I’ve never been more proud to be a card-carrying member of the ACLU.
And that’s all I’ll say about that; at least for today.
It looks like the sun might show itself today. I’m hoping so. The hardest parts of the winter for me are the gray days with a gray landscape and dirty snow, to boot. When you couple those, and we’ve had a lot of them lately, with the news spewing (and there’s no other word is there?) out of Washington, you see a Claudia who is having a hard time of it.
And I know I’m not the only one, not by a mile.
What’s keeping me sane? In no particular order: reading, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post, the New York Times crossword puzzle, the Dick Van Dyke show, my husband, having a sense of humor, cleaning, taking photographs, drinking Peet’s coffee, tending to my houseplants, sunsets, and crying when I need to. I’d add work in there, but at the moment, I’m unemployed.
We now subscribe digitally to the New York Times, with an actual print delivery of the paper on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We also subscribe digitally to the Washington Post. I’m doing my best to give financial support to Planned Parenthood (I made a donation in Mike Pence’s name), the ACLU, John Lewis’s re-election campaign, and the various animal rights groups I support. I think we’ll also start to donate to environmental groups; we just have to narrow our choices down to a few.
These donations are important to us. We need to put our money where our mouths are. They’re modest, but they will surely help those organizations. And that’s a good thing.
Today, I’m going to go to a bookstore. I need that.
I think it’s time to buy a copy of the Constitution and keep it right by my side. (And maybe a novel or two, as well!)
Happy Sunday.
I am vacillating between angrily typing missives that I never post and curled up in my pj’s reading anything to distract me from what we are facing and weeping at everything these days. I am contacting politicians via email and phone and like you contributing as I always have to organizations I support with my heart and meager pocketbook.
I know the phrase is everywhere but it so represents – “if you are not terrified you’re just not paying attention.
Keep up the fight, Suzan. I agree. We should be terrified. And I’ll add that we need to channel that terror into action. xoxo
We’ve been members of the ACLU for years, and made a hefty – for us – donation last night. I have never been so ashamed of my country or so proud of so many of its citizens.
I agree. So proud of the citizens who rushed to protest, the lawyers, the ACLU.
Bravo on everything you said and are doing.
For me today, the weather is clear and I’m going to take a spin this morning in my vintage car; get her out of storage and start her up. Roll the windows down. DRIVE, THEY SAID (that’s the title of a book I’ve liked, of poems about women and cars that I bought over 20 years ago). So, drive I will. And breathe. Just try to breathe.
Lighter fare: Saw in Country Living mag…Country Living Fair 2017 dates…get tickets in advance, 866/500-FAIR; “save money, skip lines” RHINEBECK NY June 2,3,4 Dutchess County Fairgrounds. I can’t remember, Claudia…have you ever been to one of these? They don’t seem to come to my neck ‘o the woods. Sounds like fun!
Yes, I’ve been there twice. Rhinebeck is just across the Hudson River from us. It’s fun!
I just don’t have words right now. Sad, angry, appalled, hurt,distrustful and I could go on and on. I’m just trying to support the things I believe in with some small donations(wish they could be more) and also my prayers. My stomach is in knots and I’m feeling so sick. So another day of rest and hiding myself in a book. Hugs!
I’m so tense. And no matter what I do, I keep coming back to the fact that our country has been taken hostage by someone who isn’t upholding the Constitution and doesn’t seem to care about it at all. Praying. Fighting.
I can identify with everything you said. The sadness is always beneath the surface and the tears come easily as I think of all the vulnerable people being maligned and used to further inflate the current occupent’s ego. I use the many activities you mentioned to distract and soothe myself. But in the end, I feel anxious and afraid and think “What next?”
Same here. I’m feeling anxious at this very moment. Soon, I’m going to head out in the car and turn on the radio and try to escape from all of this – just for a while.
To relieve stress of the daily news I’m walking (briskly), and cleaning the house with vigor. Taking the negative energy and channeling it towards something positive. Hoping it all will cut down on insomnia.
Donating when and where I can. It’s great to be reminded to do so.
Walking is a good thing – it helps a lot! Donating is very important. We have a very modest income, but we do what we can.
Browsing a bookstore will lift your spirits a bit, Claudia. I like listening to music while I’m driving so I’m sent to a different mental place. I hope this week is better than the last.
I do, too. Although…I doubt it will be!
Tweeting. Making phone calls. Donating to the organizations all that I can part with. Crying. Praying. Crying more.
It’s a viscous cycle for me these days. I just have such a sense of despair. I cry at everything. My heart aches. My soul hurts.
I will fight to find every ounce of energy that I can within myself and do my part to stop all of this insanity that is spewing from our White House! And I’ll stop to care for my self and practice some self preservation so that I can keep moving forward.
I really believe it’s important to keep fighting and doing all that is within our power but I also feel deeply that we must self preserve. Take those moments for yourself to lighten the load however you can. If only a few minutes – those few minutes will give you the energy and the heart to keep going.
And one last thing. Might I say that I am so proud of the ACLU, the lawyers, the judges, the citizens who stood to protest, the Senators and the Congressmen/woman that ran to the aid of these people. That is my America. And God Bless Corey Booker!!!!! I have such admiration for that man and so many others.
Have a blessed Sunday!
It seems like I’m tweeting or retweeting constantly, Belinda. Doing the same things as you are doing. I’m also making sure I take time to turn off social media and read or, like we did just now, take a walk.
Yay for the ACLU and everyone who stood up for what is right. It gives me hope. (I love Cory Booker!)
Yes, I heard/watched Cory Booker speak at length the other night on one of the news programs. I haven’t known as much about him as I should so, after this show, I googled him and tried to educate myself. Hearing him talk, I got a real sense of him speaking from the heart (sincere)…and that he’s VERY awake (which is what we need). He strikes me as having serious intelligence (another thing we need right now). Stanford, Yale and a Rhodes scholar? Mayor, then senator? He’s not yet age 50, but lots of accomplishments which I find inspiring. Like any politician/activist, he’s had controversy but I’ve decided he’s a guy from whom I’d like to hear more as time goes on.
I’m very aware of him because he is from New Jersey – right next door to us – and we have heard a lot from him over the years. Admire him tremendously.
Yes, an old-fashioned bookstore would be a welcome destination for today. That being a non-possibility for me, I’ll busy myself in the kitchen, baking bread and making chili. A cool and cloudy day around here, with intermittent showers. Overcoming my anxieties with very good smells right now.
That’s good therapy, Shanna. Baking bread in and of itself is stress reducing!
Oh I am so glad you get to go to a book store! Online book shopping just isn’t the same!
No. It’s handy at times, but nothing is better than picking up books and holding them and discovering new authors!
It was amazing seeing all those people protesting at the airport. Support for our Muslim neighbors. I must admit not always a firm backer of ACLU but this time YES. You know I agree with everything you feel. I have been donating like crazy but I have kept a list. You idea of donating to Planned Parenthood in Pence’s name is inspired. I just returned from my hour walk, really half hour out half out back. I find it clears my head or some times focuses it.
Well, the thing about the ACLU is that it’s about civil liberties. Of everyone. That can make things uncomfortable at times, but it’s the way it should be. We just came back from a walk to feed the horses and I feel better, too.
As you said: I keep coming back to the fact that our country has been taken hostage by someone who isn’t upholding the Constitution and doesn’t seem to care about it at all.
We MUST remember all of the elected officials who are doing the SAME. They stand there by his side with those dim-witted smirks on their faces. THEY also must be brought to justice for standing by this useless being. We can’t forget the part which ALL OF THEM are playing on a day-to-day basis. Obviously they all voted for him, we can NOT forget that.
And that is illegal. It’s his job to uphold the Constitution. He and Bannon (who is about as evil a man as can be) think they can run roughshod over that document. We’re here to tell them otherwise.
Everyone who doesn’t say something, or who equivocates is a collaborator. Plain and simple.
I agree with Chris K. above. I just can’t believe any of the Republican congressmen/women are not openly denouncing this insanity. Not that I am a fan of theirs but I still thought at least someone would have seen this madness for what it is, and spoken up.
And then to read that Trump has installed Steve Bannon on the National Security Council while removing the actual military officer? We have become an embarrassment and a danger worldwide.
And thank the Canadian gods for Justin Trudeau.
I’m finding there is just nothing I don’t like about Canada; what a great country!
Apparently, John McCain and Lyndsay Graham have made a statement. And there are about 6 other Repub. congressmen who have spoken out. Far from enough.
Steve Bannon is evil. He wasn’t elected and he wasn’t approved by Congress for that position. He needs to go. He is a drinker – you can see that in his face. Just what we need, an alcoholic white supremacist in the White House.
I love Justin Trudeau. There is a true leader. A real man, who is compassionate and strong. Trump plays at being strong, but he’s weak.
I take it back what I said about the senators/representatives not speaking out. I just read through a summary from each of them speaking on this issue…including the few that support the ban or who have been silent. Mitch McConnell really is a dreadful person.
And I echo the praise for Cory Booker. He is an incredibly decent, principled soul who is not afraid to speak out again injustice. We knew what a great guy he was back when we lived in New Jersey. He came to Ohio State a few years ago to speak, and my daughter had her picture taken with him…I told her when he’s president we’ll have to remember that day…
Some are speaking out and some are painfully silent. We’ll remember who they are.
Cory Booker is a real fighter and he does what is right, no matter what. I admire that.
Walking into a book store always makes me happy. I hope you had a nice few hours browsing.
I did, Kay. Then Don and I took a walk and that helped, too.
I have a piece of the Berlin Wall that I’ve taken out of storage and put on the coffee table. I’m reminded each time I look at it that although politicians might build walls people can tear them down.
Good for you, CarolJoy. A great reminder that we have power, as well.
This has been an exceptionally difficult week for me. I am mourning not only for my mom…but for our country. I’m trying to find some escape…but if I read…my mind tends to wander to my mom. I’ve found movies and catching up on Sherlock have been of great help to me. What a terrific season of Sherlock! And, I’ve needed a diversion from the likes of that man and the unending question of what has he done now? We really don’t know what proclamation he’s going to sign next…do we? He really has no respect for the Constitution! I really enjoyed Don’s take on the women’s March in D.C. too! And…I really agree with Chris K….we have to hold them accountable….every single one of them! Hope you enjoyed the bookstore! ;)
I’m so sorry that on top of mourning the loss of your dear mother, that you have to witness all the horrible things coming out of the White House. Yes, we need to hold them all accountable. And we need to get the Fascist-in-Chief out of the White House ASAP. Bannon, too.
I took refuge at a bookstore (B&N) today, too. Spent the entire afternoon there in the cafe, sipping tea and looking through about 20 magazines. I’m starting to think that I might need to take a FB break. I get caught up in all the Trump news that comes across my feed and all it does it make me more sad, mad, and angry. I don’t need that.
We have to stay informed, but also protect ourselves. Self-care is needed, Melanie!
John Lewis is a National Treasure. Period.
Some republican/conservative PAC is currently running in Ohio an ad urging everyone to call (our wonderful) senator Sherrod Brown to urge him to speed his vote confirming Tom Price’s cabinet appointment and blah blah blah. Every time it airs, I call the phone number and either leave a message or tell the person answering that I am calling about the ad and that I heartily disapprove of Tom Price but support everything Senator Brown does for his constituency. I also tell them that I want Senator Brown to run for president, immediately if possible.
I try to find Joy any way I can these days. I know you understand.
I so admire Sherrod Brown. He’s the real deal and a fighter for all of us. He SHOULD run for President. We need a leader right now, maybe he will step into that vacancy?
I have fallen victim to a terrible cold. And I know it is because of what is going on behind the doors of Washington DC. I try to stay out of political discussions. But after all is said and done, I am proud of not voting for that man. I feel like vomiting. I like how you and Don will be making your voice heard.
Take care of yourself, Tana. All of this very real stress and anxiety can take a toll on us.
Anyone who condones that mans decision to block a whole group of people because of the actions of a few had best be prepaired to accept when he chooses the next group that he wants to eliminate…it could be you!
I’m so upset by all that is happening in D.C. The horrible decisions being made that WE THE PEOPLE, the sane ones anyway, do not want. And I keep asking myself why our representatives in DC are being so quiet about all of it. Shouldn’t they be doing something to get Trump impeached? It’s almost as if they are all sucking their thumbs and just allowing all of this to happen. THAT is what frightens me.
They should be trying to start the impeachment process now. Maybe they are and we just don’t know it yet. I can only hope and pray that they are.