and I think you look young and hip with the new glasses. Cute as a button!
Thank you, Brooke! I have a wide face and low bridge and Warby Parker had these frames (the first I’ve found) that really worked on my face!
They really do work for you, that’s for sure! And I love the Warby Parker story/mission. There ARE great things happening in our world. We just have to block out the bright lights of our political world sometimes to see clearly.
Their mission is admirable, isn’t it?
I like your new glasses…they suit you quite well. I never like pics of myself…and I’ve never taken a selfie. Don’t really know how…maybe I’ll
practice that one just in case. It’s good to know that Don is doing is due diligence regarding his car. Better to be safe and all that! I can’t imagine being seperated from my hubby for that long…do you have any projects planned other than gardening? Enjoy your current weather…we got a hail storm this morning of all things! ;)
No projects other than gardening and maybe painting the kitchen.
Glad you’re feeling better & getting a little of your strength back. LOVE that first photo with all those seashells in that lovely greenish glass decanter too. Did you collect them yourself? During your time in San Diego? There’s TWO places I’d really love to see in California: the greater San Diego region and up north around Monterey, Carmel, Sausalito etc. Steinbeck country I guess. Photos from both those places speak to me. Beautiful.
PS – if you haven’t already, try HALLS cough drops. They have a sugar-free citrus variety I’ve used for years [they may even have other flavors by now but I don’t even look anymore – I just love the citrusy ones]. I keep some everywhere. In my pocket, in my tote, in my car, in the bedroom & living room. Have to have them with me all the time, just in case [like those little Listerine breath tabs]. Nothing worse than having a cough fit in a theater or restaurant – haha. Peace.
I collected them myself – in Florida and in San Diego. I love, love, love walking on the beach, collecting shells. It’s meditative.
Halls are a no-no, unfortunately! My dad sucked on them for years and we always had them around so I often used them when I was sick. Too many years of Halls, so I can’t use them anymore. xo
Claudia, will you’ve able to drive home with Don from California? Glad you’re feeling well enough for those chores!
That’s our plan, Wendy!
My decluttering trick (from yesterday’s comments) is working! Even if I’m not consciously thinking about decluttering, I’m forming a habit of reviewing the space I’m in for items I don’t need/want anymore. With my goal of one or two items a day, I’m already ahead two weeks! Just this morning, I took two items out of my closet when I was changing out of my pjs.
Good for you, Wendy!
I agree with you on ‘selfies’!! It’s quite a shock when I see myself in one.
If you do make a trip to California while Don is here, maybe you could take a side trip to Nevada City? If you do, give me a call (email me and I’ll give you our numbers) and we’d arrange to be there, too! We’d love to meet both of you and compare our memories of Nevada City.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
That’s a neat idea, Cathy. If we decide to go that way, we’ll be sure to call you!
You have lots of West Coast virtual friends, Claudia. I’m in the SF Bay Area, and ditto what Cathy S. wrote. Email me if you both are coming my way.
We could even show you our little cabin in the woods there, too!
Claudia, you look pretty with the new glasses! I love, love the frames. You do not look as tho you have been sick, girl.
Glad you are slowly feeling better. I know you are dreading your husband’s going off and
it’s got to be a hard adjustment.
On a side note, I had recently started painting my kitchen! It’s a love/ hate thing; the prep is the hate part. The love is hopefully enjoying the change and the final washing of brushes.
Take care.
If you saw the circles under my eyes, you’d know I’d been sick, Katheryn!
Happy to hear you are on the mend. I got VERY tired of Ricola throat lozenges also! The weather is crazy. Warm today so that is nice but this up and down is making my allergies go haywire also. I know you and Don will miss each other so much. Aren’t you going to go to Calif at some point? Still being apart is hard I know. Dentist today and so my mouth is sore but I have upcoming appointments to get a crown on a tooth. Ouch and lots if $$ but it must be done! I think I need a nap now!
Same here with the allergies, which then makes it hard for me to get rid of this chest congestion. I’m over it.
Yeah, I’ll go out there at some point, just not sure when.
I think your new glasses are great! Perfect for your face! And I feel you on selfies. It takes several tries for me to find one I’ll let anybody see! Thank goodness for digital cameras. I’d go broke trying to get one with film!
I don’t think I’d even try!
Will keep Don in my prayers for a safe trip. When I was a child my family drove to California from New York. My late father was the only driver. I had a 1988 car and had to dump it a few years ago. It needed too much work.
Try a lollipop. Butterscotch and root beer are great.
We’ve done the drive before. Don’s done it a few times!
Claudia, We must meet in person some day! My husband still drives his 2001 CRV!! We have so much in common, not just our birthdays!
I’m getting over the flu/cold as well!
Maybe we’re really twins separated at birth!
We might be! Our CR-V is rusty in places – is yours? Of course, we bought it in CA but we’ve driven it almost exclusively out East where there’s snow and road salt!
I had to live apart from my husband for 16 months one time. It was necessary, but awful. The only positive from it that happened was that when we were together for weekends and such, it was like we were young lovers again and we didn’t take our time together for granted. Otherwise, I don’t recommend it.
Neither do I. We’ve been through this so many times. And I’m getting sort of tired of it!