We dodged a bullet here at MHC. We only got a few inches of snow. It was windy and cold but no crazy amount of snow, thank goodness!
Between the snow and priming the dollhouse, I have been in a sea of white. I finished priming the outside and am now starting on the inside. It’s not all that exciting but I listen to NPR as I paint and paint. The unfinished wood really soaks up the primer. You can see light coming through some of the seams – the previous owners didn’t do such a great job of putting it together. I will hide that with molding…but that won’t happen for a while.
See the chair on the right in the photo below?
It was very, very inexpensive. I thought I would play around with it a bit. It’s a work in progress. I’m not sure what I will do next.
It is in the process of being shabbified, of course. I like it like this but am considering a pale aqua wash over the white. What do you think? Am I headed toward the French/Nordic look in the dollhouse? Is that what is happening? There is so much gorgeous design out there in blogland that I am exposed to on a daily basis, who knows what might come out of my subconscious?
As far as the outside goes, I may go with a creamy white. Yes, I know it isn’t the cute original blue color, but painting an already assembled dollhouse isn’t easy. If I was building this from scratch, I would be painting as I go and that would be much easier. Maybe it will be white with a neat trim color. Oh, my mind is just buzzing with ideas!
I want to mention a little gift I received from my friend Carol. Carol has a booth in Heidi’s shop and she gave me a little bag of miniatures. They are so tiny that I couldn’t get a good photo of them. I know Carol reads this blog and I wanted to say thank you, Carol! You are so sweet and I appreciate your present very much.
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