• Thanks so much for the spirited discussion on yesterday’s post. I learned something from all of you and I thank you for that. Gosh, I love it when that happens! You are the best.
• Happy first day of Autumn. It feels like it out there. I stepped outside to take a picture and the air was rather brisk. This is what prompted me to venture outside in my pjs.
I’m telling you, every morning is like this, give or take a few blooms. Was the secret adding fresh topsoil to this new garden bed? I’m not sure, but these are the most prolific morning glories I’ve ever had. (And there’s one bloom behind the fence that you can’t see!)
I’ve titled this: Impressionistic Morning Glory.
Yes, I can’t get enough of them and if you’re sick of seeing them…well, you’ll have to find something else to read. Because I’ll be posting them as long as I can. All too soon it will be barren outside and I’ll be scrambling for something, somewhere, that is photo-worthy. Believe me, this happens every year. A panic sets in: what will I blog about now that all the flowers are gone??
Like clockwork.
• Mowing yesterday. Tired Claudia last night. But it looks good out there.
A couple of thoughts for you today:
• I believe that energy, both positive and negative, has more power than we realize. In this election process, I’ve realized that so much – almost all – of my energy has been focused on he-who-will-not-be-named. And that, my friends, is mother’s milk to him. (As is lying, but that’s another subject.) He laps it up – doesn’t matter whether it’s positive or negative. Negative energy puts the focus on him. And he is completely unworthy of my focus. So, as of this moment, I am focusing all my energy on his opponent – on helping her become President of the United States.
Positive energy for her, rather than against him. I refuse to give him any of my attention. He doesn’t deserve it. He is beneath contempt, he is everything I was brought up to believe is wrong and evil; so why even give him one microsecond of my time? Energy beamed toward someone who cares, who will help those in need, who has always worked for others, who has a 40+ year history of doing good? Yes and yes and yes.
• And, the other thought; succinct and to-the-point: #blacklivesmatter. I’m heartsick. Something has to change.
Do I even have to say here that the vast majority of police officers are good people who, I trust, do not racially profile our citizens? Because I guarantee you, someone out there will read #blacklivesmatter on this blog and immediately think I’m trashing all police. I don’t have much patience with that limited form of thinking. It comes from a defensive posture and limits any healthy discussion that might bring about positive change.
And yes, I have a family member who had a long career as a policeman in Michigan. It doesn’t matter. It has nothing to do with what is happening now. There is something terribly wrong and it has to be addressed.
• Don and I are currently running a GoFundMe campaign for our friend, Dawn. She is the most hardworking person we know. She cuts my hair as well as the hair of lots and lots of people in our small town. She works 12 – 14 hours a day and charges…get this…$10 for a cut. That’s it. It’s not uncommon for me to drive by her shop in the early morning hours – I’m talking 6 a.m. – and see her cutting someone’s hair. Not only that, she is kind, has a generous spirit and is always thinking of others.
She had to have serious kidney surgery last Monday. Very serious surgery. She will be unable to work for a month and she is the sole source of support for her family. So, last Friday, we started a campaign for her and we’re 2/3 of the way to our goal! Our intention is to donate enough money to give her some time to heal, time in which she doesn’t have to worry about bills and food.
• And finally, I looked out the living room window yesterday and saw a hummingbird dining on the geraniums and managed to grab my older camera and get a quick shot. This is a biggie for me because I don’t have a hummingbird feeder and I usually can’t get to my camera quickly enough to get a picture.
Immediately after this, he was gone. It’s not perfect, but I don’t care! I was so happy to get the chance to photograph this beauty.
Happy Thursday.
Great shot of the hummingbird! I will never get tired of the morning glories, that shade of blue is my favorite color.
Purplish in the morning, more of a blue by afternoon.
You are so right Claudia. Two days ago I posted about something that had upset me and once I released it, all of a sudden, many good things started to come my way. It’s amazing what happens when you focus your thoughts in positive ways and release the negative energy.
At what point in time did the police become like bounty hunters who are told to shoot to kill. With the guy in Oklahoma, there were 4 cops there. You’re going to tell me that 4 cops don’t have the training needed to handle one guy? And the most recent, in NC … that guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Cops were already hyped trying to chase someone else down and they got the wrong man. Now, many people who probably really don’t even care about the incident, are out in the streets causing chaos, taking advantage of a terrible situation — nothing good ever comes from a mob mentality. It’s all senseless.
Bravo for doing what you can to help Dawn.
Your thoughts are on point, Tammy. Thank you for sharing them here.
I for one am pretty tired of all the election & political stuff, but most especially the negativity. So no matter who someone supports I say we all focus on the positive. Stop tearing down the ones you don’t like and build up the ones you do like!
So glad you got that shot of the hummer, he’s gorgeous!
He is, isn’t he? Thanks, my friend!
When I think about Charlotte, NC I think about the woman who was a comfort to me the year I had to fly from California to Ohio for my dad’s funeral. Charlotte was a stopover for me but home to her. So I am wondering how she is doing (if she is still there) with the protests going on. That is where my focus is right now. I find hummingbirds fascinating. And blue is my favorite color. The past three days we have accumulated over 13 inches of rain. Today the rain has slowed down to more of a drizzle off and on.
Wow, so many of us could use some of that rain! I’ve never seen the rivers so low around here. It’s really shocking! I’m glad you got some well needed rain, Trina.
Is there a link you can provide for the GoFundMe account for your friend if we’d like to donate?
Yes, there is Belinda. Thank you for asking!
Your commentary on a positive political campaign is so needed…thank you! Nothing good can come from wallowing in negativity…we need positive plans of action. And…we need positive plans of action…so that another black man is not shot down. That breaks my heart.
As far as morning glory pics are concerned…hold a couple back….we could probably use the “lift” come January! ;)
I will! Sometime, in the depths of snow and cold weather, I’ll post a couple. That’s a good idea!
I really love your posts where you talk about a lot of different things, and then I get to see your flora and fauna! I saw a Western Tiger Swallowtail yesterday…I happen to look out the window towards my lemon tree and saw a butterfly alight. What is that? So I googled and found it. Took a bad photo. I read that it’s rare to see them at rest, but the one I saw was on the lemon tree leaf for a few minutes. I was tickled because I never catch nature stuff like that!
Idea for your friend Dawn….there is a website called mealtrain.com, where people can sign up to provide meals to Dawn and her family at a set schedule, for as long as she needs them. I’m sure her clients would be willing to help out. This will help her so that she doesn’t have to go grocery shopping and cook. When my husband died, my neighbor signed up on Meal Teain, and my very generous neighbors and friends provided home-cooked meals for my family for over a month. Some also gave me gift certificates for restaurants.
So glad you saw that butterfly, Wendy!
And thank you for that information on mealtrain – I will pass that on to Dawn’s daughter.
I have to add here…when my dad was so sick, which happened suddenly/overnight, and I was trying to straddle time at the ICU while also trying to take care of my disabled mother back at her home (this went on for six weeks til he died), a friend of my dad’s came more than once with a big pot of soup. I don’t cook much, and I was worn out mentally and physically; my dad was dying, and I knew it. That simple container of homemade soup (nothing elaborate; just healthy veggie soup and another was a bean-based one), which I could warm up for Mom and myself (over several nights; it stayed ‘good’ in the frig for days and we never tired of it), was a healing gift like no other…and it’s something I’ll never forget. If you can do anything for somebody in need, take them soup. It was so comforting; so nutritious when we needed it the most. If it works out better for you, make the soup, cool it down, put it in a disposable container and then take it to the person who can use it…that way, they don’t have to worry about getting a soup pot back to you, when there’s a hundred other details.
Yes, soup is a great idea!
Positive energy is always better than negative energy. What a lovely thing to do for Dawn. Your morning glory shots are beautiful. Sorry to say I believe ours are past blooming and my husband will tear down the vines before he leaves town next week…they are almost completely brown and shriveled. I’m enjoying the cooler temps and the Fall light. I love it!
Oh, poor morning glories! I love the fall light, Vera. It’s so golden and lovely.
You capture the most incredible shots on camera, Claudia.
How lovely that you are helping your hair-cutter friend!
I hear…oh, how I hear(!)…what you’re saying about a re-direction of energy. I can apply it to a problem I’ve been having for a very long time with a seriously-dangerous neighbor who is a horrible man with a sick mind. I’ve seen his psycho behavior play out in too many ways with more than one person in various circumstances over too many years. He’ll be leaving soon but his movements have a tendency to control what I do around my own home and I can’t wait for him to permanently leave which I believe will happen by year’s end. My husband keeps telling me, similarly, for my own health and well-being, to instead focus precious energy on something other than this sub-human who is not worth my time. But it does take self-discipline. My better half is much more successful at it but he’s also the one who’s gone from home more than I am; he doesn’t have the daily, negative exposure.
Just as I can’t go outside of my home without seeing this aforementioned low-life around his car, in the garage or in the back yard, he-who-will-not-be-named is also EVERYwhere, from when we start up the computer or turn on TV or open a newspaper/magazine. It has to be a bit of cognitive training to change one’s thought process, to switch off the undesirable reaction … and it ain’t always easy.
It can be really hard to reprogram our responses. I’m still sucked in by Trump’s madness, but I look away as quickly as possible and think of Hillary and send positive thoughts her way.
A very long time ago, didn’t Bing Crosby sing;
🎼 You’ve got to ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive
E – liminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Likely it is still a very good thought! I am extremely jealous of your MGs!! They are beautiful. The one a day that I usually have open are the same color. I have a hummingbird still here, too. I am worried because they are usually gone by now. My husband keeps telling me I am probably seeing 23 different Hummers, but I am just as convinced that is one who overslept the day they all headed south, and NOW what will happen. Hope you are having a grand Thursday!!
Well, the hummers are still here, as well, so I don’t think they feel it’s time to move on yet. I saw a Monarch today, as well. Maybe this warmish September is keeping them here a bit longer?
Gorgeous photos! Love the one with the hummingbird. Have a good weekend dear friend.
Thank you, Judy. I’m so thrilled that I managed to get a picture of a hummingbird! Have a beautiful weekend. xo
I think last year the Predominate
legislative folks,( trying to be nice here) drew the line when,they said “as the majority we will let him make NO progress until he repeals “Obama care,”(it is so badly needed in its purest form)and wouldn’t work on even the most urgent work that needed to be done
and then there became ONLY two partys , The Haters and the rest. Donald is preaching Hatred and meaness to our Country EveryDay! Some of these unfortunate Countries where they are in constant war,Civil and otherwise. Killing their own people in the street, whole families, in their beds! I doubt, infact I know, of the ones I’m talking about,Did Not start out to be Haters! It can happen! Please God Soften Our Hearts Before its to lLate
-Judy A-
I agree, Judy. Love, not hate.
Such a kind gesture you and Don have made for your friend. Still shaking my head at the latest report of stupidity in politics…It seems that “There was no racism before the Obama administration”. And now, all of my suspicions about certain “supporters” have been confirmed…again.
Thanks for the pretty shots of flora and fauna.
Oh, that was unbelievable. I had to listen to the video because I couldn’t believe anyone would say that!
You don’t ever have to stop posting your MG’s for me Claudia…in a few more months I will be longing to see them again…I agree with you…Positive energy for her, rather than against him…may just save my sanity this election…As for #blacklivesmatter…I wish I had an answer but once a gun is in someone’s hand…only that person can control what happens…I do know that every time it happens…every time a black man or child has their life taken away I grieve for them…I feel such an ache in my heart…If a child can be shot..his young life taken away.. for playing with a toy gun..then maybe toy guns should be taken away…at the least they should not be made to look so real that it is hard to tell it is a toy…Aren’t our children’s lives worth more than a store making a few more dollars…every good person deserves to live their life out in freedom and happiness…and without fear…EVERYONE!!!
Everyone indeed, Nancy. Thank you.
He-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named. I LOVE THIS – it’s absolutely perfect. Weeks ago, I reached the point where I have to either change the channel or immediately mute the TV [or Mac] when I see “it” appear. I literally CANNOT STAND the sound of its voice. Or the sight of its Orangeness, for that matter. You’re 100% right about the attention too. It’s absolutely AIR to him. The minute one controversy gets “talked out” by the media & begins to fade, he does some new outrageous thing to remain in the spotlight. You can almost feel him gasping for the breath of Attention. So pathetic. I wish some journalist would be really brave and ask – How did you become so damaged? Did you have an abusive childhood? Did you fall on your head as an infant? Were you ever deprived of oxygen for a significant period of time? Seriously – what the hell happened? Whether his pathology is organic or psychological in nature, it’s incredibly clear that HWWNBN is one sick puppy. And in no way qualified to be the town dogcatcher, much less President.
I can’t listen to him any longer, either! A good book, a movie on TCM, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries – all are my escape mechanisms!
I agree about the negative energy. My escape mechanism was streaming BBC mysteries, and then WHAM! our rural area suffered a huge dip in WIFI service, “they” are laying new fiber optics, “They” say, but it will be months. Sigh. So I took you at your word and ordered some more Louise Penny novels, rented from Netflix the DVD “Still Life”” (a Three pines Mystery), ordered satellite TV for TCM…all will help the escape from politics, I will vote for my candidate, and hope most sane people do the right thing and ignore the HATE, HIM-who-shall-not-be-named and wait for snow.
TCM and Louise Penny will go a long way toward muting all of that political stuff, Melissa!
Your morning glories are spectacular. Based on your beautiful pictures I’ve convinced the hubs we need to plant one since we seem to have good luck with viney plants like our clematis in the front of the house. Right now our backyard pergola is completely taken over by a trumpet vine which the hummers absolutely love. Humming birds are very territorial. We have one who has visited all summer and often poses for me on a low branch whenever I’m on the patio. I have some lovely shots of my him sitting there and cocking his head at me. If I’m sitting reading and don’t notice him right away, he’ll hover over me until I look up. It IS a thrill when you capture them in a pic, isn’t it? I’m going to miss him when the weather turns.
Oh, love that information about your territorial hummingbird! How lovely!
Absolutely agree Claudia with your thoughts about positive and negative energy. Since I have found the truth of this I try really hard not to stay with the negative for too long. Like the old saying goes you can’t stop birds from flying over your head but don’t let them make a nest in your hair! Talking of birds, I live in England and had never seen a hummingbird in the wild until I visited my friend the USA. I saw two in her garden and it was so beautiful I will never forget it.
They are incredible! So magical. Thank you, Valerie.
I’m a day behind but love the hummingbird photo! They are hard to catch as they move so so fast! I had a long but productive day yesterday. Catching up this morning. I’m so with you on the election and that’s all I’ll say about that! Hugs!
Sigh. I’m trying my best to be positive in the face of the constant negative bombardment. Not to mention, willful ignorance.
Did you decide where to hang the portrait of Charlie?