The Farmer’s Market was slow yesterday. They’ve moved it from the charming little street it was on – where there was a lot of foot traffic – to a parking lot. I suspect the decision had to do with Covid and space and 6 ft between people, etc., but it makes it hard for Don to find anything interesting for a background when he takes his pictures. He did okay, but here’s hoping the crowds increase.
I did some work outside yesterday in the area where the Annabelle hydrangea is and where the rose bush I removed was. I pulled weeds and added some mulch. Then I grabbed the lawnmower and mowed the back forty. It was quite breezy when I was mowing and I felt sort of exhausted and awful afterwards, so I think the pollen flying around hit me hard.
Consequently, I’m tired today and feel sort of foggy and it’s taking me a long time to wake up.
So I’m going to hang out at the cottage today and read. I might rouse myself to wash the sheets and do a little work on the puzzle. I definitely need another cup of coffee, which I’ll make right after I finish this post!
It will be an easy-going Sunday.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
hope you feel better soon and that don’s setting/business improve at the farmers market, too.
i am taking a slow start. i guess because i can. :) also because i am sad and angry about some things. one example … while at my parents’ home, a neighbor (from several doors down) knocked on the door and i answered it. i kept the storm door closed and before anything else, that man scowled and screamed at me, “i’m not talking to you through a glass door!”. seriously? uh, yes, angry man, that’s what you have to do … and stay away from my family … especially with that kind of temper. not worth ruining my day or my mood over it, i know, but him yelling on my parents’ property and demanding anything there, was disgusting and kind of scary. after he left, i got to thinking how running would help me get rid of stress and how i can’t run anymore because of that broken back and that just added to my sadness …
i need a good stress reliever.
and should share it with that man.
enough on stuff like that!
hope you all have a nice day and stay safe.
oh, had fun making brownies (i had none … after a slip, that was day 14 of no chocolate) and potato salad (had some) for family members and they were well received. :)
i should add that my parents’ home is in a very nice area with great neighbors … except for that one guy. maybe he was having a bad day and could otherwise be nice, but i want him to stay away from my family. they know/heard what he did so can keep cool and away from him.
whoo … i pushed “click to add comment” too soon!
to finish the story, that man was knocking on doors to provide an update about a neighborhood project. he wasn’t mad at my family … perhaps just me, the door and covid (i am not excusing his behavior). emails and phone calls would be simpler. hope he will try them next time.
Well, everyone has their moments of impatience. I certainly do!
Enjoy those brownies, Kathy!
Stay safe.
so do i, claudia (have moments of impatience), but i sure didn’t like that man screaming for me to open the storm door and especially on my parents’ property.
no brownies for me, but other treats sometimes. trying to give up chocolate.
happy monday.
I’m sure it was unsettling.
A slow Sunday sounds lovely. I hope you can lounge to your heart’s content and enjoy all the beauties life is bringing you today. Well-deserved!
Aw, thank you, Roxie. The same to you!
Stay safe.
Hello, Claudia! I discovered your blog by way of Mereknits, by way of Mrs. Micawber. I’m back in about 2009, when you on the eve of returning home after spending six months working in San Diego. (Blast from the past?) It’s been such fun following your adventure, because San Diego is home and I am familiar with many of the places you mention. I grew up here, in that very area where you and Don visited on his first visit to you, and though I’ve moved away, I always come back. For me, there truly is no place like home. I’ve shopped at the lovely Vignettes and have a wonderful chandelier and a gorgeous mirror from them. I kept trying to figure out where your apartment was, but couldn’t. I know someone who teaches at USD now. I’ve checked out the monthly sale at the barn in Temecula, which, as far as I can tell, no longer exists; but I believe Miss Peggie’s does. I want to venture forth to Laguna and see Christie’s paintings for myself. And I attended that very production of Coriolanus at the Old Globe. I remember because I was taking a humanities class at the time. It was a wonderful performance! I’m enjoying your blog immensely and am looking forward to your further adventures, and I’m so glad you continue to blog. Nice to meet you!
My apartment was on Pennsylvania just off Fifth in Hillcrest.
Thanks so much for commenting, Elizabeth! (I’d love to have the chance to visit Miss Peggie’s again!) Christie is on Instagram and you learn where she’s currently selling there.
Good memories of San Diego! Don grew up there as well. He often talks about the areas where the malls are being full of orange groves when he was a kid.
Stay safe!
I love San Diego and I discovered Miss Peggie’s when I was last there visiting my sister. Could not believe when I walked in that little store how much stuff was in there! My sister is doing a Southwestern project and she was hoping she would find some pieces there. The owner told us why it is so hard to find pieces. She said the people who did that kind of work are slowly fading away. I would love to know if there is another miniature place that sells southwestern items so I could surprise my sister with some items. What I miss about San Diego, because it is no longer there (sigh) is eating at Anthony’s fishette right on the water. Nothing fancy but the fish was the best I have ever had. Claudia, you are just a mowing queen! Definitely need some time to rest up. Take care!
We used to dine at that Anthony’s. I was still eating fish in those days.
Actually, there are tons of miniature artisans out there. You should search on Etsy.
Thanks, Deb.
Stay safe.
Pennsylvania & Fifth is quite a busy spot! But close to the park, and walking is better than driving. I have fond memories of growing up here, though much has changed. I miss the sleepy little town that was; so very different from the huge city suffocating under a sea of humanity and traffic that it has become. I see glimpses of it here and there, and I cherish them. Presently, you are discussing the 50th anniversary of To Kill a Mockingbird (also one of my all-time favorite books — so cool you own an autographed copy), and you are home again after spending yet another spring away from MHC and all you hold dear. Loved the t-shirt Don was wearing for his performance in Woodstock! Gradually working my way forward to the present and enjoying every moment of my journey. You’re right — you stumble upon the nicest people in Blogdom.
It wasn’t on the corner of those two streets, but just down from there at the end of the block. So it was quieter. I just can’t remember the cross street.
Makes me happy that you’re enjoying the blog, Elizabeth!
Lol! I am trying to have a slow Sunday…but so far it’s not working out that way. Guess I’ll have to settle for a slow Monday!
Sounds like a busy day yesterday for you…you obviously need the rest. Enjoy your day! ;)
Thanks so much, Donnamae.
It was a slow day and I very much appreciated it!
Stay safe.
Watched the Jubilee on you tube on of it…am not up to par so actually had tv on…a delightful respite from all the bad…loved it
Really wonderful, right? Such pageantry and excitement!
Feel better.
Stay safe, Brenda.
Our markets here are always very slow till at least late June. (Up north, they don’t even open the Wednesday market till July). It will pick up when there is more to be found there!
Yes, just have to be a little more patient. It will pick up.
Stay safe, Jeanie.