For those of you who are new to the blog, this is a little space I carved out of the upstairs hallway. I use it for my sewing machine and a cupboard that holds supplies and favorite things. I used to call it my studio. In fact there was an article published about this space that used that very word.
However, ‘Studio’ is another term I’m trying to phase out – purely in terms of my personal space. Because I don’t feel entirely comfortable with that word. Don insists that I’m an artist. And I am. But do I earn my living from the things I create in this space? No. So, studio? I’m not so sure.
So….what word to use?
Craft room? It’s not really a room, is it? Craft space? No. I’m also tired of ‘craft’ and ‘crafting.’ Creative space? That might be a possibility, although my creative space is not limited to this hallway. If I could get away with it, I’d use the word ‘atelier’ because it conjures up spaces with skylights tucked in the attics or garrets of a French building. And I have a skylight and this space is located in the former attic of this cottage.
Atelier, though bordering on pretentious, might be sort of fun. What do you think?
I’ve chronicled this space a lot on this blog and it has gone through various incarnations. To tell you the truth, I haven’t been using it much lately and I’ve felt sort of ‘meh’ about it. I think it has nothing to do with the space, but more to do with where my head is at lately.
Letitia, my vintage dress form, and the cabinet I got on Craig’s List for $75. I repainted it at the same time I was going crazy painting the bedroom furniture.
The girls: my mom’s Shirley Temple doll on the left, Tressa (who has two left feet, so of course I had to rescue her) is in the center, and Emma (also a rescue) is on the right. Party hat made by my friend Tina, who also gave me the tiara.
Egg cups on a vintage mantel that’s been hung on the wall. I found the flower print in San Diego, the shadowbox holds a program from the Broadway play, Claudia, along with a little tiny bride and groom cake topper. The program was given to my by my friend Suzanne. That burlap and lace ribbon says Mockingbird Hill Cottage. The fireplace screen on the floor was found in my friend Heidi’s now defunct shop. I love it. The pink sewing box was found in Wisconsin when I was coaching there. It holds all the letters Don sent to me when we were courting. (Lamb Chop has recently moved to the top of the sewing machine. She gets around.) The sewing basket (which has recently moved to a closet in my effort to clean up this space) was found in a local shop – embellishments added by me. It holds all my embroidery supplies.
Inside the cabinet: threads, ribbons, buttons, some McCoy, fabric covered boxes, a piece of Roseville Pottery, a koala bear bank from my friend Becky, and my bride and groom cake toppers.
The putz sheep that my friend Lori (who is the owner of Vignettes in San Diego) had a friend embellish and decorate for me is on the right. I treasure it so much! I miss Vignettes, which is my favorite shop ever. The putz sheep on the left was given to me by my dear friend Judy. The Claudia covered matchbook was made by another dear blogging friend, Elyse.
If you look at the frame on the right at the top, you can see the original colors of the cabinet.
My Ranarp lamp from IKEA. And more overwintering impatiens. The pin cushion was made by Debbie of Happy Little Cottage. I found the little blue pitcher with the letters CH on it in a little antique shop. My initials, of course, so I had to have it.
There was a lovely old shelf on the wall behind the sewing machine but it fell off the wall one day. I’m still trying to figure out if I want to repair it or just put something else there.
A favorite chair. If you look closely, you can see where I stepped through the cane on the chair back. Yes, my friends, I did. I was standing on the chair in the bedroom trying to get to a leak in the ceiling and the chair fell over, causing my foot to go through the cane. I was extremely ticked off at my foolishness. Much cursing and swearing ensued.
Lamb Chop and Baby Lamb Chop sit on top of the sewing machine, which is covered by a vintage embroidered doily roll that I found in an antique shop a few years back.
The baby mug with the C was made by Emma Bridgewater. I got it many years ago while I was in London at her shop in Marylebone, which I think is no longer there. I found the wall pocket in a local vintage shop.
A vintage kitchen spice shelf hangs on the wall. That’s the original Lamb with the Party Hat. Yes, indeed! And a doggie toothpick holder, some vintage miniature clothespins and a Paris/Eiffel Tower medal I got at Vignettes in San Diego.
There are other tours of the studio, ahem, atelier, on the blog. It’s had many looks, and lots more ‘stuff’ along the way; I cleaned a lot of that up about a year ago because I was in the mood for a less cluttered look.
That’s it, my friends. No bathroom tours and definitely no tour of the guest bedroom/office/studio which is currently a mishmash of furniture and guitars and amps. Maybe someday.
Happy Friday.
Atelier sounds perfect! Much better than studio. Love the Baby Lambchop…too precious. I need to tackle our office room and guest room this weekend. Luckily I have incentive as one of my brother’s is visiting as of Sunday…the guestroom MUST be habitable by then – ha-ha. Hope you and Don (and the wonderful Dame Scout) have a great weekend…without too much weather…
Snow is on the way, unfortunately! Have a great weekend with your brother, Vera!
I’m rather new to your blog. Which magazine were you featured in?
Studios magazine, a few years back. And also Romantic Homes, Sandra.
I like atelier. I would use the words authentic, real, and grounded to describe you. Never pretentious.
Aw, thank you, Carolyn Marie!
You now have me wanting to frame my magazine article too, I had forgot about you doing that. You should call your space: Claudia’s Corner :)
Absolutely you should frame your article, Dawn!
Claudia’s corner is a good idea – though I fear there are a few Claudia’s Corners in this house!
Hello, Claudia. :-)
I have always loved and been charmed by this sweet, special place in your home. I think I would call this wonderful little nook in Mockingbird Hill Cottage “The Nest”. It’s upstairs, cozy, and home to so many of your very special, beloved treasures.
I’m getting a lot of good suggestions for a name! How to decide. Love hearing from you, Jill!
I’m team ‘Atelier’ for sure! I love how so many sweet little things are in that cabinet and have such meaning for you!
It’s pretty jam-packed, Linda!
Atelier nails it, Claudia. Nothing pretentious about it.
Ah, thank you, Gail! A vote for atelier.
Atelier sounds like the perfect word…not too pretentious…just right! I did some further research yesterday on the “master bedroom” discussion. Seems some people think it is a racist and sexist term…and some realtors are starting to say ” owners’ bedroom” instead. I found this fascinating…it was a slow day at home yesterday! Think it will catch on? Hope you won’t get snowed in! ;)
Very, very interesting, Donnamae! It’s definitely heading toward sexist, if you really stop and think about it. Although, I don’t think I’d go that far. Owner’s bedroom is a good idea. That’s exactly what it is!
Yes, snow is coming. I heard from 2 – 6 inches, but I’m sure they’ll update that total shortly. Don will get to use the snow blower!
Claudia, I love seeing your neat things. The little sheep…so cute. I think you should call your space an atelier…the description fits closely. Hope you and Don have a safe fun weekend. Looks like bad weather is headed your way. Be careful out. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
It is headed our way, this morning’s report was for about 2 -6 inches….we’ll see.
A little more from me this weekend as I digest several previous posts of yours but, just had to say, I kept coming up with a word while looking at your studio. Tuckaway. It’s your little tuck-away spot for whatever you want to do. However you want to putter.
I think I just scanned a headline quickly which said you’re about to be walloped with a pretty good storm. Get ready and…’tuck’ in! Maybe tucking-in reminds me of comfort and childhood, when Mom used to ‘tuck me in’ to bed?
I do love the work tuck, as in tuck in or tucked away. Hmmmm.
Certainly a charming spot for a very charming, creative lady! Enjoyed all the cottage tours this week. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by, Dottie! Have a good weekend!
I thought atelier sounded very pretentious but the meaning I read is ‘artist’s studio, workshop’ so now I am comfortable with it. The Nest is adorable but maybe too ‘precious’? I call my craft area my studio as I feel it sounds more encompassing than craft room and it is on the lower level of a walk out basement. I see atelier as being upstairs. Whatever you call it, I love it and everything in it. I am in a slump right now creatively, too. It will pass…..
I hope it passes soon, Gayle! The winter doldrums, I guess.
Dear Claudia, thank you so much for the tours this week of your beautiful cottage! It was very sweet of you to open your home and make us all feel so welcome. Watch out for weather coming!
Now they’ve upgraded the snow fall to 4- 8 inches. Oh boy.
How about inspiration nook for the space? Loved the tour of your very special cottage home.
I’m getting so many wonderful suggestions! Thanks for your kind words, Linda.
I enjoy seeing your home tour. It’s a nice refreshing tour after the new year. I am like you- I don’t think I make too many major changes and remodels but things DO HAPPEN after a little bit of dinking around. Sometimes a new tour without Christmas or holiday themes are a nice “away” from regular programming. ;)
I enjoy seeing the atelier — I’m not familiar with the term — but I’m always game for expanding the vocabulary!
Have a nice weekend Claudia
Stay warm..
I like doing a tour without a holiday theme. But then again, I don’t do a whole lot of holiday decorating. Snow storm on the way, Pat. A Nor’easter. Gulp.
Well, here’s another country to hear from. Personally the phrase “cozy nook” always comes to mind when I see this very appealing space. So full of things that are special to you. And you can do many different things here as well. So if it was mine, I think I’d be calling it my nook. Enjoy your day!
Okay. Now I have so many suggestions, I have no idea what to call it! Maybe “The top of the stairs”….
What ever you call it..I like it and wish I had
Yes, atelier it is! Thank you so much for your home tour this week. I have so enjoyed it. You have a delightful home and it seems just that—a home. Like you, my home is my favorite place in the whole world. Most all that I love is right here at my finger tips.
I was at Emma Bridgewater’s shop in Marylebone High St. many years back (about 12 perhaps) too – bought some ‘Black Toast’ pattern plates! It would have been fabulous if we could have met there in person Claudia!!!
Love your studio space, you’ve made it so inviting. Poor chair – looks like you patched it up pretty good though.
Hope you’re not buried in snow tonight!
Hugs – Mary
What a lovely little spot Claudia, I love how you make use of every space in your cottage, yet it doesn’t look cluttered, quite an accomplishment! X
Does it matter what you call it? If it’s your sweet space, that’s all it needs to be. We’ve just returned from a week in Key West (glorious!) and your blog is one of the very few I’ve been catching up on after 8 days away. Does that tell you how much I enjoy your life and your writing? Thanks for doing this for all of us.