I’ve been working on the dollhouse kitchen – perfect for a rainy day. Make that a humid, rainy day.
I blended that color by hand to match the blue in the wallpaper. (No faucet yet.)
Then I made that little kitchen skirt. It picks up the pink in the wallpaper.
And then I made a roman blind for the window. Apologies in advance for the photo. I’ve mentioned before how tunnel-like the rear of the kitchen is. And it’s especially cloudy here today.
I’m trying to use what I have and I found that fabric in my stash.
Someone mentioned putting a back on the shelf unit above the Aga.
There is a back on it. I added the wallpaper because I like the look and once I accessorize it with hanging pots and pans and whatever else I can find, it will look pretty striking.
If you can see it.
I have to figure out just how to photograph this. Some of you gave me suggestions and I promise to try them. I used an Ott Light on the photos of the shade. A bit better, but still very problematic.
Happy Saturday.
Awesome touches! ….
I will be keeping you and Don in my thoughts. I hope an answer is found soon, whatever it is can be treated swiftly, and he is back in full health before you know it.
Claudia, I’m saying a prayer right now for Don and you. J
Well, you doll house is adorable. You have done a nice job with it. I am so sorry to hear about Don-That is scary- both for his physical health and for your financial health. I don’t know if you are on SS yet..but is that a possibility for him….xo Diana
Sending big hugs and prayers and thoughts your way Claudia. Praying that your Don will be well and back to full health soon. this is a tough time financial and I hope it will be solved for you some way.
Claudia, I will keep Don and you in my prayers. I was married to a wonderful man who was born with a congenital heart condition.. I know what I went through when he was sick and in the hospital..
I hope everything will turn out okay for both of you.
I love your doll house.. It’s good therapy to work on it~~~so much fun.
Blessings, Charlotte
Oh Claudia my thoughts are prayers are with you and Don. I know you really have your hands full right now. I hope all goes well with seeing the Dr. at home. Your dollhouse kitchen is darling! Keeping busy with your hobbies will keep your mind and hands occupied and off of your troubles. Big hug! ~Patti
I hope that Don is back to his old self real soon. I will keep you and your dear family in my thoughts.
When opening your blog I was overjoyed to see a dollhouse update. As I read on I can only encourage you to continue with it’s healing therapy during this time of uncertainty. Of course, you have our prayers for a swift diagnosis for Don. Prayers also for your peace of mind.
Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow. ~ Dan Rather
Claudia, the doll house is enchanting; very very nice.
Please know positive energy and healing thoughts are headed your way. You and Don are in my thoughts for both Don’s medical issues, and for your financial security. Sending hugs too. Sincere good wishes for swift solutions.
I’m keeping you and Don in my prayers … and I thoroughly understand the calming influence that blogging can have in the midst of chaos.
I love you a ton.
Claudia, you and your husband will certainly be in my prayers! Hang in there…..and try to take it one day at a time.
Big hugs your way….
XO Kris
Prayers said. You guys have gone through so much. Hopefully the tests will come back with answers. Remember the dollhouse and blog can help you relax. I usually can think things out more clearly when I work on my dollhouse. Seems like things don’t spin ( not so many random thoughts at one time) around in my brain when I create. Let’s me be more focused or something. I hope that makes sense. I know that you will be busy with Don and the dogs, but try to whittle out some time for yourself also. Hugs, Teresa
Hi Claudia, When you’re feeling anxious, keeping busy physically really helps. Like working on your dollhouse, watering the yard, doing the dishes, etc.
Your house is looking so cute! Try your Ott light or a light with an adjustable arm just slightly coming through one of the windows, like a sunny morning or afternoon. It adds valuable light and makes photos look so realistic. That’s what I do on my photos. You can see a couple of example photos here: http://www.plushpussycat.com/2012/08/magnificent-gifts-from-melymel.html
You are all in my prayers now, Claudia! May you have a good day–I’m thinking of you. xo Jennifer
I’m Sorry that Don has a health issue. That is a big one for any wife who loves her husband. And to face financial worries too makes it extra hard. Let’s hope there is an answer that will make it better than it appears now. Praying.
Rainy day..lucky you..we need it..Your house is adorable…So sorry to hear of Dons illness..Hopefully it’s fixable and he’ll be good as new soon..Not a good time for you..Been there..Wishing you both the best..
Well, you and I have already talked today. I imagine you’re enroute either getting him or bringing him home. I will send only the best karma your way. My friend, you and I need to find a pot at the end of the rainbow. Tell Don I’m thinking about him.
Claudia, you and Don are in my prayers. I know how scary medical situations can be and financial as well. Know your blogging friends are here for you.
Hugs, Linda
Dear Claudia,
I’m so sorry to read that Don is unwell. You’re having more than your fair share of troubles. I may not have regular conversations with the Almighty, but I’m sending up a prayer for you and yours.
Hi Claudia,
Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you and Don. You have so much on your plate right now, I know all too well how easy it is to end up not taking care of yourself, when you are taking care of everyone else. You must take care of you or you can’t take care of them. Sending Hugs to you.
Yes I will definitely be praying for you Claudia! Know God will never fail you- I am constantly amazed at how He provides for us!!!Never missed a meal yet! I do hope they find out how to help your hubby and will pray concerning that also.
Love you sweet little house!!
bee blessed
prayers sent and wishing for the best outcome.
Thinking positive thoughts for both of you! My hubby too is experiencing some health probs at the moment.
You are in my thoughts.
Claudia, you and Don are definitely filling my thoughts since reading of his health issue. I am so sorry he’s having to leave the job but glad to know he will be getting medical attention…….and be home with you and the ‘babies’. My prayers are with you all and I hope you have better news to share soon.
I LOVE how you fashioned the backsplash – everything looks ready for move in as soon as you find the faucet and heat up that fabulous AGA!
Hang in there dear, know thoughts for better days go out to you from many places – and don’t stop blogging please!
Love and hugs, Mary
Have you covered in prayer:)
So sad to read of more worry in your cottage. Hoping for swift and easy answers for all concerns.
Love the new additions to the doll house! May it and your other hobbies bring a little bit of joy and calm for your troubled heart. Take care of yourself, as you care for Don and Riley.
Claudia, I am sorry about Don’s health problems and that he has to leave his show. Hoping it is nothing more serious than an aftermath of this crazy weather.
Continued good thoughts to all of you. Pam
Sending thoughts and prayers your way…hope you find a quick solution to Don’s health. I am sure that God will provide for you and your family during this difficult time. Lots of friends will be sending prayers your way. Try and have a peaceful Sunday.
Claudia, I’m thinking of you and Don and Scout and Riley and, of course, your parents as well. You are all in my prayers. I’m so sorry Don had to drop out of the play. That must have been a difficult decision. I’m sure acting is not only a profession for him, but a passion as well. I hope everyone feels better very soon.
Your dollhouse is so beautiful.
So sorry to hear about Don. I Hope that they can find out what is wrong and take care of it. Lots of prayers for you and for DOn. ((((((HUGS)))))
Many prayers and even more hugs!!!
Claudia I am sorry to hear about Don’s health issues, I am going to look for that post, don’t know how I missed it.
I was going to suggest a reflector to get more light into the dollhouse.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams