Last night’s sunset. Winter sunsets – at least here – are often the best. I’m not sure why, though I’m sure there is a scientific reason for that. Or there isn’t one, and it’s just my perception.
We took a walk in our little town yesterday afternoon. We’re determined to keep walking. I was forced to walk, and walk a lot, while I was in the city. I actually love walking around a city. Here? Not so much. Nevertheless, I lost weight while I was in the city. I can see my waist again. Plus, we’ve been really watching our diet for a several months. Winter is when I tend to be a slug, so that’s the time I have to be especially vigilant in terms of exercise. In a switch, Don was winded on our walk yesterday and I was not. Whoo hoo!
Today I’m going to try to clean up the outside pots and put the outdoor furniture on the porch. It’s a lot of work, but it’s relatively mild out there today, so I’m going for it.
The rapidly climbing Covid numbers are alarming. Some Broadway shows have had to close temporarily. Masks are required indoors in New York. (I always wore them anyway.) A woman I follow on IG said she’d been exposed to Covid and that several of her acquaintances who have been vaxxed and boostered, have tested positive. I’m glad I’m not there now. The movie set was rigorous about testing. We were tested 3 times a week – at least in my Zone A group – the group that was around the actors all the time. Mondays: both a PCR and an Antigen test. Wednesday: Antigen test. Friday: Antigen test. In total, I had 24 tests during the six weeks I worked on the movie. Plus, I had two PCR tests when I was working on Anastasia. And I also did an at-home test. Masks were required on set – whether outdoors or indoors. Masks were required when we were in the vans. We were very careful. I realize that people are tired of it all, but it must be done. I don’t have any patience for those who won’t wear masks. I wore one for 14-15 hours a day for 6 weeks. So do medical workers. Suck it up and do it.
End of tiny rant.
I had to find a bigger suitcase for the girls’ clothes. Don has a set of decorative suitcases that we found at a local antique dealer’s shop and he graciously allowed me to use one.
Zoe likes it. Heavens, she’s adorable.
Okay. Have to go.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
Day by day rest up, and enjoy your life, and the sunsets.
Your schedule was exhausting, and stressful.
I researched the story you were filming, a very emotional story about lovely people who lost a lot.
What really amazing people you got to know, and spend time with while filming.
Does Don get to play, and create, with his Christmas present now, or does he have to wait for 🎅to bring it? He has to set a good example for the girls!
We’ll all be waiting to hear him play.
Be gentle with yourself, keep resting, and celebrating your life filled with blessings.
Yes, he got the guitar right away. There’s no way I could have kept it from him!
I’ll get him a couple of little things for under the tree. He’s fine with that.
Thanks so much, Jan.
Stay safe.
The suitcase is perfect, it looks it is magical.
I finished L. Penny book. I am digesting it, not my favorite. I have loved all her books , like I said I
am thinking about it. It did get real long at the end.
Stay Safe,
It’s not my favorite, either, but I really enjoyed it.
Stay safe, Kaye.
Well done on the mask comment!
I’m a volunteer firefighter and we have to wear them for hours, all dressed up in our other protective gear, in temperatures over 100 degrees in your language (over 38 in ours 😁), all while doing really hard physical work: and we were doing that long before Covid.
I have NO PATIENCE with those precious souls who can’t wear one while they shop for half an hour in an airconditioned supermarket. To keep others safe. Spare me.
End of my tiny rant.
Just felt the need to let you know that I agree with your tiny rant! Stay safe and Happy Holidays!
Completely agree with your tiny rant and thank you for your service as a firefighter, Denise.
Stay safe!
I love your pictures of your dolls. I just took a picture of mine.I wish I could figure out how to send it to you. My kids may help me when we are together at Christmas!🤔
You could send it to me via my email – address is at the top of the blog sidebar. Send the photo from your computer as an attachment.
Stay safe, Gloria.
very much in agreement with you about masks and other precautions.
i’ve recently heard people say things like “now that we’re post-pandemic …” … really? ugh.
also agree about walking … it feels good! i still miss running and sometimes get angry about it being taken away from me (broken back and osteoporosis), but i remind myself that it’s a blessing to be able to walk … and pain-free most of the time (thanking God for that part).
i need to get stuff done around here (not tonight!) and keep looking for a job, but am trying to do less on weekends and spend time with members of my family and just “be”. i sewed a couple bed-pillowcases this week and am pleased the fabric design is straight on both of them … haha. enjoyable distraction from the stress and it felt good to cross something off my to-do list.
hope you have a nice weekend and are feeling more rested.
Enjoyable distractions are we all need right now, Kathy. Good for you.
Stay safe!
I so enjoyed your writing. Thank you for sharing. I rarely ever click on blog links, but somehow knew I’d enjoy yours.
I so agree about masks. I am from PA, grew up in NH and live in GA on the SC border. Most people from down here just rant about wearing them. I am vax’d and boostered and still wear mine. I have no issue with doing my part to keep others safe. Some of my grandchildren cannot be vax’d so I worry about them. Two due to age and two due to their mom being against it. Ugh.
Hope you have a Happy Holiday!! ☮️
I’m so tired of these people. I know living in the south where this attitude seems to be even more prevalent (though we have it around here, as well) must be extremely trying.
Stay safe, Beth Ann and thank you so much for stopping by!
I had a cousin die from Covid about six months ago (paternal side of my family). Now, another (maternal) may be dying soon from Covid. (I’m in Southern Calif; they’re in other states.) Both of these cousins were/are anti-vax, anti-mask; refused to get the vaccinations and VERY vocal on social media about it. (As an aside, I will mention they both were/are vehemently pro-Trump; I’ve been estranged as are most of the others of our family due to differing politics and other matters. So, I get ‘news’ about these cousins rather slow in the pipeline due to lack of contact.)
Anyway, I learned yesterday that my maternal cousin is seriously sick with Covid for five weeks and counting (I assume Delta?). Is going to a rogue doctor who was fired from his clinic for being anti-vax. This quack is treating my cousin with that ‘horse’ medication and it isn’t working. Has never put my cousin in the hospital although my cousin is now in a wheelchair, is on 24/7 oxygen and declining, daily (for those who have visited, the cousin is said to look like ‘death’).
IT WAS PREVENTABLE, if only my cousins had gotten vaccinated. Tragic, frustrating; it puts my emotions in conflicting directions. Is not understandable to me how someone could be so misguided. Like, why fuel a problem for yourself and others? It is incredibly selfish and sad. I feel badly for my cousins; the needless suffering. If this one cousin doesn’t die, who knows about future disability from the virus (the long-hauler aspect) in remaining years of life?
I can’t remember when we didn’t have a mask mandate in my area of California. Well, maybe in the earliest months of pandemic/2020. You can’t enter any public place without a mask (not a store, a library, a medical clinic, a theater, a bank, a restaurant, a school, etc.). A few try to defy it; but, for instance, in a restaurant, you’ll be refused service (it’s unfair to be the restaurant host or server and have to become ‘policeman’, possibly coming up against a anti-mask bully and putting yourself in jeopardy with a combative person, just because you work there and are tasked with enforcing the rules).
I’m trying to reconcile myself to the fact that it may be like this for the remaining years of my life because we’ll never get to herd immunity with the non-compliance of these unvaccinated individuals. It’ll just be one variant after another. (Unless, as someone said to me, all the unvaccinated people wind up dead from virus, leaving only the vaccinated alive to populate the world?) So, quit fighting the mask once and for all. It’s here to stay.
And hope that medical professionals don’t walk off the job en masse because they’re so fed up and exhausted. (Look at them, wearing masks in 12-hr shifts or double shifts; to think THEY are not tired of the mask wearing[?], but they have no choice!)
We’re about to head into the third year of pandemic. How could any of us have imagined such a thing. I remember when, embarrassed to say, I had to look up the word ‘pandemic’ because I wasn’t exactly sure what it even meant.
My heart goes out to medical workers. They are exhausted fighting to keep people alive who refused to get vaccinated. It never stops for them. I multiply my insane schedule working on the film by 3 years and oh my god. It’s inconceivable.
I’m so sorry for your losses and you’re right – they are entirely preventable. I have no patience with it anymore. None.
Stay safe, Vicki.