Saturday morning.
I did some more work outside yesterday, but once my lower back started aching a bit, I stopped. The main/big garden bed has been completely cleared of fallen leaves and debris. So have the two beds near the porch. I still have to clear out the memorial garden and the beds where I sow seeds, as well as the beds on the other side of the house. But there’s no hurry.
In the past couple of years I’ve discovered all the youngish crabapple trees on this property and this time of year, when they’re in bloom or about to bloom, is the best. In yet another ‘get to know your property line, Claudia’ story, I was looking out the kitchen window at the crabapple that is just off of the Secret Garden, right behind The Dude. It’s the first crabapple I discovered several years ago and I was so charmed by it that I cleared a path which leads to the tree.
As I looked at it, I also looked at the much larger and very tall crabapple that is beyond it. It’s in full bloom as well and it’s gorgeous and I sort of envied my neighbors for owning that large tree.
Until I looked closer, went outside and looked at the property line.
It’s our tree.
Go figure.
I’m thrilled that it’s ours. Do you remember last year when we discovered that our property lines were a bit more expansive than we had thought? These are the things you discover when you continue to stay close to home due to a pandemic and do a lot of chores on the property.
I’ll try to get a photo of that tree today.
We might take our first stab at the front lawn today. We had to wait for a couple of replacement parts for our lawnmower and they’ve arrived. The grass is really long in some places, so we will have to stop the mower periodically to unclog it. Happens every spring.
But darned if I don’t love mowing the lawn so I’m rather excited!
So far this week, I’ve started one book and after reading a few pages, stopped. I just didn’t connect to the author and her writing style. I’ve started another book – a mystery – that was in my TBR pile and I’m not far into it but I must admit, I’m a little thrown by the occasional occurrence of awkward sentence structure. Where was the editor? In all cases so far, it would have been a simple fix. It’s not enough to deter me at this point, but every time it happens, it pulls me out of the story.
I recognize this particular error because sometimes I’m guilty of the same thing when writing this blog, but the difference is that I go back and reread my post before I publish and ninety per cent of the time I catch it and make the necessary correction. But this is a blog and that’s a BOOK.
Anyway, I’ll move on.
Just because I haven’t shown them lately – The Girls.
I suspect they’re anxious to get outside and explore the property. Soon, girls, soon.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
Good morning, Claudia!
I’ve been offline since Friday morning and just read your Friday post. The feelings you expressed were what drove me to go offline for a bit. Also, add DeSantis to the mix! Watch out for this guy! He is as morally depraved as Trump, but he is smart, and that makes him SO dangerous.
I’m sure you’ve read about the Disney debacle. Two counties will have to pick up the tax burden , and those counties happen to be blue. Not a coincidence. The Villages is another self-governing area, but it is full of Trumpers, so you can bet they’ll be left as they are. It’s all just so disturbing!
I, too, was sad to hear of Robert Morse’s death. I had a crush on him when I was in high school and often sang or hummed “I Believe in You ” to myself. After my divorce I dated a man who looked just like him and didn’t realize at the time my enchantment with this lothario until I thought about who he resembled!
I’m glad your back is feeling better. Enjoy spring!
Oh, I watch DeSantis. My sister lives in Florida.
I despise his actions.
Love your story about Robert Morse, Suzanne!
Stay safe.
that’s good news about the crabapple tree and property lines! and that the weather and (especially) your back have allowed you to get outside and do some of your favorite lawn/garden work! glad for you.
the girls look sweet in their portrait.
hope you find yourself enjoying those books, at least the second one you described, or others soon. i am not so patient, giving a book ten pages!
i look forward to having more time to read and especially to be with my family. though my boss would like it extended, may 06 is my last day of work. will see some of my family today and it is raining so this will be a good day for me!
wishing you all a good saturday, too.
You sound like you’re in a good place, Kathy. So happy to hear that.
Stay safe.
Claudia ….I want to comment on your “shed”. I am pea green with envy. I always wanted a shed of my own. I would paint the floors white and seal up any holes the “critters” could get in. and furnish it with a daybed covered with cabbage rose print pillows. I would like to think I would paint or write or be inspired to create in that private space. These days….I am having trouble with my back pain. I walk four or five miles along the Long Island sound every day in order to keep my old joints lubricated.. This morning barely able to bend. Oh well….take a hot shower and get moving. Keep well and continue posting those pretty photos of your charming place. I love the girls…..(expressions, coloring and outfits and poses) Are we too old to play with dolls?
I’d love a shed like that, too, but our shed has to house the snowblower and the lawn mower and all sorts of other things! So I just get this little area next to the wall. I’m sorry about your back pain. Mine is recurring these days.
Never too old to play with dolls.
Stay safe.
The girls are looking sad today. I think they need to get out an play!
And three cheers on discovering the tree is yours. I’m eager to see a photo. I used to have a splendid crabapple that came down so much in a storm it had to come all the way. It was gorgeous in the spring (and is now the site of the hosta garden — which won’t be much of one, if I keep getting the five deer in the back yard!)
It’s lovely here today so far — rain predicted but we had so much in the middle of the night (I worried about my basement but OK) that maybe that will do it. In any event, I will get out for my walk earlier than usual, hoping to see Harry the Heron (he’s back!) and then either trimming backyard bushes before they get their leaves (easier cleaning up sticks than branches!) or washing the living room windows. RIck said he wants to grill out tonight so I’m off the hook for cooking!
Have a wonderful weekend. (I do love the fabulous green of your sofa!)
I tried to take a photo of the tree but the sun made it sort of disappear. I’ll keep trying.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
I am glad spring is rolling out in your area and you are able to be outside. Not so much where I live.
I am hoping and hoping that Macron will be reelected in France. Le Pen is dangerous and in my book quite horrid.
Take Care,
Park City, UT
I am praying about this election.
LePen is a Putin fan. She cannot be elected.
Stay safe, Kaye.
It has to be said . . . you are just the cutest. :)
Oh, thank you, Chris!
Stay safe!
I’m always so taken by that GREEN of your love seat in the living room; I remember when you got it. It’s just the most amazing sort of spring green; reminds me of what we’ve still got in our southern Calif foothills right now, where they’re greened-up with patches of what I call yellow mustard although there’s some other wildflower that is abundant and mimics it. (We got a spot of rain this week; an unexpected April shower; I’m still so excited over it, as any little bit helps us here, where we’re always so precipitously close to the edge on drought!)
Mind that back, Claudia; you are still so vulnerable to injury. I know it must be frustrating you. Do you do some GENTLE stretching for it? I’m finding that helps me; I’m trying to not take ibuprofen although I need it.
Love the girls BTW. Happy weekend to you and Don.
Glad you got some rain, Vicki!
Back is hurting a bit after mowing a very long lawn yesterday. We’re not in mowing shape. So I’m taking the day off today.
Stay safe.
Hello little ladies,
Have a very wonderful weekend!
Thank you, Pat! The girls thank you, too.
Stay safe.
It’s nice you are getting some outside garden and yard work done. I know you enjoy it.
I do, but I have to take the day off today. Sore!
Stay safe, Linda.
We are going to attempt the No Mow May here. I know in the country it isn’t necessary, but within the city limits, I do think it might help. My husband loves to mow, but he has vowed he will try his best!! I think the Dandelions will drive me mad, especially the white puffy “remains”, but if it helps feed the bees, I can put up with it!!!
Glad you took the day off from outside work today. Resting is always a good thing to be able to do when we can. When there are no deadlines, it really is the smart thing to do. Patiently, the work-to-do just waits for us. It doesn’t judge. We always seem to forget that.
We did make it to 80* today, and it wasn’t humid, which was lovely. Good to have windows open and bringing fresh air into the house after this too long winter. Only 68* tomorrow and then colder the rest of the week. The end, though, has to be in sight!!! Hope you & Don are enjoying the weekend. Take care.
Good for you! We have dandelions all over the property and I don’t weed them, I just let them be. There will be plenty for the bees, thank goodness.
Taking the day off today as mowing a very thick and overlong lawn really made us sore!
Stay safe, Chris.
Oh, the girls! They’ll look so amazing outside, especially once your gardens are fully bloomed!
Claudia, what do you have in your memorial garden? We’ve created a small spot with a stone bench, a glass and metal garden stake that says “peace” …. oh, and our tiny oak tree that we hope one day will tower over this area. But have no idea what else to put here. So bare. Looking for inspiration from someone who already has one.
Hope you and Don can relax tomorrow after your busy day!
X Chy
I’m not happy with my memorial garden, Chy. It’s never quite taken off. I’m going to try to address that this year. I’m afraid I can’t supply any inspiration this year.
Stay safe!
I’m sure you’ll make it amazing!
I’ve been searching online and have come up with a few ideas but now have to convince the husband it’ll be worth the work ….
X Chy
I’m so excited you own a new tree, hehe. I would be thrilled also!
I started a Blythe collection recently too. I’d love to share mine with you. Can you please tell me where you bought the sweet one front row, 2nd girl on the left. I took one to the car wash today, lol
Enjoy your weekend❤️
I’d love to see your Blythes, Stacy. You could send photos through my email address at the top of the sidebar.
I bought that girl, and the girl on her left from VegaDolls. You can follow her on IG. She lives in Spain and is a lovely person. Be warned, those two dolls are the most expensive girls I own – totally worth it to me because the detail is exquisite.
Stay safe!
Every time I see your sofa, I fall in love with it all over again (that, and your egg cups and the cabinet they are in). I think those dolls are just a tiny bit addicting, lol !!!
Thanks, Dawn!
Stay safe.