Weather forecast: More rain. I’m feeling soggy just thinking about it.
The poor lilacs are trying to open, but the relentless rain is beating them down. We’re sick of the rain here at the cottage, though we certainly realize that this is nothing compared to the terrible rain and flooding in Texas. It’s inconvenient and not at all fun, but it isn’t dangerous. (Just keeping things in perspective.)
Last night I had trouble falling asleep. That might have been due to watching a certain someone speak (incoherently, of course, and always with ‘me, me, me’ as his focus – ‘they were good to me’ ‘I won by this much’ ‘I’m wonderful, I’m the best thing since sliced bread.’) No details as to how he’s going to accomplish what he so blithely promises. No seeming realization that the government has checks and balances and three branches and, therefore, he can’t just do anything he wants. Did he ever take a class in government? Demagoguery, of course, appeals to fears and prejudices, not to any rational argument. I don’t know about you, but I like my presidential candidates to be a wee bit more prepared for the job. And when I say wee, I’m being about as sarcastic as I can be. The “Party of Lincoln,” as I so often hear it described, is rallying around a huckster, a megalomaniac, a narcissist, and a liar. I had to narrow it down to 4 adjectives. There are a whole lot more. Misogynist, bigot – I’d better stop.
By the way, I’ve ordered my Woman Card.
Consequently, I tossed and turned for a while. I can only imagine what the rest of the world is thinking. Actually, I don’t have to imagine – I read a lot of commentary on the subject. We look like fools.
Today, I’m off to Hartford to spend the night. I was hoping not to have to do that, but the run-through tomorrow morning is at 10 am and, if I left tomorrow morning, there is no way I could guarantee getting there on time during the morning rush hour. I-84 in Connecticut really is a mess during rush hour. So…off I go to spend the night in Hartford once again. The hotel screwed up, by the way, and billed both of my previous visits to my card, rather than Hartford Stage. It took a while before I figured that out. Eventually, it was resolved, but that means I have to make sure that this visit is billed to the theater, as in “I want proof.”
I’m looking forward to the run-through, as I’ve never seen the whole show and they’ve been doing a lot of rewrites in the past week or so. It will be fun and exciting.
Happy Wednesday.
I could not agree more. Well said.
Thank you, Kaye.
The photo of the lilac with rain drops is gorgeous! Oh politics, it’s giving me nightmares! I won’t vote for him, just won’t. Enjoy your time in Hartford. Oh and guess who is sick…again! Yep me, another little head cold and sore throat. Seems to be getting better quicker this time, but oh I’m tired of feeling icky.
Oh darn it! Take care of yourself and get better soon, my friend.
Claudia, as in your previous post at to the “one whose name I will not speak,” you have a clarity about this that resonates deeply with me. I am driven to watch and repulsed at the same time. I think I need to create an actual woman card, so I can wear my sentiments on my sleeve as an empowered intelligent woman who believes in inclusion not exclusion, bridges not walls, kindness not bullying, global unity and compassion not isolationism, lifting up instead of driving down. Preserving the planet that sustains us instead of pillaging its resources. As someone whose both sets of grandparents were immigrants and who understands how they added to the quilt of this country, we don’t shut the doors now. We embrace, we invite, we give the same opportunities we have been afforded. As women we have to unite because we have unlimited powers to rescue us from the errant path we seem to be driven toward. We need to step up and play the woman card. It is our only hope.
Beautifully said, Tina. Thank you. And I agree wholeheartedly.
I loved your post…..couldn’t agree more. As always, well said. I live in Indiana and believe me, I did not vote for that “certain someone” you talked about. I have ordered my woman card too.
Women Unite! Thanks, Lorna.
Right on! You speak the truth! He, who shall not be named, is nothing but a bully…and we MUST stand up to bullies! I’ve ordered my Woman Card too! Safe travels this afternoon! ;)
I can’t wait for that card to arrive in my mailbox, Donnamae!
We desperately need some rain. We are the hot spot in the country this week and the fire up the highway from us is raging.
What is this “Woman Card”?
The man who will not be named said that Hilary Clinton was not qualified to be President and that she was playing the ‘woman card.’ Clinton promptly responded with a statement that if working for equal rights and equal play for women (I’m paraphrasing wildly) was playing the Woman Card, to deal her in. Then the campaign encouraged those who wanted to contribute even $10 to do so, and they’d get a copy of their very own woman card. I bet you could see it on her campaign website.
Now I want to be a card-carrier! I work in an industry that is still very much an “old boys” club. My daughter is pursuing a career in the same field and even in this day and age is dismayed by the attitude of some of her male colleagues.
Just saw footage on your fire – terrifying.
It’s just terrible. I can’t imagine what the aftermath will be like.
So very, very sad.
I agree with you on this. I am very disheartened though, by how many women are voting for this man.
I am, too. What can be possessing them to do that?
Sadly, I think they are charmed, and not offended when he says, “I love women.” That seems to be his official position when someone confronts his mysogenistic rhetoric. Oy.
I agree. Oy.
Last evening it actually appeared to be that the “certain someone” was a bit shocked by the realization himself. He seems to have created this havoc more or less on a whim. Sort of a lark for his amusement to stir things up. This morning they said he would be looking for a VP with some governmental background. LOVED it (not) when he said “we won bigly.” Seriously….we couldn’t make this stuff up.
Safe travels!
I heard that – “We won bigly” Oy. I’ve been reading that for a while – that he started this whole thing out to see what happened, because he loves to be in the spotlight, etc. and was shocked when it took off like it did. Not very reassuring, is it?
This election season has totally made me lose faith in our system. I’m afraid no one is going to win in this election especially the people. I’ve always told my kids if they don’t vote, they can’t complain. But, this election has really made us look like idiots.
Enough said.
Have a safe trip.
You said it well, Judy. I hope people vote. The stakes couldn’t be higher!
Drive safely, Claudia. And have fun in Hartford. I’m hoping your time there will be so busy and enjoyable, you can stop thinking about the sad state of politics in America. There should be a play or musical in there somewhere….a tragi-comedy. Afterall, if Hamilton can garner an historical largest number of Tony nominations…. I’m looking into the Woman Card.
Tragicomedy, satire – it’s ripe for all of that. But only after we have some distance from the whole thing.
Sorry to see so many negative remarks about Mr. Trump…think and say whatever you wish…it is your right…however, it has been proven that Hillary Clinton is a liar and her husband is a habitual philanderer and she not getting rid of his behind shows JUST HOW MUCH RESPECT SHE REALLY HAS FOR WOMEN….and don’t give me this STAND BY YOUR MAN malarky…as for her SHE LIED ABOUT BENGHAZI IN ITS ENTIRETY AND THEN CALLED THE MOTHER OF ONE OF THE SOLDIERS A LIAR??? She is worth $150 million dollars much of it due to “contributions of the Saudis” and others of their ilk. So vote for her if you choose but I’m voting for Mr. Trump
Obviously, you’re entitled to your opinion. And I obviously abhor Mr. Trump and everything he stands for and cannot agree with you. I won’t call out your points, though they are misguided. A simple Google search would clarify that.
Might I add that Mr. Trump is also a habitual philanderer? And he’s repeatedly bragged about it.
You don’t need to use CAPS here. Thank you for sharing your opinion.
Suzanne, I couldn’t agree with you more! Why would anyone believe a word out of Hilary’s mouth, including being for women. She has done nothing for women’. She panders to every group and screams and shakes her fingers which Is reminiscent of Stalin. Does anyone remember all of the scandals in which she was involved? Not only did she lie about Benghazi, she also committed treason with her unsecured emails. Does anyone remember how she took furniture and art from the WhitebHouse when she left the first time? What about the Tracelgate scandal, not to mention Whitewater!
As for me, I will take a philander over her forever.
I am sure I will now be banned from this blog but enough about supporting one of the worst people ever to be a candidate for president.
I forgot to mention that I am a lifelong democrat and first cousin to the democratic governor of my state.
First of all, you insult me when you say you will be banned from this blog. I can’t even say how much this insults me. You clearly have no sense of who I am.
I don’t agree with your feelings on this subject, but you surely have the right to share how you feel.
And I have the right to write about my feelings on the subject. It’s my blog.
Why would anyone believe a word out of Trump’s mouth? He tells so many lies he can’t even keep them straight. Every criticism of Clinton I’ve read here is even more true of Trump, plus he has absolutely no experience in government. I’m glad that decent people like Claudia are speaking up against him, and will be voting against him. Clinton is an infinitely better choice than Trump, despite her many flaws.
I keep saying that a simple Google search would point out the falsehoods that keep coming out of his mouth. How hard can it be? That’s when I think people just want to cling on to their anger while willingly following a carnival barker, who will say anything to get a ‘sale.’
I’m a retired mental health nurse and I call him a psychopath-he’s charming and manipulative, he has a huge ego and is grandiose, he lacks empathy, he takes delight in belittling others with lies and vulgarity, and he’s a bully-he feels no pain or sympathy when he causes pain to others, if they don’t do what he wants, he fires them or deports them. He views people as objects or possessions, not as human beings. I think he has the potential to cause great harm to our country.
I do, too. You’ve written about him from your personal experience in the mental health field. Very valuable. Thank you, Debbie.
I am almost 62 years old and have donated for the first time in my life for a political candidate. As upset as I have been about the lack of concern for the environment and social issues by one party, I am distraught over the current presumptive nominee for that party. I find it hard to believe that anyone would consider Clinton’s faults (and there are some) even in the same league as the faults of Trump. I had hoped that if Clinton does not win the general election that I could respect the person who wins, but that is simply not going to happen.
I agree. Clinton, like every candidate, has faults. So does Bernie Sanders. So do all candidates. But to put them in the same league with Trump’s? Incredible. Well said, Beverly.
Our political arena absolutely disgusts me. I don’t really agree that the Republican party is rallying around this candidate. Both “parties” need to take a long look at their misdirected efforts that have driven so many Americans to be so desperate for a change that they are willing to give this a try. That in itself is frightening. I personally don’t want to vote for either apparent candidate.
I hope you’re right, Beverly and that they aren’t rallying around this candidate!
There isn’t much to say for the Republican party, but the votes of all the desperate people could land us with the bully.
The lilacs in the rain are so pretty or not..Childish is the description I would add to your list of words for DT…”He started it”….”He said it first”…Reminds me of my days back on the playground at school…I was so hoping that people would come to their senses about him…He is playing a dangerous game with the people of this country… inciting them to do harm to one another…attacking each other…come on people…think for yourselves…DT cannot just do what ever he says he will do……/here-are-76-of-……Be careful driving in the rain Claudia!
I just arrived safely, Nancy. All is well. Thanks for your comment.
I forgot to tell you I have also ordered the woman card… need to answer…
Enjoyed your blog yesterday about your TSP. Today not so much. There are so many blogs I could read if I wanted to hear a political rant………………I choose not to read them.
I don’t think that qualified as a rant. People are understandably concerned when the future of our country is at stake. We all are made up of many facets. Claudia has shared freely of her feelings about family, her home, parents, dogs, books, doll houses, husband, theatre, nature, garden, Roseville pottery and many other things that define her and make so many of us follow her and her inherent wisdom and compassion. This toxic election has affected her as it has many of us. Her concern about this crucial election is one of her many facets and as such belongs in her blog. No one should remain silent.
Well said. My co-workers, my daughter and I are all following the American election process through a variety of news sources. We find a working woman’s perspective most enlightening!
Thanks for the support, Tina. I don’t understand how anyone who reads this blog regularly would expect me to remain silent or would expect me only to talk about ‘pretty creative things.’ I do blog about those things, but I sure as heck blog about other, thornier, issues, as well. xo
Olivia, you are free to read or not read this blog. However, it is my blog. I’ve been blogging for 8 years about all sorts of things – all of which I feel passionately about. That includes politics, animal rights, anti-hunting, vegetarianism, bullying, common decency, and a host of other non-cute, non-pretty things. I’ve also written about this very person before. And I’ll most likely do it again.
I make no apologies. I blog every day about my life – so you’re going to see all sorts of subjects covered.
And if you think this was a rant? Not hardly. It was actually quite mild.
I hate to say this but for the first time in my life I am actually afraid of the outcome of this presidential election.
I am, too, and in my 63 years, I’ve never felt that way.
Thank you so much for saying these words. I’ve spent so much of the last few months being so angry at all that is going on with this election. We will never see the perfect candidate. Of course Hillary Clinton is not perfect BUT as others have said she surpasses that man by leaps and bounds. It completely baffles me that any woman in the United States of American would even consider casting their vote for that man. How could they? What are they thinking? Are they even thinking? And to think of his lack of experience especially in foreign relations alone just makes me shiver. I am honestly terrified for our country.
I’ve ordered my woman card too! Safe trip to Hartford.
Why are they defending him? I can’t figure that one out.
Thanks, Belinda. I’m now in Hartford, just about to grab a bite to eat.
I agree with your every utterance about – as Carl Reiner so aptly says – Donald Dumpster. But I was able to comfort myself somewhat with the thought that we Americans have watched nearly every other country on earth, large and small, cope with their own off-the-wall goofy or dangerous political “personalities” at one time or another. And now the Law of Averages has bestowed one upon us. The fact OUR own particular bloated orange gasbag is so completely UN-qualified – in every possible way – is a very lucky thing though. I mean, when has there EVER been a STOP SO&SO movement before in Presidential campaign history? That says a lot right there. The upcoming campaign will be the stuff of future legends, for sure – keeping political scientists, historians and journalists writing books for years, but in the end I do have hope everything will come out for the best. I have to, because the idea of anything else is just crushingly-depressing. ?? [Please] – God bless America…
Agreed. The debates will be entertaining, at the very least.
Could you PLEASE send some of that rain to South Australia Claudia we could really do with some. Have a safe trip to Hartford and back.
Oh, I wish I could, Jan!
I hope your time in Hartford is fruitful Claudia and the rain stops for you soon. All I can say about the political issue is that my husband deals with people from many, many countries all over the world each day in his work and he said he has never heard so many comments about how our once great country is the laughingstock of the entire world right now. No one can believe what is happening on either side of the election. People used to look up to the United States but he’s not hearing that anymore. And that makes me sad. I have to admit that for the first time since I was old enough to vote, I have absolutely no idea of who to vote for because I don’t care for either candidate. Just my humble opinion and I totally respect anyone who disagrees. It just makes me sad to know we have lost the good opinion of a lot of the world.
Our son who has lived in Japan for the last 9 years is home visiting and he said the people there cannot believe what is happening in the U.S. Oh well. I guess we will get what we ask for in one way or another, right?
Such an interesting perspective, Betsy. Thank you for sharing it. I can well believe we are being observed by the rest of the world and we are coming up very, very short.
I don’t know much of her…I know I should…but Fran Lebowitz, NY author/speaker, was on Fallon this past night and she said she’ll only say good things about Ms. Clinton now because that’s who we need to highlight heavily (paraphrasing here); that at least Hillary knows how to be a president. Frankly, my husband is thinking it could be a good time to retire earlier and move to Canada and I do think he could be half serious. This, coming from a U.S. Air Force brat and a patriotic family. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love his country. He’s just so worried. Both of our fathers were WWII servicemen.
Reagan was an actor, but at least he’d been a governor first.
My arm is worse and keyboarding is hard. I’m up at 3am-ish PST to take a darn pain pill, which I’d prefer not to do. How in the h*?l could I do such a stupid number on my arm? I think it’s time to go to the doctor. Home care/self care isn’t cutting it. I called my physical therapist…I can’t drive to get to him…and he’s worried I’ve torn my cuff but hoping I just have a very irritated muscle. I’m super frustrated; I can’t even brush my hair. I’m too busy for this; RATS.
The TSP looks wonderful. Hope things are going well in Hartford. Also hope you didn’t drive the whole way in rain. SoCalif may be getting some of the stuff in a couple of days; would be nice as our greenscape is already drying up.
Just read that the Rolling Stones have reportedly asked Trump to stop using their music in his campaign stops or wherever he’s using it.
I love Fran Lebowitz – she’s really funny and very smart. So glad the Rolling Stones have asked him to stop using their music. Don and I were wondering about that very thing the other night – Don thought they wouldn’t be too happy that he was using it.
I hope your arm gets better soon, Vicki. So, so sorry to hear you are in so much pain, my friend.
Our dear friends from California have been staying with us here in England for the past month and are highly embarrassed by what has been happening on the political scene in your country. I only hope that the vast majority of intelligent, sane thinking Americans get out and vote so that the world can breathe more easily and be saved from this dangerous, bigoted bully having any power.
I hope so, too. I’m embarrassed, just as your friends are. I’ve never seen anything like this, Valerie, and I’m 63.
Claudia, you are such a sane voice during the American Campaign. I do not
understand the mentality of the Trump supporters. Why do they accept every
word that he utters? It amazes me that these people don’t fact check his
I am waiting to hear why Ivanka Trump’s businesses are outsourced to other
countries. Surprised that this is not being followed up by the media.
Had to mute the TV Tuesday evening during his self-congratulatory ramblings, as I get so angry with him and all the free media coverage he has received for months on end.
I fear for your country and pray the voters elect a rational and experienced politician
as President. Hope a Canadian is eligible for a Woman Card!
Lea ??????
The amount of people who don’t take the time to fact check is mind-boggling. I don’t get it.
Good point about Ivanka. I hope someone in the media actually asks the hard questions this time around. It’s their job and they are often NOT doing it.
You are indeed eligible for a Woman Card – and I just may have to move to Canada if things go the wrong way.
I have enjoyed reading all of the comments that your post has inspired. I have to agree with you and most of your readers. Maybe this will get people to wake up and realize what could end up being the final outcome. I think many other countries are very concerned, as well. God help us. The woman card – of course that’s what it’s all about. Couldn’t attribute to anything else. Oh dear. Before I was just worried – now I’m terrified.
Me too, Ranee, me too. Thank you for your words of support.
Oh, Claudia. Bless you for your good sense, your tender and caring heart, and your dignity and polite patience in writing reasoned answers to PEOPE WHO USE CAPS SO FREELY! What on earth can they be thinking? Ugh.
I must admit I have to take a deep breath before I respond. And I edit before I publish the reply! Thanks, Barbara.