This will be a short post. I’ve been feeling under the weather for the past couple of days, so I’m taking it easy. And my brain feels fuzzy.
You understand.
Because of that, I didn’t do much of anything yesterday except make the bed and take a swipe around the first floor with the vacuum. I spent too much time online because it was easier and relatively mindless.
Because I wasn’t feeling well, my hero went to the library to pick up some books I’d ordered; a couple of mysteries by Daniel Silva and James Lee Burke (I’m almost caught up with Burke) and Sally Field’s autobiography. I’ve yet to drop off my book donations. They’re sitting in my car.
Got an email from our piano tuner yesterday and on Monday morning, he’ll return with the piano innards. He’ll be tuning the piano after everything is put back in place. I love listening to someone tune a piano! Adam is a jazz musician, so Don is hoping he can persuade him to play for us. Just a bit.
I can’t wait to hear the ‘new’ and improved piano!
I’m planning on doing next-to-nothing today. I’ll read and while Don is out and about, I’ll catch up on some tv shows that don’t interest him. Fortunately, I don’t have to be back at rehearsal until sometime next week, so I’m able to rest up.
Happy Friday.
hope you feel better soon! glad you are taking it easy (delivering those books can sure wait).
i am happy for you to get your family piano “innards” back in place and tuned. i hope adam will play some music for you two, too!
it’s supposed to reach 55 degrees here tomorrow so i plan to open the windows a while (especially while doing a little project with wood and paste wax), wash my car … not much fun, but will be good to have done!
hope you two have a nice, easy weekend.
kathy in iowa
Wow! 55 will be awfully nice (but crazy for this time of year!)
it scares me to have such big weather changes here and around the world/global warming, but i will make good use of the milder winter right now … and pray for leaders of this and other countries and companies to make changes to help our world!
feel better!
kathy in iowa
Me too.
I hope you feel better. Rest is the best thing. I did some yesterday but felt compelled to at least start taking down Christmas. It isn’t all done but over 1/2 way there. It is raining again so I’m home and waiting to see if I need to go get Tiger from his friends house and spend the afternoon with him. My ‘crazy’ life continues but I am carving out time to rest so, taking care of me is #1 this year. Hugs!
Good for you. Take care of yourself first!
For myself, once I came to terms that at this point in life rest isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity, I became a much happier person. I don’t get things done as quickly as I used to be able to do, but they still get done! Being retired, I really am not under any time constraints so it is all good. But where I used to find myself so frustrated, I am now allowing myself the grace to take my time. After all, reading is productive in itself, right??
We are to reach 45* today and near 50* tomorrow. Crazyness. But, we will enjoy it knowing it is but a blip in the winter yet to come. I hope you enjoy each moment of your rest today. Not fighting it really does help, I think!
Yes, you’re right. The only constraints are the ones I put on myself. Silly! Don is always telling me that.
Enjoy your warmer weather. We were just saying that this winter is weird. We had that big snow storm in October and nothing since. (Knock on wood!) Strange.
I like Chris K’s first paragraph above. because I was the same way! it took me all this time to realize I’m retired now. and the joys of it were being diluted by my ‘inner mental clock!’
and so many little rules and shoulds running around in my head!
‘no set schedule’ doesn’t mean it doesn’t get DONE! it just means I get to do it in my OWN time!
be well dearest bean! I’m glad you can just rest right now and relax. there will always be time. XO
Rules and ‘you shoulds’ in my head. I understand! Thanks, Tammy!
Well OK then, here are your orders. Feel better IMMEDIATELY. The prescription? Feet up, cozy blanket, hot tea with lemon and, if you have it, vitamin C. Oh, and a substantial nap or two. If you can’t sleep, just close your eyes & LISTEN to your TV shows. Peace.
Those are wise orders, Janet! Thank you.
Rest and relaxation, Claudia. Mindlessness is sometimes a necessity! Sewing buttonholes and buttons onto my Mom’s fleece PJ top and then will begin sewing my own set. Then onto her curtains! Only a few days before younger one returns to college, then a week on campus before flying to Rome for a 3-week class before the professor allows the students 5 days free rein, but they are admonished to stay in Italy. What an adventure she’ll have! And maybe a bit of studying….
Love that you’re making pajamas, Wendy! What an amazing time your daughter will have in Rome!
Lay low and chill. (or keep toasty). We’re lucky we have that opportunity and flexibility.
We sure are. It’s so nice not to have to be anywhere! Thanks, Jeanie!
I hope you’re feeling better soon Claudia. Rest is a good thing.
It is. I did a couple of loads of wash, but that’s about it. Thanks, Maureen.
Thank you for providing updates about your piano. I have a very old piano that seriously needs tuning … and more. I have ignored it for over 30 years, but now with the basement renovation completed, the poor piano is sitting smack-dab right in the middle of the room. Our contractor moved it there when he was doing the reno, but had to hurry to finish the last of the reno, so didn’t get around to moving it to the inset wall. As soon as we figure out how to move it ourselves, my next task to is to hire a piano tuner, and, me, to learn to play again. I have my fingers crossed that your tune will indeed play some jazz for both of you. Ahhh, to be a fly on your while he’s there.
You’ll be so happy when the piano is tuned, JJ! I’ll need to practice every day because I haven’t been and I know I’m ‘out of shape.’
Rest and feel better dear Claudia!
I will. Thank you, Nancy!
Feel better soon.
Thanks, Marilyn.
Much to look forward to while you are cozy, napping, reading, listening and getting better each day – and the piano tuned.
Thanks, Joy! I’m really looking forward to the piano being tuned!
The day got away from me…sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Yes….Chris K said it perfectly….that’s exactly how I feel. I was feeling pretty good today…so I did manage to get a lot done. Course…it does take me longer than it used to. Hope you had a restful day! ;)
Thank you, Donnamae!