I know a lot of you are coping with this same weather. It’s so incredibly hot and humid out there! All I have been doing is watering. I had to water at least four times yesterday. The problem lies in the fact that spring was late this year and this heat wave is too early. Seedlings, like my morning glories and zinnias and moonflowers, are still young. This heat just wilts them, and if I don’t water them throughout the day, they will die. Likewise for the new plants in the garden beds. And, of course, anything potted.
And it’s going to be even hotter today. Consequently, I am delaying my trip into the city until tomorrow. If I leave the plant babies for two days, they’ll die. Not on my watch!
So I will be on watering duty today. Don understands. He’s tired. I’m tired. My allergies/sinuses are going haywire with this humidity. If I go in tomorrow, I’ll come back on Wednesday. I’m going back in on Saturday because someone’s birthday is on Sunday.
Then I have jury duty. Not at all excited about that.
I love the way this clematis has three petals completely open and three closed. It was that way throughout the day yesterday.
This daylily is new. I planted it in the big garden bed.
And the pink spirea is in bloom. This is part of a huge bush that is at the far end of the porch, along with the Annabelle hydrangea.
Time to water.
Happy Monday.
The color of that day lily! We have avoided the heat, but today, we’ll see. Fingers crossed for your plant babies.
It is simply awful here. 10 am and so humid already I couldn’t believe it!
This heat wave is brutal and we are on the 4th day of it. I always get cabin fever in the summer when it’s too hot to be outdoors. My garden is struggling this year too and this heat wave is not helping. I go out & water at 5:30am!
Me too. I want to be outside in the garden or sitting on the porch. It’s just too awful out there to sit or work.
We have the same issue here. Thankfully last week was full of rain and gardens are looking better. But today I’m pulling out a tree that didn’t survive the winter, two bushes, some perennials and even some of the plants I just pot to take back to the nursery. Generous return policy and I’m taking advantage of it. I’m not going to replace them at this point. I’ll wait til Fall and then plant bulbs and hope for a better Spring next year. Today our next heat wave begins, so I’m up early and off to do some gardening and water the veggie patch before it gets too hot. Then the rest of the day will be catching up on case notes and expenses before I head back to work tomorrow. Hope your day goes well Claudia. X Chy
We haven’t had rain in a while now. The rivers are at a low level. I’m hoping and praying we get some soon.
You have worked so hard on the garden that leaving it now would hurt! I’m glad you can stay a little longer and water. The heat and humidity has sapped my strength and I’ve been super lazy. I’m hoping a couple of meetings and maybe a day trip with a friend will help me get going, well unless the heat melts me! Take care.
It’s exhausting, this weather!
Gorgeous flowers!
Thank you, Carol!
The color on that daylily is gorgeous! Glad to hear you are saving your plant babies. Just brutal heat and humidity. I’m anxiously awaiting the cold front…supposed to be here about noon or so. Hurray! Rain and thunderstorms will follow…but that’s ok…it’ll cool things down. So far, I haven’t lost anything….it’s taken lots of water, believe me. Relief is on the way for you, too, I hope. Enjoy your day! ;)
Please come, cold front. We may get thunderstorms tonight. I usually don’t like them but I welcome them right about now!
It really has been brutal. It seems that we just can’t water enough. I have even had sprinklers going early in the morning and later in the evening. The pots dry up so quickly. Keeping the bird baths full is another job. They certainly do get used all day long.
I understand your wanting to stay while the heat persists to keep the plants alive. It would be so hard to leave them in this incredible weather. We are supposed to get some rain overnight and the humidity is to break tomorrow. Then, through the weekend, it looks like our temps will be BELOW normal ~ in the 70’s. So excited about that! After the past 4 days of this, everyone is pretty excited about it. Hope you find some peace in your day today.
We just had a brief rainstorm (right after I watered) and more are on the way tonight. Hopefully, that will be the break we need.
as someone with Afib and other heart conditions it’s the worst kind of climate for me and yet here I stay. I have simply adjusted to staying inside in the A/C in the summer.
bless you for caring whether your garden lives or dies! it’s the same here.
it was 85 here this morning at only 5:30 with 76% humidity! just crazy. climbing to the 90’s.
at least for us it’s normal. for you it must be horrendous. it’s a particular type of weather that must be acclimatized or it can do you harm. be careful. xo
It feels like 103 right now. But it just rained briefly. More storms on the horizon.
Claudia, This hot weather is making gardening a must. I water my plants early in the morning and try to move one big one around to shade here and there to keep it from frying. :):) Some delicate plants I just keep in the shade all day. Hope we get a decent break from this heat soon. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie
I think we’ll get a break tomorrow, Susie. Thanks.
Cooler weather is on the way, so the say. It IS way too early for this all-encompassing wet heat. I only go outside lately to get the hose out. Discovered the deer have been using our day lilies for a lounging area at night – they’re all crushed flat. Every year, something different in the garden.
It’s always something new. Completely unpredictable.
I think you made the right decision! It’s not just the plants, it’s you, too; all the running around in the city getting here & there in obscene heat, who needs it? This way, you can take cooling breaks for yourself between the waterings. Maybe you should skip the earlier-in-the-week trip in, and just shoot for the Sunday special day. At most, just leave it open. No pressure.
We have friends coming to the show tomorrow, so I’m really going to try to get it. It just rained. More tonight.
Goodness, the color of that day lily is amazing! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that color before. Another keeper for my “Claudia” folder I think. PS – jury duty = yuck. Unless I was being called to one of the Manafort trials, or to a trial involving any one of a number of others in the current Cast of Characters [because we ALL know there will be more trials] – I wouldn’t be thrilled either. But who knows? Maybe you’ll get something interesting [if you are chosen]. The heat is already breaking here – we’re getting a nice steady thundershower right now. Peace.
I’m hoping I’m not chosen! Jury duty, along with Don’s show closing, is a bit much for me right now.
Your flowers are pretty and look healthy. Our grass is starting to turn brown. The thunderstorms should help to give it some more moisture. Have a safe trip to the city.
My grass is turning brown, too. But the rain should help!
if we were neighbors, i’d be glad to water your plants while you’re in nyc. since that’s too far from where i live, i will hope and pray that you get more rain and a break from the heat and humidity. and safe travels, fun with don and being in nyc.
kathy in iowa
That’s so sweet of you, Kathy. We did get rain and today feels much better!