Let’s start the post with our adorable baby bunny. There’s nothing quite as sweet as seeing that little white cottontail as he/she jumps around the yard.
• Then the not-so-adorable – the dreaded Japanese Beetle. This one is perching on one of the wildflowers that pops up on the far side of the house. Their timing is particularly ominous. Two of the rose bushes have already bloomed, but the New Dawn (which happens to be my favorite) is ready to bloom when they arrive. So the buds end up being eaten by the beetles and I go into mourning. If I used the language I actually use when speaking of them, some readers would be offended. You’ll have to leave it to your imagination.
• Speaking of ‘offended,’ I’ve lost some readers – looking at my stats, probably quite a few – over my not-very-frequent writings about this election. That, of course, affects my ad income.
But you know what? I don’t care. Of course, I don’t like losing ad income, but the truth here is that I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t speak out. This blog isn’t just pretty flower pictures or pretty little miniatures. This blog is mine and it’s about my life and my life is far more than a series of pretty pictures.
So, I’ll continue to speak out when I feel moved to do so.
Curious Side Note: Why is that people who disagree with me write comments that scream at me in CAPITAL LETTERS??? Or call me or people who feel the same way as I do, names? Don’t get me wrong, I’m tough, but I do find it fascinating. I just wish those who scream things that aren’t true would simply do some Googling to find out the real story. Or go to politifact(dot)com, a nonpartisan, Pulitzer Prize winning fact checking organization. Perhaps the falsehoods have become so second nature to them that they are fearful of actually learning the truth?
Ah, well.
A fascinating article, should you be so inclined.
• And may I just vent for a second or two more? Don was supposed to do three episodes of Mr. Robot. He’s done one. And as we waited and waited to hear when he was next going to be called and noticed that the time left for filming was dwindling, I urged him to ask for some clarification. It turns out he’s only doing one episode and no one told us.
Listen, I know things change all of the time and scripts are rewritten and storylines changed and, in this case, we know that they lost one of their locations, which I think might have been Don’s house on the series. I don’t know that for sure. But we were counting on the money that would come from those three episodes and on Don getting to work on that set more than once this season. Why the heck no one told us things had changed and that there was only going to be one episode rather than three, I don’t know.
It has nothing to do with his work because everyone there really likes him and the actress who plays his daughter loves working with him. Usually these things are not about the actor, and are more about logistics and writing and time.
It’s not the first time this has happened and any actor who has worked for a number of years will be able to regale you with stories of just this sort. But it’s disappointing – especially at a time when funds are very tight. Another reason to remember this maxim (at least in this business): Don’t count on it until it happens.
I cried a bit last night over this one.
But, we move forward.
• We seem to be in a humid stretch here with air quality warnings each day. The air conditioners are humming and I’m staying indoors except to venture out to water my plants.
• And I’m still wrestling with NY State of Health and MVP Health Insurance to get a refund. As per usual, NY State of Health moves at a snail’s pace and I have to keep calling them to get an update. Did I ever tell you about the time I didn’t have health insurance for four months because of a computer glitch that no one at NYSofH could explain? I’m justifiably wary of them.
Okay. This post is a bit on the complain-y side. Sorry!
Let’s end with something positive. I love bunnies, birds, Henry, my husband, my sister and her family, and all of you.
Is that better?
Edited to add: Maybe I wasn’t clear: Don did one episode for this new season, so you will see him. You just won’t see him in three episodes.
Happy Wednesday.
This election cycle is the most divisive I have ever seen. The civil discourse is anything but civil; both within each party and from party to party. I will be glad when it is over. Claudia, I admire your courage for standing up for your beliefs.
Thank you, Carolyn Marie. You are so right about the level of discourse. It’s really sunk to an all-time low.
No need to apologize Claudia. We all have our “days” and frustrations, disappointments, etc. I’m just thankful your blog is “real” and not fully of phony things. Those pesky Japanese beetles. They have invaded our property again. My husband did go out and get one of the traps (something like a scented bag they fly into). He said within 2 hours of putting it out back there were probably 200 beetles in it! Yikes. Sounds like we are in the 90’s and hazy, hot, humid through Friday. I love the longer days of summer and the flowers, birds, etc. But I’m almost ready for Fall weather!
Yes, it’s almost August-like weather, isn’t it? I’m not ready for Fall yet, Vera!
Claudia, I agree with you to write what you wish to. It would be so boring if we all thought the same. Kindness still goes a long way but people forget this. I hope one of you get work soon. The old saying when one door closes one door opens. Try to stay positive.
Oh, I’m pretty positive on a daily basis. I just need a day or two to process the whole thing!
I love looking at your flowers, especially the bee balm! The bees have been busy on my lavender this year.
I am so upset with the election this year. I can’t stand the name calling, the vulgarity, and the anger. I am very worried about where our country is headed. It seems that we have lost the ability to discuss our different views while maintaining respect for each other. People just seem to snap at each other with such anger!
I know! It’s incomprehensible to me. To be honest, I blame a lot of it on Reality Television. Screaming at each other, saying cruel things, throwing things – all of it is encouraged, because, of course, it isn’t reality. It’s contrived, created, for ratings. And, though most people I know don’t watch that sort of thing, a whole heck of lot of people do.
Amen! I won’t watch reality TV. Screaming, yelling and throwing things! And they are always going on trips! Drives me crazy.
Me too. It has lowered some IQs, I would venture to say.
I think you’re right. My sister is a Political Science professor and she blames it on both reality TV and the way the news is presented to us. It seems like people have lost the ability to think and reason for themselves!
Yes, to ‘the way news is presented to us.’ I agree!
I understand your feelings on financial things completely. We are retired, but a couple of our kids are still struggling financially and we are trying our best to help so they can stay afloat. And not move back home. Cough, cough. More than two adults (and children) in the same house takes sooooo much patience. Kindness has to ramp up to the moon. We also had our moments when my husband was working and we were wondering how to make the paycheck stretch and stretch. With four kids I was a stay-at-home mom. I know everyone has problems but finances seem to follow all of us around. My advice: think outside the box! You and Don can write your own play or TV or movie script— about your life. All we ever see about your work is gossip about the millionaire actors. I need to see something about the rest of you!
And also about politics. You and I don’t agree, although I would never, never vote for Trump. (I have a “write in” all ready.) But I still love you and Don. We are all entitled to our opinion and you are allowed to write about all the politics you want! This is your blog, for heavens sake. I respect your opinion and your right to voice it. Now lets have some tea. I’ll bring over my very cheap binoculars (they are for the grandkids) and a plate of cookies and we will watch your bunnies. Since I live near Seattle it will take me awhile to get there. It’s a long walk. Especially in my jammies. Have a wonderful day.
Thanks so much, Tana! You are welcome any time!
Hi Claudia,
Thank you so much for being real! I certainly understand the uncertainty of being self-employed. Both my husband and I have our own businesses. While it has its benefits, it also has its ups and downs. I do the same thing as you — count my blessings, say a prayer, be thankful. I’m sending warm thoughts your way and said a prayer for you and Don just now. Like my mom used to say, “Hang in there!”
Oh, thank you, Roneta. We are blessed and we know we are. We’ll get through this!
Oh Claudia, the not knowing and the surprise of it all is the downer. I have a need to know so I can plan. It seems that tolerance and open mindedness has left our country at times. I am so unhappy with our political situation and down right scared. Still I know I am blessed to live in this country and to have the freedoms I do, lets hope that doesn’t change. I am doing well and going to see the Grands for a bit today. I’ve missed them.
Oh, the joys of battling with an insurance company for anything much less a refund! My son and his wife recently had a baby. When they tried to fill a prescription for his reflux they found out that the insurance company had his son listed as a girl. When they tried to fill the script it was refused so they had to pay out of pocket. They had to wait until the beginning of the next month to have the error corrected. (Apparently no errors can be corrected mid-month.) Somehow I doubt that they’ll be refunded for the out of pocket purchase.
We will miss Don on Mr. Robot; my husband is a huge fan of his character. And as for politics, I am a Libertarian but am adamant that hearing everyone’s point of view is necessary. (Well, maybe not one fair-haired man’s pov!) Write from your heart – that’s why I like you and your sister!
Thank you, Liza! Don will be in one episode and it’s a good scene with his daughter. I’ll try to let you know when it’s going to air.
It’s the freelance life and it’s friggin’ hard at times, Linda. So glad you’re going to see the Grands today. It will be good for you, my friend.
Bunnies! :D
I find the current election in America baffling to say the least, so I am grateful for your perspective. I read your blog every morning, although I am sometimes not able to comment at the time. I am sorry to hear about Don/Mr. Robot – I was hoping the writers would go into more depth with the father/daughter relationship. :(
Is Hastings-On-Hudson near you? Apparently there is a miniature store/gallery there called D. Thomas Fine Miniatures (they have a website too). A miniaturist who lives in our town posted about a local antique shop that just received a huge shipment of miniatures on consignment – must check it out on my next day off! Any hints as to where you’re going with the new project? Modern? Vintage?
It is to the south of me and across the Hudson River. I’m familiar with the site and plan to go there on a day that isn’t unbelievably humid! (And when I have some cash to spare!)
We wish they’d go into the relationship more, too, especially since the scene in the episode Don just shot includes a big argument between them. I’d love to know more about it.
Not sure about the new project – if I build the Fairfield, it will be vintage, I think, because of its design.
Dear Claudia, I can really relate to the loss of income you are dealing with. Also we all have a right to our own opinions don’t we? A very dear young adult friend has decided that those of us who don’t agree with her opinions are ignorant. That’s very hurtful to me. You have a wonderful blog that I look forward to reading every day and I’m grateful for the chance to learn about other people and their lives. Keep up the good work.
Oh thank you for your kind words, Janie. I always say that if political posts aren’t someone’s thing, then skip it and move on. But there is a strange thing that happens with blogs and readers. Sometimes the readers feel they have a right to determine the content. Curious!
Not you, of course, nor most of the readers of this blog, who are incredibly supportive.
Sorry about the news about Don’s work. I am so upset with all of the politicians in our country at this point. Tiffany keeps asking me questions about what is going on with all of the negativity and different points. I truly cannot answer her questions. I have no idea where our country is headed and it makes me so sad.
Have a great week.
Me too. And I don’t think I’d be able to answer Tiffany, either! Much love to you, Judy.
Hi friend- our political views are somewhat different but I would never let those difference end my visits to your blog. Sorry about Don’s episodes being cut – definitely a bummer. My husband and I have tried watching Mr. Robot but have such a hard time with the audio and understanding what is being said. It’s either my TV or 61 year old ears! Take care 👍
It is hard to understand sometimes, we have the same problem!
Hang in there. Just wanted to say I LOVE that you express your opinions. This election cycle will UNDO us all unless the vast majority of reasonable people express their opposition to the dumbing down of America.
Thank you, Melissa.
Thank goodness for your blog!!! It is always so real and heartfelt. I read it everyday even though I don’t often comment. I know how stressful financial issues are ( we are both retired so we really watch our pennies) and am hoping for more opportunities for the two of you. Thanks again for being so real.
Thank you for being there, Dottie!
You’re allowed a bad day, Claudia. You should hear me ranting over the loss of my computer programs with our home/desk computer going in and out of the shop; expensive, and it’s altered for the worse, plus I lost a whole lot of stuff I had in the print queue. I liked what I had; I was comfortable; now, I’m uncomfortable and don’t want to be at the computer at all.
Money issues are the worst. I have a bill facing me today which is due, with a big balance, and I can’t pay it. I’m kicking myself for not canceling the yard crew last week although it took me two months to snag the gardening guy as it was, and we needed the work done while my husband was off for a few weeks (he’s the better supervisor when it comes to that big ‘landscaping’ job). Timing turned out great for THAT…we do have to contend with weed abatement and city restrictions at this time of year; we have a hillside at the back of our house to clear…but NOT for the budget.
On a good note, it looks like my awful (truly awful) neighbor is in a changed circumstance and will probably be leaving in the next six months; I hold out hope. It’s been a little ray of light for more than just myself in this neighborhood. He’s a nuisance; an interloper; not even the owner of the house.
A reminder that nothing in life stays the same. “Time passes, things change” (love that little quote, I use it all the time…Don Henley quoting J.D. Souther on that Eagles documentary from a few years ago). You and I will be in a better place on the bills a month from now, no doubt; fingers crossed.
In the meantime, you have an adorable baby bunny!
Good news about your neighbor, Vicki. That will be a relief for everyone. And I’m sorry about the computer problems.
All will be well – is well.
Claudia, you have every right to vent. As we’ve acknowledged in the past, life is hard. I am sad and angry that I will not be seeing Don in any more Mr Robot episodes, but maybe this just means there’s something else brewing that is even a better opportunity. I look forward to what that may be as I think he is a very good actor. (and I know him – sort of – heh)
As far as the political, childish, bullying taunts that we are subjected to on a daily basis. All I can say is God help us all. To say this too shall pass is true, however the ending result will be here for a long time. I don’t know that I am a true fan of Hilary, however, Trump is not an option and I can fantasize that some miracle will take place and a talented, deserving write in will win. Silly, I know, but the rest just frightens me. Ranee (MN)
Let me be clear about this – he has one episode coming up this season, so you will see him again! I’ll let you know what that will air. And who knows? He may be back again next season.
A pretty picture is always welcome…but so is your opinion! I’m sorry to hear about the reduction in your ad income…and that you lost some readers. It is a shame that when you voice your opinion, you are chastised for it! It should instead, be an opportunity for a spirited discussion! As far as the Don and Mr. Robot situation….just plain discourteous! Unfortunately, discourtesy seems to be running rampant in our society today!
So…anytime I can gaze at pretty pictures, whether it be bunny, or flowers…although I could’ve done with out the dreaded Japanese beetle….I’ll take it! I know you are more than that….but they are still nice to look at! ;)
Well, this election is all about people retreating into armed camps and it’s ridiculous.
The Mr. Robot thing: maybe there was a simple lack of communication, but we feel pretty foolish on our end.
I read that article you pointed out. The author really pointed out the double standard that, unfortunately exists today…and some things I had forgotten about! Thank you! ;)
You’re welcome! Someone I know had featured it on FB, so I am happy to pass it along.
How disappointing that Don’s episodes have been cut! I was so looking forward to seeing them. Finances and politics? What I wouldn’t give to do away with the need to agonize over either one of them!
You’ll see one of them, Shanna. He was supposed to do three and he’s only doing one.
Like you said…it is your blog and you can complain if you want to. I can hear that put to music. I will continue to read your blog no matter way you say. Sure I might not agree with everything you say (bugs), but I wouldn’t leave you because of that.
Your life isn’t always rosy with hearts and flowers. Well, flowers maybe. It is real. It is true. It has feeling. Keep writing the way you do.
Yesterday for the 3rd time in 20 years I saw a baby bunny! I know that if there is one there must be more. It was exciting. They are a very rare sighting here.
Thank you, Trudy!
Yay to a bunny sighting! I’m so happy for you. They are darned adorable.
Vent all you want to, Claudia. IT’S HEALTHY! Besides, this is your blog and YOU get to dictate its content, not your readers. Personally I’ve never had much respect for people who won’t listen to BOTH sides of an issue. How can they know they’re making the right decision for themselves if they hear only one side? No one can make a measured, intelligent choice with only half the information. And not for nothing, but sometimes the folks “on the other side” actually DO have valid points that make sense, things that I had never even thought of – and that should at least be CONSIDERED. So as far as this reader is concerned, keep the political stuff coming. All Americans have a responsibility to understand the issues and to speak up when they DON’T agree. That in and of itself is the very basis of our country. Long story short – You go, girl.
Thank you, Janet!
Claudia – Thank you for the link to the article – it is a fascinating read. Very eye opening and full of facts – I’m not a Hillary lover but that softened me a bit I think. I haven’t decided if I will vote this year because I’m so disillusioned with the entire mess. I have never not voted for a President since being of voting age and I think not voting is a poor choice – I just don’t know what I will do. Thanks for keeping the blog real.
You’re welcome! And, please…vote! We all have to do that – even if the decision is difficult.
Yay to the sweet bunny! Those babies are hopping all over right now! Hooray to the beautiful Bee Balm. I love it. Mine is doing wonderfully this year. Ugh to the Japanese Beetle. Ugh and Blergh. Hate them. Evil things. Boo to the Mr. Robot situation. Hope they come to their senses. But, if it is a logistics “thing”, those just seem to happen. Boo to the political climate in the country. When bigotry and racism become part of a candidate’s voice, I don’t understand how people can side with them. I truly can’t understand those thoughts and ideas ~ no matter how I try to see “sides” of it. There are no sides to see. Flat and one dimensional and ugly. And finally, YAY to a summer day. It may be humid and warm, but it is NOT snowy and cold. So, YAY!! ♡
I think it’s probably a logistics thing. But, nevertheless, it hurts on our end.
I agree. If someone supports a candidate who spouts bigoted and racist and xenophobic statements, I have to assume the voter also feels the same. If that voter finds those things offensive, they simply can’t vote for him. Period. I see no subtle shading in this. It’s very clear to me. If you disagree, then write in someone, make your voice heard but don’t vote for him.
My political views are different from a lot of people for a lot of reasons. That doesn’t make me scream at them, be ugly or leave their blog or unfriend them. People are way too sensitive these days…when did that happen? Political correctness can go fly right back out the door it came in as far as I’m concerned.
Your blog, your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and posts.
No one has any right to scream and be ugly toward you about it.
They can go start their own blog to rant away on.
Hear, hear! Thank you, Angela!
Sorry for loss of your revenue, both from the lost of readership and Don’s episodes going from three to one, but not sorry that you are true to yourself. I don’t have Japanese beetles in my yard, but the cabbage moths are trying our patience with the kale and chard. I’m dealing with some plant failure in the new garden, so will have to count up the misfortunates to get new plants. I have a six-month guarantee.
Good you have a guarantee, Wendy! We have cabbage moths as well, and they’re everywhere, but I don’t find them as destructive as Japanese Beetles. On the other hand, I’m not dealing with vegetables and you are!
Anyone who says they are your friend and then walks away because they disagree with you..They were never your friend to begin with so it is no real loss for them to leave you…and the ones who write nasty things to you…they are just following what they are shown by the person they are so quick to defend…I am so afraid that the harm he has done to the people of this country is irreparable..the saddest thing is what their children are learning by watching them..I am so disappointed that Don will be in only one episode..yes it is very unfair of them to not notify him of the change considering the fact that he is a freelancer…personally I think if he was promised three episodes..he should be paid for three episodes…yeah Nancy..dream on..lol.. I so much enjoy seeing his work..Don always seems like such a calm, easy going guy..it will be fun to see him acting angry and upset..lol..Of course I will continue to watch the show as it is one of the best I have seen for a long time…Rami Malek is amazing as Elliot (do you know he has a twin named Sami?) and well what can I say about Christian Slater…always a good performer..Isn’t it amazing how these companies practically scream if you are late with a payment but when it comes to giving you money back due to their mistake..you must wait until it is convenient for them…Oh well Claudia..it’s felt good to voice my opinion of what is irritating you right now also…Thank goodness for bunnies and flowers and birds and groundhogs..they can put a smile on our faces and a bit of joy in our hearts when we need it most..xoxo
When I think that children are hearing that kind of discourse…what hope do we have?
I love Rami Malek in that role and no, I didn’t know he had a twin!
I put off calling NY State of Health today because I’m feeling under the weather, but I have to do it tomorrow.
I have to tell I loved that article Claudia…everyone in this country who is going to vote should read it..yes indeed..sexism is still very much alive in the U.S.A..
It really is, Nancy. Don and I were talking about that yesterday – for heaven’s sake, it’s 2016! Why are we still dealing with this?
Well, you just gained me as a follower because of your thoughtful and insightful political comments — how’s that :)
I have been reading your blog for years; we even exchanged emails once…but I tend not to follow blogs officially, preferring instead to just pop in on the net whenever I feel like it. But when I read your post today I thought the best way to offer my support would be to click that follow button.
I’m grateful every day you keep writing your wonderful blog and keep being your wonderful self.
That’s so lovely, Karen. Thank you! You put a smile on my face!
Hi Claudia. I haven’t been around much this week because I’ve been camping and had very limited Internet, so I hope I’m not one of those who you thought left! Ha ha!
Although we may not always agree on political issues, and I am totally stumped as to who I will vote for this year because I don’t like either of the choices, it would never cause me to quit reading your blog. I consider you a friend. I have also lost blog readers because they were offended that I talk about God in my posts. Well He is a big part of my life and it is my blog as you say. I’m always sad to see people go, but it’s their choice. The wonderful thing about this country is that we have the freedom to have our own opinions. The shameful thing about this country is that this year especially, I am seeing so many people attacking each other because of those opinions. It’s all so very sad. Keep being yourself Claudia.
Blessings, Betsy
I don’t think some people get the fact that your blog is your blog and my blog is my blog and we are not writing to ‘please’ everyone.
I agree about the attacking and the animosity that seems to be part and parcel of this election.
Thank you. Betsy. I hope you had fun camping!
Oh darn. I just left you the comment the other day asking you to tell Don how much we are enjoying Mr. Robot and then I read this news today. I am so sorry for both of you in losing revenue and know the stress that creates. You are both such upbeat, talented people and I just know in my heart this will all work out for the best.
Why on earth would anyone stop reading your page due to a political difference? There is too much hatred on both sides of the aisle for my liiking but I’ll be darned if that will stop me from reading and enjoying both friends and family.
Thanks so much, Sue. Well, at least Don is in one episode this season. But we’re very disappointed, of course.
Claudia, I love visiting you and your blog everyday!
It doesn’t matter what you’re writing about – it brightens
my day!
Oh, thank you so much, Nancy!
One of our Most important rights of this Wonderful Land. freedom of speech! not just ( MORE GUNS more guns more guns, being distributed in completely irresponsible manners.) But your right to your own opinion, and every right to talk about the way you feel. Especially on your own blog. Love All You guys Judy A-
PS Claudia I’m surprised,with you being a writer and all, you didn’t know that YELLING Makes you Right!!!
Ha! If only! I’ve got powerful vocal cords – I could be right all the time!
Bummer for your lost readers. They will miss out on little bunnies, groundhogs, bees, flowers, naughty beetles and a lovely couples adventures in life. Their loss. Some people just can’t handle it when others don’t agree with them. In my world it’s my whole family, who are so into bickering about politics they are currently disowned until after this election.. Hahahha. It is your blog and you remember that.
Btw, loved your video on Don’s birthday. It was fun to hear your voices. You guys were too cute. Stay cool.
Thank you so much, Verna. You’re right – it’s their loss!
Crazy world, but as long as there is love around us, we can manage! A lot of people love you and your writing. All the best. Regula
Thank you, Regula.