We are having insane thunder storms. After midnight, we woke up to a huge storm which seemed to last forever. All of the mullein plants I showed you yesterday are flat on the ground. They’re just too tall and spindly to withstand lashing wind and rain. My hollyhock was also bent over this morning. I’ve temporarily braced it, but I need to tie it to the trellis that’s in the pot. Forget the hydrangeas. They’ve been pummeled.
It’s depressing and there are more storms coming today and tomorrow.
It’s humid and sticky and thundery and we are over it.
I started a new painting – just the basic outline of the piece of pottery, which I now realize I’ll have to tweak after viewing it from afar.
Meanwhile, my big concern during all of these heat warnings and storms and wind is mama robin, but so far, she seems to be handling it. She was sitting on the eggs when I got up this morning.
We’re in the process of buying a ring light and a background screen for audition videos – most of which are self-taped these days. We live in a small house with very little available wall space and the wall space that is available is often in a too dark part of the house. So we’re buying these things as an investment. Today we drive to the dreaded Walmart to pick up the ring light. Points, however, to Walmart; they made this transaction very simple and easy. Tomorrow a screen will be delivered and we’ll tape Don’s audition.
That’s it my friends – I have to grab some breakfast and then we’re off to Walmart – just over the mountain ridge from our cottage.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
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