• An insane amount of mowing took place yesterday, along with digging out a garden bed for the memorial garden, which led to yanking more weeds here and there, which led to two really tired gardeners at the end of the day.
And then I had a sleepless night. Well, not entirely sleepless, I did go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning, but I’m running on empty and two cups of Peets French Roast this morning.
• This morning finds me pondering how there can be a candidate for the highest office in the land who embodies everything I was taught not to do, everything my parents (and my church) said was morally wrong. Gordon and Shirley Hill raised me with a strong sense of what is right and wrong; you must respect others, bullying is wrong, there will be no name-calling, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, making fun of anyone is wrong, lying is wrong, judging someone as less-than because they have a disability is wrong, racism and prejudice are wrong, misogyny is wrong, xenophobia is wrong. I cannot help but think of my father right now. We talked politics a lot in his last years and he was appalled by what was going on. Oh, Dad, if only you knew just how much worse it’s become.
That we have a candidate who continuously and flagrantly says and does what, to me, is simply immoral and cruel and dangerous, yet somehow gets away with it, is a frightening commentary on our society. As Don said: Everything I grew up believing was right and kind and good and loving has been turned upside down and what I believe is morally wrong is being applauded.
For heaven’s sake, making fun of someone with a disability would have knocked him out of the race in any other year. He would been called out for that and his Presidential aspirations would have been dead in the water. Why was his obvious mocking of a reporter with a disability okay? Why do so many excuse that behavior? My nephew is disabled. Is his case different because he’s four years old and cute?
And what about the rest of it? The insulting tweets, the disparaging comments on women, the marginalization of anyone who is different, who believes differently?
Shame on everyone who turns a blind eye to that behavior. Shame, shame.
Though I respect different points of view, I’ll admit to having a very hard time with those who look away and excuse his comments with “He’s telling it like it is.” Really? That’s not the way it is in my world, nor the world of those I know and love, nor will it ever be that way in my world. So while I will continue to do my best to be respectful in the face of everything I despise and abhor – because my parents taught me that was the right way to behave – I will not like it. I will not tolerate it. I will not support it.
And in case you’re about to say you don’t want to read political commentary on my blog, it really isn’t political commentary. It’s a moral imperative. If I muzzled my very real fear of what we are becoming, I wouldn’t be honest with you, and most importantly, with myself. To not speak out is wrong. Gordon and Shirley didn’t raise me that way.
• Since they’ll be gone very quickly, let’s look at some peony and catalpa buds.
Between the peonies, the wild roses and the catalpa flowers, we are in Heady Scent territory right now and we love it.
• Check out the hollyhock! It’s already huge. I wonder how tall it will eventually get? The brown stem to the right is where last year’s flowers ended. It’s already taller than that and we haven’t even seen the beginning of the flowers. This self-seeder is a blessing.
• I dug this out of the closet the other day. My next project. It’s 1:24, or half scale, so it will take up less room in our tiny cottage. I’m doing my research by reading all about other Fairfield builds, all the while thinking that I’ve never done anything like this before.
But I’m excited and eager to start in on a new project as soon as I’ve handed over the TSP to Don. June 24th, my friends. A big birthday for my husband and a big birthday for my nephew, Little Z. Yes, they share the same birthday! Isn’t that lovely?
Happy Tuesday.
So very well said, Claudia, and I wholeheartedly agree. This no longer has much to do with politics, but more to do with a deep disappointment in the character of so many of our fellow Americans.
I agree, Shanna.
I agree wholeheartedly with your comments. It’s not politics, it’s decency. I never talk religion or politics, but this year has tried my soul on so many levels. It can only get worse.
You put it so well, Melina, ‘tried my soul.” I feel the same.
You write what is in my heart and on my mind. So disappointed in our citizens that this abhorrent behavior is not only tolerated, but encouraged. Manners and personal morals seem to have vanished. Thinking today of the 1968 CA Primary and the events of that night.
I was reminded of that just a few minutes ago. We lost a great man that night.
I was living in Burbank at that time and saw it live on TV.
I am appalled at the presidential race this year. I have no words but yours are exactly how I feel. I pray for our country, our citizens (all of them!) and don’t know how we will be able to hold our heads high if we continue down these paths.
Love your flowers this year. How fun to have your next project ready to go. I know it’s a BIG Birthday for Don! Welcome to medicare!
It’s been 4 months since I lost my Charlie and I’ve had a hard morning but memories can be sweet as well as sad.
I know. It will be four months since we lost Scout tomorrow. I’ve been thinking of you, my friend. Know that I’m sending you a big hug and that I understand. Scout has been on my mind so much. xoxo
Amen! This has been an appalling primary season and quite frightening. What is the world (our country) coming to? on a lighter, more positive note, your new project looks like fun!!
I never thought I’d see this here, in this country.
I hope it will be fun, Vera! Right now, it looks awfully complicated!
Claudia, I so agree with you and thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am so shocked and horrified by the demeaning talk, the horrid behavior and the applause given for such behavior. I listened to a table full of people behind my family at a restaurant last night and felt downright despair at the tone of their conversation. There are times these days, I feel I need a bubble to help filter the din, but as uncomfortable as it is, we must…we simply must not ignore such ugliness! This country has a great deal of work to do. (Thank you for closing with beauty, Claudia. xo)
I agree, Dori. We can’t ignore it. We must speak out.
I thought closing with beauty would be a good thing to do. Thank you!
Thank you Claudia.
You’re welcome, Cindy.
Thank you for sharing your feelings so eloquently.
You’re welcome, Sylvia.
From across the big water we observe the presidential election campaign with great anxiety. I am as appalled as you and you are absolutely right, he is not telling it like it is. It is not. Not in the world I live in. Thanks for sharing. x
You’re welcome, Christina. Please know that there are many, many of us here who do not support this in any way, shape or form.
Your parents would be proud of this post – and as for me, I agree with every word !
PS looking forward to the big reveal on Don’s birthday and to your new ‘house’ adventure.
Thank you, Regina Anne!
Oh, Claudia. The shame and the disgust of it all. It is beyond words. Someone said his big talk of making America great again, simply means take us back 50 years when race and respect were less than stellar. Back to the good ol’ days…… a travesty.
Al and Elaine didn’t raise me that way, either.
I remember that night of the California primary so well. I cried for him, as I cried for his brother just a few years before.
I sob for our country today.
Exactly. Back to when it was a white man’s world, with white men in power. I don’t want to go back there, thank you very much. I remember it well.
I don’t blame you for having to vent on this political subject. It is completely beyond my understanding. I am a Canadian, but we still follow American politics. What on earth has happened to people’s thinking? I don’t think the majority of people are like this, but somehow the intolerant minority is winning out.
I hope and pray the majority of people are not like that and I have to trust that honor and good will win in the end.
I do not think Hillary is any better, do you? Never in a million years would I vote for her…
I agree with you Bonnie….she has a history of inability to tell the truth….and to put up with a man who has blatantly had multiple sexual encounters WHILE IN THE WHITE HOUSE!! Still voting for Donald Trump!
I’m sorry to hear that, Suzanne. It seems we have very little in common.
Bonnie, I think she is great and I support her. I don’t see how anyone can compare the two. And I’ll leave it at that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
You said that all so eloquently Claudia…and I couldn’t agree more! I am hoping against hope, that there are still enough people out there, who feel the same way…I think there are. But, our voices need to be stronger! I wish, every political post would end with flowers! ;)
Our voices need to be much, much stronger. Finally, we’re starting to see the media actually hold him to account for what he’s been saying.
I am so sad with the way our country has evolved. I just think that taking God out of everything when this country was founded on Godly principals is going to be the ruin of our country, The election coming up is a no win situation, It scares me to think what my grands have to look forward to in the future, Scary thoughts.
Excited for Don’s birthday to arrive. Your flowers look great.
Have a great Tuesday.
Scary, indeed, Judy.
Politics are now treated like “reality television” the more shocking and controversial the higher the ratings with viewers. Honesty, Integrity, and Aptitude are usually the first things to get voted off the island, or in this case – “FIRED”.
I agree. I think that’s exactly why someone like this man has come so far in this election process. So, so sad.
This is the first election that I don’t have a candidate to vote for. Neither one represents the United States that I love. The world is sitting back and trembling because of what we have become. It’s terrifying why I think of our children and grandchildren if this is the future and legacy we’re leaving them.
We are surely leaving them with a country that would allow a man with no moral compass to run for President.
Thank you for writing this post. I am sickened by the candidate, his party for supporting him seemingly REGARDLESS of his actions, and I am especially disgusted by apathy of those who say, Oh well…BOTH sides are “doing it”.
Yep, both sides are guilty – but I am especially shocked at the number of Republicans who have decided, in spite of their previous opposition, to throw their support his way, all the while having to make statements denouncing whatever he comes up with on a daily basis.
Exactly Claudia! I do not understand why other Republicans are endorsing him. I keep hoping that there is some kind of backroom deal in the works to oust him from the party and nominate someone else! It’s a slim hope I know.
It is a slim hope. But how does a Republican deal with all of this, especially if he/she is up for reelection? My short answer: Just stop and do what is right, not what you’re calculating might help you win your seat. It’s time to take a stand.
O, Claudia, you are so articulate and you stated what many of us have thought and felt. It is one thing for people to say the truth of how things are, but this is……..I can’t even find the words to say how I feel. The deep concern and sadness it all brings. To be rewarded with so much publicity for such behavior is unthinkable. And yet Paula Deane was severely punished for something she said 30 years prior and yet today this the media is having a field day with this situation as though it is perfectly acceptable. And this so much worse.
Heaven help us all.
You’re so right, Joan. What a double standard! It says something about the standards we hold some to, and the lack of standards that we tolerate in others.
O, and Claudia, I forgot to mention that you and Don are in my thoughts regarding Scout. Four months can seem like yesterday. It has been about a year since my Jack and Peaches have been gone and though there is healing the emptiness still echos. So I think of you during these times.
Thank you for closing the post with so much beauty and life giving hope. Sometimes during all that is going on in the world the one place that sanity remains is in nature.
My garden is definitely keeping me sane this summer, Joan. Thank you for your thoughts on Scout. We really miss her.
Oh, can’t wait to see the new doll house progress from the kit you already had on hand!
Claudia, on my 16th birthday, my mom gave me a little book that I still have, somewhere in my clutter. I don’t recall the exact title but it’s something to do about what it means to grow up and be a good woman. It’s probably less than 20 pages and was probably put out by somebody like Hallmark but, I’m telling you, it’s a gem…and I’ve been trying to live up to the ‘rules to live by’ in that book ALL my life…because they are the basic rules about decency, honesty, respect, self-worth, kindness, friendship, etc. One thing I always remember is its passage about standing up for right in every situation no matter what the world will say or do. I knew that anyway from my own two good parents…but it reinforced it. (It doesn’t hurt to review The Ten Commandments either. God’s law.)
I’ve stopped looking at the online polls. It’s too upsetting. I vote today in SoCalif with an undercurrent of unease.
I’m glad you’re voting today, Vicki.
We must stand up for what is right no matter what. There’s no other way to live a life with integrity.
Well said Claudia. I have to agree, what are people thinking? I hope people get out and vote.
I love the new house it is a beauty. Your yard is beautiful. I never realized how much work you do in it.
Have a great day.
A lot of work! It’s almost two acres, though some of that is woods. We have a push mower, not a riding mower – and it’s tiring, but it’s also good exercise!
As always you hit the nail right on the head. Margaret didn’t raise me that way either, and I can only hope I raised my son too. I believe that Satan has entered our political arena. It is the only thing that makes sense. For the first time in my life I am thinking that I won’t be voting in November. I have to vote my conscious.
Oh, I’m voting. You can bet I’ll be there in November.
I watched a program on the History Channel yesterday about the Roman emperor Caligula. It seems that once he was in power, he became more and more drunk by that power and said and did whatever he wanted, no matter the consequences. Anyone he was AFRAID of he would kill (along with their families at times) or banish them to a deserted islands to starve. Anyone who did not agree with him he killed. His people became afraid of him because he could just nod his head in anyone’s direction and they were dead. I know that is a far cry from what we are experiencing here, but our version of that seems to be living in the world of “You’re fired!” if you don’t agree with him or are “nice” to him. Seems he “likes” you as long as you have the same thoughts and ideas as him, but the minute you don’t, he nods his head in your direction and the ugliness begins. He has not even been voted in yet, so what would it be like if he were? It’s all very concerning. Thank you for your post today.
Exactly, Brooke. Well put! It takes but a few steps in the wrong direction for a megalomaniac to become something very much like what you’ve described.
Right on, Claudia! What have we come to that millions are supporting the playground bully? The seriously disturbing part of this phenomenon is that there is so much fear and ignorance in the US.
Increasingly so, I think. We cannot be ruled by fear. And there’s no excuse for ignorance. For heaven’s sake, all one has to do is google and/or consult something like factcheck.org – which is totally impartial – and the truth is there. No one seems to want to do the work to be a responsible and knowledgeable voter and nowadays, with all we have at our fingertips, it couldn’t be easier.
All the reality TV shows build their popularity on shock value, it’s what people crave today. So they enjoy the shock value that the candidates are bringing to the election process. I would like a do over, everyone gets the same amount of money to advertise, every time they put down or slam someone they lose a vote from the electoral college. They may present their agenda, but are not allowed to criticize anyone else’s opinions. Maybe then I would know who could best serve the country and the people’s best interests.
That’s a great idea, Brenda! And I would also like to add that we should be doing what other countries do in their elections – 6 weeks. That’s it. Not this endless campaigning that costs billions of dollars and leaves those in office in the position of always having to worry about the next campaign instead of doing their jobs.
Neither candidate inspires me to vote for them. Being from a military family I don’t trust the one candidate and don’t want the other from the way women are treated. Neither one shares my values . I will vote when the time comes.
Your flowers are so pretty. With all the rain we have received my roses are doing well.
Glad to hear you’ll vote, Trina. I am one who feels everyone should vote and I’m proud to say I’ve never missed an election.
I think the rain has been good to our roses, too, Trina. That, and a milder winter!
We both are so on the same wavelength where this is concerned. I still revisit your blog entitled, “Kindness Matters,” as it perfectly captures the loss of grace in this country and the evil of intolerance rearing its ugly head.
What concerns me is that the person in question is only the symptom of a deeper-seated illness of the collective mindset of cruelty, intolerance, racism and hatred that is permeating this country.
The fact that he is not challenged suggests that this toxicity has existed all along and he has given permission for it to return, hence his Make America Great Again motto that translates into, Make America White, Male, Eurocentric and Christian Again. So many strides that have been made over the decades in danger of being wiped away.
Is reality TV, of which he is king, to blame? A genre that celebrates the worst in us, from the Housewives franchise that exploits what is the lowest caliber of women, to Honey Boo Boo that celebrates ignorance and foulness.
What about real heroes, women and men who bring up children to be productive and respectful? Will they become obsolete?
As far as Hillary is concerned, it’s like blaming a rape victim for screaming. If any one of us had to endure a husband’s infidelity broadcast on a local level of neighborhood, circle of friends, parish, church, etc., and then you magnified by the millions witnessing it on a global level, I think a tantrum or two would be warranted.
Why are women not standing up for other women? I watched my mother be totally ostracized by her parish when my father cheated on her. Everyone treated her like leper. None of her friends stood by her. That was 50 years ago. Have we not learned anything since?
The rise of fascism and Hitler and Mussolini would not have happened had people said, No, not in my country.”
Let’s remember, “Never again.”
You put it beautifully, Tina, as always. We are in a downward spiral where ignorance is applauded, hatred and fear are celebrated, cruelty is just a matter-of-course, education and learning are scoffed at, and it’s only getting worse.
As for women not standing up for other women, I agree. What the hell is fueling this judgement of someone who had to stand in the public eye and be gracious when her world was crashing in on her? Of course, the way we treat others will come back to haunt us. Judging Hilary based on the actions of her husband is misguided and spiteful. I sure hope that kind of betrayal doesn’t happen to them!
Thank you for voicing this Claudia. I agree with everything you said and also with Tina’s comments above. I’m with HER-
You’re welcome, Brenda.
Oops! I meant Tina not Trina.
I thought you did, Brenda. I’ll edit your comment.
This post hit the right targets…as seen by all the comments. I’m with you, Claudia, and please be cheered that I raised two women of this current generation to be respectful, compassionate, and understanding. While we may disagree on the trivial so (really, you want to watch Reign?), we agree on the fundamentals. They too are appalled by what seems to be happening on the political stage. I don’t agree completely with the presumptive Democratic candidate, but I sure don’t agree at all with the Republican one.
Much better to concentrate on your flower photos! And excited about the new mini project that I can enjoy vicariously! A mini mini build that we can learn from your capable hands. Exciting for you too, as a first. What wee items you will build and order to furnish your 1:24!
Can’t fate be a hoot?! Don and Little Z sharing the same birthday. It’s akin to my daughter and my Mom sharing one.
Wee items indeed, Wendy! By the way, Don will be 65 and Little Z will be 5. Isn’t that fabulous?
Well said, Claudia. We were talking about the very same things the other day. We all agreed that if we had young children, we would not allow them to listen to this man for all the reasons you listed. It is both discouraging and frightening.
If I had kids, they would never hear a word out of that man’s mouth! That would be akin to saying one thing and doing another!
I enjoy seeing the northern flowers through your eyes. I miss spring
up north. I just don’t get the whole Trump thing either. It is sad and scary.
Spring is beautiful here, though ours was rather short this year, Kay! xo
So I’m an MSNBC junkie, and I’ve been watching the whole appalling Donald Trump show for nearly a year, and in the last week or 10 days, I have a new theory. I believe he’s self-sabotaging his candidacy. I think he misjudged the whole situation in a serious way, and is now doubling-down on the outrageous comments, because he doesn’t REALLY want to be President. It’s perfectly possible that NO ONE is more surprised about the position he now finds himself in than Donald Trump. In the first place, I really don’t think he wants to work as hard as the President has to work. With his resources – and especially at his age [he’s nearly 70] – why would he suddenly want to take on the most stressful job in the world? It’s not like he’s been in politics all his life, lusting after the ultimate power of the Presidency. I think his whole candidacy really started as a major goof on his part. The rich guy was bored and wants a new game to play. And the narcissistic guy wanted a boatload of attention. So the gums started flapping, and eventually he fell deeper and deeper into the well. He never thought he’d actually gain a substantial number of supporters/voters. But even with all his ludicrous banana oil he spewed, he did. Then he thought surely people would come to their senses and another candidate would pull ahead of him in the polls. But no one did. Then he thought the GOP establishment would NEVER accept him as the party standard-bearer. But milquetoast Republicans across the country put party ahead of country – and DID profess their support. NOW it’s up to him to get out of this jam. So he’s doing everything he can – and before the convention – to blow up his campaign. To start with, he’s making a newbie, amateur effort. He doesn’t yet have a large-enough staff of seasoned political operatives, and those he does have seem to be fighting among themselves [if the rumors are true]. PS – am I the only one who’s noticed that most Trump surrogates seen on TV look like Boss Tweed? Pudgy and pasty? He’s already announced he won’t be self-funding the general election, but according to the pundits, he STILL doesn’t have the financial backing [SuperPac] he needs either. And what kind of intelligent candidate would bring up lawsuits he’s involved in – and insult the judge attached to one to boot? His behavior and his rhetoric are simply beyond belief. But there’s still time – the convention is still weeks away. He’s hoping that if he blathers outrageously, night and noon, until then, the GOP will draft another nominee, no matter how twisted the mechanics of that would need to be. Of course Donald COULD simply withdraw his name from consideration, but he won’t do that. He WANTS to be “kicked out” so he’ll always be able to blame the failure on others and how unfair they were to him. Of course I could most certainly be wrong, but if Donald Trump really DOES want to be President, his thinking on how to go about winning is absolutely-incomprehensible.
Interesting theory! I do know that he went into this never thinking it would turn out the way it has. I’ve heard that before. But I think he simply can’t shut his mouth. He has to be the winner. Everyone else is a loser. And if you make things hard for him, then it’s time to attack. This behavior is second nature to him, indeed, it’s the way he functions every day of his life. He’s being doing this for years, just in another arena. I’ve disliked him for years and years, watching his megalomania, his narcissism and the way he attacks anyone – especially women. Remember his attacks on Rosie O’Donnell? But we’ll have to see….maybe your theory has some truth to it, Janet!
Yes, I agree 100%. He can’t shut up, and he can’t just fold his tents and slip away in the night either. His narcissism won’t permit it. And the narcissism is boundless too. Have you ever seen ANYONE with a more powerful need to tell others how wonderful he is? That whole deal with “John Miller the publicist” is completely bizarre. Speaks VOLUMES. The joker has serious issues, and as Hillary said, the “why” is for the psychiatrists to figure out. But the bottom line is this is clearly someone who’s in NO WAY qualified for – or suited to be – President.
I have to jump in here. Claudia/Janet, great observations; much food for thought. This also had fleetingly crossed my mind…the self-sabotaging (I’d thought, ha, so that’s it; he wants out, and this is how he gets out…because nobody would act like this or talk like this; he wants out and this is how he’ll do it). I couldn’t figure why this crossed my mind until Janet said it so succinctly just now. I’d wondered (as things have just gotten worse and worse and worse), why not just exit gracefully and redeem himself; it’s okay to change one’s mind…but maybe to him that would be too much of the tail-between-the-legs; humiliating…for somebody who perhaps like the chase, likes the gamble, likes the game, the competition, the challenge, so has to win above all else because defeat is completely unacceptable…then, when they’ve won the prize, ambivalence sets in, on to the next contest. Doesn’t he kinda do that with real estate…always the next big building, the next big golf course? Like a conquering thing.
It’s not that I don’t admire people who take big risks and who can do things in a big way…but, I’m involved, I’m a citizen, risks are at MY expense now; it’s not just about him anymore .
Initially, when there was talk of him running for the office, I laughed it off as a big joke…then there was this complete incredulity (this can’t be happening). I wonder if even he has had to admit to himself that he’s in over his head; or would ego prevent that from ever happening? I took on a job once that I felt underqualified for, yet they hired me anyway, and my instincts were right; I was always one breath away from drowning with that position…was never so glad to finally resign a job. Stressful. Who needs it?! Why would he need it? What is the ‘something else’ he’s looking for that he doesn’t have?
Does he want a different kind of fame? More power? He doesn’t strike me as a person who puts country (or anything) over self; I just don’t believe the big call to serve. Reminds me of the new money (nouveau riche) at the end of the 19th century and early 20th century in America, when you had the big barons with tons of money…but what were they lacking? A certain place in society, history; legacy, lineage, acceptance. So, what did all those old rich boys do? They married their daughters off to dukes and earls and lords in England; guess it happened in other parts of Europe, too. The dukes with their crumbling estates but glittering aristocracy now had rich American wives who brought in money to save those great houses and vast acreages…and what those women got were a title of ‘Duchess’ or Countess or whatever. I just read about this recently; google Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England (Consuelo Vanderbilt). It was the remaining thing new money didn’t have or couldn’t achieve…whereas they wouldn’t before, old money NOW had to give you some respect, since your daughter was married to a British nobleman.
Back to HIM, I’d wondered if he’d even live in The White House; it’s not grand enough. This is one very wealthy man who lives in palace-like dwellings. Then, I saw something…don’t remember where…when he was asked that exact question and he seemed to reluctantly say something about it being tradition that it’s where the President should live. But I couldn’t keep out of my wild imagination, images of gold and luxe decor until I stopped myself. Sometimes this whole thing is so surreal it makes you want to blink; some weird blend/blur of fantasy/reality…then it’s like a cold rock in your stomach that, no, it’s all very real; this IS really happening. Like a speeding train. I don’t like being in the seat of powerless passenger. (Feel less powerless…and vote!)
Ah, I’m rambling; sorry. The subject/topic is fiery; tunes us up!
Good Vicki..I’m glad to know that those of us with these thoughts are not alone…
I think his ego would not allow him to gracefully withdraw. He’s too competitive and he labels people as either winners or losers. If he withdrew from the process he would be admitting he was in over his head. He’d be a loser – in his vernacular, not mine.
I see what you mean.
Part of why I need more cups of coffee this morning is that my husband and I stayed up late watching election returns. There were other ballot issues/measures of which we had interest in besides just the presidential candidates. It prompted a lot of discussion between us two, which is good. I hope everybody was talking about it in their living rooms rather than just tossing it off as a ‘why vote?”
You know, although alternatively we’re told to ‘question everything’ (at least in my generation!), I think we try first to see good in people; give them a chance; take ’em at their word. We want to believe in people! Maybe it’s easier. Maybe it feels better. But, thank God in the first place that you can even get people to run for office (what if nobody wanted the job!). We want to depend on a good leader. We want to feel good about who’s running our country.
I’ve tried hard to picture Him with leaders from other countries, like at some big summit. Is he statesman-like? Is he eloquent? Would he be looked upon as credible in the bigger world? Could he project authority without swagger? What is his experience with ‘government’?? What’s his exposure and experience of what goes on with Congress? Is he as completely informed about major issues confronting our country and globally (as he should be) to take on such a huge task as leader of the free world? How would we be perceived outside of the U.S. with this man at the helm? And, at home, in a natural or human-created disaster of epic proportions, could he come onto our screens and make us feel secure? Could he make us heed instruction; help us keep the faith? Could he be counted on to be rational and intelligent with much needed and measured calm, if everything else in our life was shaken, stirred and turned upside down (ala 911)?
There’s no perfect candidate, probably ever or throughout time, but it’s just too important to not think it through and ask yourself what’s important, to you, as a person, as a citizen. I’m glad for all the opinions, from you, from readers here on your blog. All discussion is good. Over the next five months, I know you’ll blog about this topic again and I think it’s great, Claudia. Keep on doing what you do and speak from your heart.
I will, Vicki. Thank you.
Thank you Janet for voicing this theory…It is basically the thoughts I have been having for quite some time now…from practically the beginning of the garbage mouth spewing..I have watched his face closely..the little half smile and smirks when he says nasty things…I said then and I will say now…He is playing a game…he is having fun seeing how many people will buy the ugly garbage he is selling…I agree that he never thought it would go this far and now he has to figure out how to get out of it…I thought maybe I was the only one having such thoughts so now I don’t feel so strange about it..lol..I only hope we are right Janet..and if we are..there are a lot of people out there that are going to feel very foolish..deservedly so!
Yes, Nancy – I agree. DT is definitely playing some kind of game. And like you, I really hope we are right. It gives me some hope that we finally began to see some of the GOP establishment backing away from Trump today. Maybe more of them will begin to see the light and put country ahead of party. I was quite proud of Sen Lindsay Graham from South Carolina, who seems just sick about what he sees Trump doing to his party. This gentleman has character. But we need many more people to stand up and say the same thing. Claudia was right when she said that it was the lack of pushback that allowed Hitler to do all he did. And pushback is just what’s needed now with Trump.
I was very moved by Lindsay Graham’s statement. He was clearly speaking from his heart and I applaud him.
All very interesting! Though I’ve seen that smirk for years, long before he entered this presidential race.
PS – your blog needs a LIKE button, Claudia – LOL. There are usually a lot of comments I like, but today’s is just overflowing with them! ?
I agree that he is an abomination and I will never vote for him. But I think, rather than just lamenting the deterioration of standards in our society, it’s worthwhile to try and understand why there are so many people – many of whom if looked at individually I’m sure we would describe as decent — are willing to turn a blind eye oh his horrible behavior and support him. There is obviously a deep well of frustration, fear, resentment at large in the country and I think it’s a gross and unfair oversimplification to attribute it all to too many people being racist bullies at heart. These people’s feelings are real, complex, and deep. Unfortunately, the only candidate who many see as recognizing and acknowledging their frustration is a narcissistic demagogue.
I think that he will be a disaster, but, for different reasons, so will she. So at this point it looks like I’ll be leaving that part of the ballot blank this November and continue hoping/looking/praying for true leadership — a person who honestly honors the essential balance between common sense and the common good.
But, Rebecca, regardless of the level of unhappiness, there is never an excuse to support someone with those views. I’m sorry. If they are unhappy, then work to support a candidate who really cares about them and wants to work for change. Trump doesn’t care about anyone but himself.
No one is saying their feelings aren’t complex, but the fact is, at the end of the day they have made the decision to support someone whose feelings about race and women and ethnicity and torture and a whole host of other issues are indefensible. So no matter the complexity, if the ensuing action is to support Trump, then I am going to assume something about that voter. If I told you I supported Hilary or Bernie, you’d assume something about me, too.
So, respectfully, I don’t think it’s simplistic, but I do think it’s simple. If they are unhappy and they’re willing to support a racist, xenophobic, misogynistic candidate – then they are going to have to realize that their support condones those views. Simple. If they are unhappy but don’t condone those views? Stand up and be counted and write in another candidate. Simple. There’s really no excuse. It’s exactly why Hitler came to power. He knew how to use the unrest of the people to his advantage. But he couldn’t have come to power if everyone had said, “No. Absolutely not.”
Your garden is looking lovely! I’m so pleased that you’re going to undertake ‘The Fairfield’ as your next creative endeavour. I shall be on the lookout for half scale accessories at the miniature show here in September! :D
We try to watch a variety of news sources with respect to the American election coverage. At the moment all I can think is that if you’ve gone too far in Newt Gingrich’s opinion, then you’ve gone way too far.
Oh, you’re so right! I thought the same thing when I heard that this morning! Thanks for the laugh!
I just read all of the comments. Over the weekend I said what Janet said to my husband. I think he is in way over his head and he wants out…never thought it would come to this and he needs a way out. What better way then to be his actual stupid self and then, if he is forced out, blame the Repubs, the Dems, everyone else but himself.
I have never understood the “don’t vote for Hillary because her husband had affairs” rally….. what??
And today Paul Ryan says “this statement is Racist.” But he will vote for and support him anyway. So, what the Speaker of the House is saying is “I am putting my vote towards a racist for President of our country.” Seriously………………
Wouldn’t just 6 weeks of all of this nonsense be MORE than enough? We could use the extra billions of dollars for……. oh, just off the top of my head, things like funding schools, roads, feeding the hungry, curing disease….. Oh, wait…none of those items will be found on the platform of one party!!
It is all so sad and ridiculous. I have been greatly encouraged to see the responses of nearly all of your commenters today. That does make my spirit soar a bit!! yay!!
Six weeks would be and should be all that is needed. This endless campaigning takes too much time, costs too much money and wearies the electorate.
He made a speech last night using the teleprompter, staying on script. That makes me think he’s in this until the end, because he doesn’t like sticking to a script and his advisors must have told him that was the only way to go. Will he stick to scripts? Nah.
I don’t understand that nonsense about Hilary, either. She’s responsible for her husband’s actions? What a load of malarkey.
Dare I say Claudia..that Gordon and Shirley would be quite shocked at all of the hatred being spewed throughout our country..it is very sad for me to witness how much prejudice remains among us..People are people..we are all just trying to survive in this world..If you read above Claudia you will see that I agree that Trump is playing a game that he now does not know how to stop..he has made remark after remark and nothing seems to do it…I am shocked that he has been permitted to publicly ridicule so many and not be told OK..you are out of here…Our President has to work for the good of all people…If he were seriously allowed to be President..I believe there will be much unrest among our citizens, blaming others for our problems, rioting caused by frustration, He already has many of us at each others throats..Is this really how you want our America to be people?..Are you considering how we look to the people of other countries?..And for God’s sake..you do not have to vote for a Republican just because you are a Republican…You do not have to vote for a Democrat just because you are a Democrat…you have a brain so that you can make choices…think carefully before you decide..and please do not put down a women because her husband cheated on her many years ago..that is called victim blaming..and Hillary held her head high..if I had been in her public position..with everyone in the world looking at her..I believe I would have crumbled into a billion pieces..And Bill has has been and always will be paying for it for the rest of his life and beyond the grave..What more do you want from the man?..OK..if I continue any more I will be in tears…Claudia that Peony is breathtaking..even the buds are gorgeous..I am so anxious to see your free Hollyhock bloom..I remember that it was a very pretty color too..Also looking forward to seeing what you do with a dollhouse of a smaller size..I still think of your Scout too and miss seeing her..
I know! I want to say “Grow a backbone! Vote your conscience, don’t automatically vote your party!”
I’ve had a couple of people comment on these posts – screaming in CAPS about Hilary and Bill Clinton – blaming her for his actions. Give me a break! It reminds me of what happens to a rape victim. It’s outrageous and grossly unfair.
Thank you for summing up my thoughts and concerns so perfectly, Claudia! And thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers with us! I wish I could smell them!
I’m going to march on down to those peonies and take a whiff. They won’t be here much longer! Thanks, Melanie!
I have 2 grandchildren voting for the first time this year and they are so disappointed in their choices. They very eloquently explained why both candidates are terrible choices. I think this world is in a big mess.
Well, I don’t agree that both candidates are terrible choices. For me, one of them is a very good choice.
But I understand that there are those who do think that, and it must be a dilemma for them.
The kids are young and idealists. I don’t need to say why they don’t like the man, it is apparant. They like the lady’s desire to help but are mad about the Clinton’s money, raising so much for personal means, the email situation and other issues. They don’t care what Bill did to himself with his scandals, they don’t feel it reflects on Hilary. To them Sanders was more transparent and honest, more ‘clean’. But he is not the candidate… They are thinking, listening and reading. A young friend who is an immigrant from Columbia said, “I like what I am seeing in this election season, for the first time my friends are paying attention and talking about politics and how government works.”
As always, well said. One thing I do (my little bit of civil disobedience I guess ) is every time I am in a grocery store, bookstore, etc., if there is a book or magazine with his face on it, I nonchalantly turn it around or facedown. Makes me feel GOOD! Like I am making a statement. I will NOT have that face looking at me! This is such a scary time.
On a positive note, loving your garden & yard photos. Also LOVE the TSP!!!!!
Take care,
I am laughing, Luanne! What a great idea. I may just join you in that act of civil disobedience!
I also turn over books of “evil” authors too. Especially fun in places like BJ’s where they have tables of books. My husband just chuckles because he knows what I’m about to do whenever I see books or magazines in a store. Sometimes i can only turn one because of not wanting to draw attention to myself. But it feels just as good to just turn one. I know I have at least done “something”!
I’ve done that with a few authors myself! I take great pleasure in it!
Agree with you! I have been in despair listening to the news. How can people support this man, his thoughts and behavior. It is frightening. I voted for Bernie in the primary and will support Hilliary. I wish it could be a Hilliary/Bernie ticket. Thanks for your post!!
I wish it could be, too, but I don’t think Bernie would want to be the VP nominee. I started out supporting Bernie and eventually moved to Hillary. Both of them are admirable and Bernie has made a huge difference for the Democratic party.
Love Luanne’s civil disobedience! Will have to do it too! : )
There are two candidates. How about the other? I’m really really really worried about both.
I’m not at all worried about the other one, Regula.