Yes…more snow arrived yesterday. There seems to be about 6 or 7 inches on the ground. Fortunately, it was the light, fluffy kind which made shoveling much easier. As Don and I shoveled for the second time, I shouted out, “Wouldn’t it be great if this was our last snow of the winter?” I’m ever hopeful.
I’m priming the interior of the dollhouse after a few days away from it. Not very exciting…but it must be done. The little chair I was working on taunted me, so I tried a wash of aqua.
What do you think? I think it needs something more. Maybe a bit of antiquing glaze? I’d like it to look “artfully worn.”
I won a giveaway at Mary’s blog, Across the Pond. Mary is a seasoned traveler and is going on a big trip soon. She gave us a series of clues and we had to guess where she was headed. By some stroke of luck, I guessed correctly: South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. I also correctly guessed she would be visiting Victoria Falls. Doesn’t that sound like the most wonderful trip? Mary is going with some very close friends and I can’t wait to hear all about it. She sent me these lovely prizes:
A travel journal – now I have to go on a trip (and not the kind where I am also working!)
Mary is such a sweetheart – she also included two envelopes full of wonderful things for creating: labels, tags, cards, so many wonderful treats! Thank you, Mary!
Tomorrow is the second anniversary of Mockingbird Hill Cottage! I’ve recently passed the 400 post mark. What a wonderful 2 years it has been!
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