Well, I’ve been awake since 4 am, which means I’m not in the greatest mood. I won’t name names, but someone who lives here with me is responsible.
Anyway, how was your New Year’s celebration – if any? We were, as you would expect, very low-key, though we were somehow still awake at midnight. Go figure! We were asleep shortly after that, however. We had some sparkling cider and finally came to the realization that neither of us likes it very much. We no longer do carbonation and I think that’s part of it. So no more sparkling cider – just apple juice. Ninety-nine percent of the liquid we drink in this house is plain old water. Well water, which in our case, tastes better than any other water we’ve ever had. I remember my grandmother’s well water tasted very mineral-y. We’ve lucked out here.
I made another batch of the linzer tart cookies. It was a pain in the tush. But they taste good and Don loves them. Halfway through this second attempt I had a realization: this is a vegan recipe but we’re not vegans. We don’t have to use it. It needs a better binder than coconut cream. So I’ll search for another recipe and try another round. The cookies in the photo are Don’s. Mine don’t have any powdered sugar on top. There’s no sugar in the jam, either. It’s all fruit. And I use monk fruit sweetener instead of processed sugar for the dough. It comes in granules, just like sugar.
I received a lovely message on IG yesterday. It was from someone who had seen Spoiler Alert. She is a longtime oncology nurse and she told me my performance was ”spot on.” She also said the way I performed the scene was “genuine and authentic.” I can’t ask for greater praise than that. It was so nice of her to take the time to write a note to me – made my day. Spoiler Alert is the gift that keeps on giving.
You know, I have so many interests that I could have eight different specialized IG accounts. As it is, I have three. One is my regular account, another is for Blythes (because, let’s face, not everyone is a fan, and many of my professional colleagues might think I’d gone crazy.) And the other is for books and reading. I started it when I was still reviewing books. I no longer do that because it took the joy out of reading for me – too many deadlines, too many books, too many other commitments in my life. But I love reading about what others are reading and I’ve found many books over the years through that account.
A gentleman from England has started a War and Peace read-along for 2023. Turns out the chapter count is very close to 365, so a chapter a day is the goal. That’s entirely doable and not nearly as intimidating as it would be if I was looking at that big book and contemplating reading it. So I ordered it from Amazon and it will arrive tomorrow, whereupon I’ll read 3 chapters to catch up. I’m rather excited about this! There’s also a discussion group. I tend to stay away from book clubs and discussion groups, but I’m going to keep an open mind this time around.
Okay. Since I’m really tired and in a somewhat surly mood, this might be the perfect day to clean up my desk in the office. It’s a mess and I’m feeling ruthless.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
Happy New Year again. Hope your year is productive. Igot my new journal ready…it will last less than a month…but I have more…planner is ready. Word of the year…budget…tax folder ready for inserting…I review for Netgally, and I don’t mind. I do short little reviews…I love having the books readily available and for this person who said, “I won’t read books online.” I love love love it…WAR and PEACE…I read that and Crime and Punishment and A. K. in junior high school or early high school…read again when I taught and challenged my students to read it…was just discussing this with a friend the other day…texting…good for you. Will be a great time reading that one. My devotion book I use daily is short…but I read so many books…as do you…Thank you again and again for one of my two favorite blogs…you are an amazing person, and I enjoy reading about the life of DON and CLAUDIA…I especially enjoy the books and the music…thank you again dear girl…Better get busy as the little grandsons are spending time with Nana while off on vacation…they do continue Spanish lessons, math, reading, etc. while off, but we find the time for a million games…keep writing…reading…I will be interested in your journey with W and P…again…
Brenda what devotion book do you read?
I do like devotion books.
Will start daily reading to read through the Bible in a year
Daily strength for women is he title of the devotion book for this year
Well, you know I am not a fan of reading via Kindle, though I tried! And I did read on the Kindle more frequently when I was reviewing books because a lot of them were only available on an e-reader. But, everyone has a different opinion about them and for you, they work! I need the feel and texture of a book and I find I don’t retain details as well on a Kindle as I do when I’ve read a 3 dimensional book – I was wondering the other day if that was similar to writing in a planner or journal with a pen/pencil as opposed to an electronic planner on the computer. I don’t remember anything I type on a computer planner, but I do remember it if I write by hand. Who knows? Since you’ve downsized considerably, a Kindle is the best thing for you, Brenda. And you can read lots of books, which I know you love.
Have fun with your grandsons! You’re such a wonderful grandmother. Bless you.
Stay safe.
I still write in my planner
I write in my journal
I get the same way when my son first got me a Kindle years ago
However the more inside it and now use it on my IPad where I can make letters larger
And I am so germ aware now lol
It works for me
I love it
My family is surprised that I love it this way now
As to devotion books
Some years I read the Bible through
Other times I buy a devotional that has 365 days
No particular one
I do NOT like those by particular authors
I did enjoy the Little Women Devotions
I have a cadre of friends from different areas I have lived. We do snail mail and we do texting prayer requests
I agree that Evette one has to read the way they choose
During Covid 2020 Netgalley saved me
Everyone oops
You can tell typing on phone is difficult for these old hands
I meant to say each person has her way of reading
My students would never believe I do it on iPad now lol
I completely understand how nice it is to make the letters on the page larger. That’s very handy.
I’m not a Blythe fan either, but I nevertheless enjoy hearing about them, and seeing pictures.
Don’t do IG, however, so I’m counting on you to keep reporting on the girls here.
I’m glad I don’t bore you with the Blythe stuff, Petra. I’ll keep reporting on them here!
Stay safe.
Happy New Year! Your Hare design cushion reminds me of the lino print artist Angela Harding. I received a book of hers for Christmas. She also designed the cover for The Salt Path by Raynor Winn.
My next door neighbour invited me in to dinner on New Year’s Eve. She had a few people over including her daughter and her partner who are both chefs. At midnight we watched the fireworks display from London on TV and got talking about Bonfire Night which is celebrated in November and how health and safety were out of the window growing up in the fifties and sixties. Her daughter’s partner who is Iranian had us in howls of laughter talking growing up in Iran and said as teenagers they would make their own fireworks! He also told us of the custom of jumping over a small fire. It dates back thousands of years in Persia and from the ancient religion of Zoroastrianism.
Happy 2023
Dee Dee, lucky you to sit in with such a fun and diverse group of new friends! Thanks for sharing your lovely evening. Making your own fireworks….yikes!
Oh yes, I follow her on IG and I have the Salt Path and a series of PD James books with her cover illustrations. She’s an amazing artist!
It sounds like you had a very interesting and entertaining New Year’s Eve, Dee Dee! How wonderful!
Stay safe.
another lovely, comfortable place to read, day-dream, nap and listen to don playing guitar …! hope you get to do all those things today (every day) and feel/sleep better.
the cookies look yummy. enjoy!
nice, well-deserved feedback on your acting. :)
a chapter-a-day reading of “war and peace” sounds helpful (i’ve never read it).
i was awake until midnight, but not to see the ball drop/ring in the new year … only to finish a small knitting project. i’m in that mood of needing to not only see progress, but to get things done, cross stuff off my list (and not add to it) …
went a couple of weeks with no lights in my living room for having two old lamps checked out/re-socketed. glad to have them back and in place in part because it was hard to get much done as there is no ceiling fixture in there and mostly because these are lamps my parents used for 30 to 50 years. next up are two more family lamps … one that my brother had in his childhood bedroom and the other (part of a set) were from my maternal grandparents. :)
nice overcast here right now. might turn into rain today and possibly snow tomorrow. rain is much preferred!
hope you, don and everyone else have a great day. happy, healthy and safe new year, too!
I never watch the ball drop. I couldn’t care less about all of that hoopla!
Question: Why didn’t you borrow a lamp from a member of your family? We don’t have overhead lights in the living room or den either. I would have gone mad!
Stay safe, Kathy.
same … not against hoopla , but it’s not my way nor my preference for myself.
haha about your question. to my answer, really … because i just didn’t think of it. :) and that’s probably because i was happily staying over with family several nights for holidays and on days i was home, i didn’t get there until 8 or 9 pm and pretty much just went to bed.
i have long been looking online for a lamp that could be chained from a hook to an outlet, but haven’t found any i like. also would prefer a non-swagged lamp. will keep looking, but for now am glad and grateful to have those family lamps back.
hugs and happy monday!
I have a delightful floor lamp Kathy live it
The problem with reading blogs is people keep recommending books! I was very good all year about reserving books at the library instead of buying them. But a week ago I treated myself to a bookstore splurge. One of the books by the door was the newest Louise Penny. You have mentioned her books on your blog, so I bought it. But before I read it, I thought I would see if the library had any of her older books. I checked out a few, including her very first one. So I read Still Life and enjoyed it very much. Then I read World of Curiosities. But sooooo much had happened to the characters in all the books in between!!! So now I have to read all the Louise Penny books to catch up. She’s a very good author! Thank you for introducing her books to me.
I would definitely read them in order, Linda. It’s not that you can’t read them as a stand alone but the recurring characters go through so much and they change because of it and if you didn’t know the back story, it would lose a layer of meaning, I think. So if you can go back and pick up the books between Still Life and World of Curiosities, it would make a difference. I don’t know how many she has written…16 or 17?
I’m so glad you’re enjoying them.
Stay safe.
This happened to me when Claudia mentioned Penny a few years ago. The librarians in Indy were surprised to hear I had not read her as I had read about anything else. They surmised that the reason no one told me was the language. I admit it bothers me but I love her writing. The librarians there still text me and we mention this. Thanks to dear Claudia for taking us about Penny.
I don’t remember the language being offensive – at least not to me!
Just the one word…you don’t know how I am about language…one of my grands asked me one time if I ever used offensive language…no…others don’t bother me though
I am not going to judge what anyone does…I am just old and old fashioned…
Just the one word…
The chapter a day War and Peace makes a lot of sense! Much less intimidating. I really need to go to instagram more often. I lurk. But not enough. Days are far too short!
We were in bed by 10 on New Year’s Eve — I assumed all went well because there was no bad news the next day. Laying low. AND, sending good wishes for the new year!
Thanks so much, Jeanie. I’m definitely laying low today. Very tired!
This may be the only relatively sunny day we have this week. It looks like rain is in the forecast for the next four days.
Stay safe.
I did manage to stay up til midnight, surprisingly. I had the most fun sending out Happy New Year texts to my sons, and getting them back with all the ‘phone fireworks’! What a nerd…lol. My husband only made it, til it was midnight on the East coast. He was quite busy that day, finishing projects that had been on our to do list. I wasn’t quite as busy since I had back issues, so I did a little, rested a little…you know the drill I’m sure.
What a wonderful comment from that oncology nurse. You should be so proud.
Having never read War and Peace, I suppose it does make sense to read it chapter by chapter. However, if it’s a gripping novel with suspense…I’m not sure I could just stick to one chapter at a time. You’ll have to let us know how it goes.
Might be a good day for a nap? Enjoy…whatever you do! ;)
I can stick to one chapter at a time because I’ll be reading another book at the same time. I’ll be doing this little read-along in addition to my regular reading.
Stay safe, Donnamae.
Happy New Year! I went to bed, missing the NYC ball drop…they all looked pretty cold in the spot I saw…. but was awaken at midnight by quite a few fireworks nearby! I’m not a fan of sparkling apple cider, either…I celebrated early with apple pie! Your linzer cookies look delicious! Enjoy War and Peace!
Apple pie is the best, Barrie!
Stay safe.
I love the hoopla in NYC
I forgot to ask grand if she was there.
Love your rabbit cushion, Claudia, and your linzer cookies look delicious. Please continue to talk about your girls on your blog. I’m just getting my two into their pjs. Enjoy your evening. Sleep well. Hugs, Elaine
I need some pjs for my girls, but with 12 of them, that becomes quite an expense.
Stay safe, Elaine.