The brown-eyed susans are hanging in there, as is the phlox. The phlox that was chomped on repeatedly by the deer – down at the bottom of the big garden bed – has finally bloomed. Take that, deer! That David phlox doesn’t give up!
Another hot day today. Tomorrow will be cooler, thank goodness. We have to go grocery shopping this morning as we’re out of nearly everything. Usually Don does that because he likes shopping, but when we will have a big haul, I usually join him. Today is one of those ‘big haul’ days. After we get back home, I have to water everything outside because of the high temps.
I returned some books to the library yesterday. I’m currently going back and forth between two authors, John Sandford, who I’ve mentioned before, and Gregg Hurwitz, who has written a series I really like. The thing about books is that no matter how old you are and how much you’ve read in your lifetime, you can always discover a new-to-you author. And it’s even better when that author has written a series or two! Oh, goodness, I love that!
And of course, we have the newest Louise Penny, which will be published on October 29th. Since we’re almost in September, that’s not all that far away. I haven’t been buying any books, but I will make an exception for Louise (I can call her that because I’ve met her, right?) I suppose Michael Connelly will have a new book coming out in November because that’s been his pattern. I’ll have to check into that. And I’m on the reserve list for Richard Power’s newest, Playground, which comes out in September, I may end up buying it after reading it because he a special author to me; he writes books that are profound and beautiful. We’ll see.
Maybe you’ve already sensed this, but it’s time for our favorite question: What are you reading?
Please share!
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
Thanks for mentioning the new Louise Penny – I went immediately to put in a hold at our local library – I am number 371! Hmmm…..
You’re welcome Ceci!
Stay safe.
In our provincial library system, my hold is #373. However, it shows the library system will have 114 copies so I don’t think my wait will be forever.
I’m now reading Stranger Diaries by Elly Griffiths. I enjoyed her Ruth Galloway series and so am trying some of her other books. I like it, although I feel as if I might have read it before. Can’t remember what happens, tho, so I can enjoy it again! ;)
She’s a great writer, Ellen!
Stay safe.
I’ve only had phlox the last few years….I’ve always admired them in my neighbors yards. I added two more this year. Now I have a garden bed with two colors of phlox, and shasta daisies. Your phlox looks so pretty with your brown-eyed Susan’s. I’m debating on whether to plant those or purple coneflowers in a bare spot that’s in the same garden bed. Opinion?
I’m currently reading a new book out by Tess Gerritsen….The Spy Coast. It’s the first in a series, and I highly recommend. This is my first book with Ms Gerritsen. I only have about 50 pages to go….and while I’m anxious to see how this ends, I don’t want it to end. She is quite the writer in my opinion.
I also, can’t wait til Louise Penny’s new book is out, she’s Louise to me as well, even though I have never met her…lol.
You have a good day! ;)
Coneflowers self-seed and so does phlox. In my garden, coneflowers appear first and last the longes. Phlox starts to bloom in early August.
Your decision!
Stay safe, Donnamae.
dear Claudia/Don — so hot here — 96-98 w/index 100 or so, no rain, most blooms are gone, just a few canna, two hydrangeas but only b/c we’ve watered every day — grass is brown, some trees have leaves falling — are we becoming a new Sahara?? sure feels/looks like it. am not reading any books — just your blog and some news pages — reading news is very selective these days, so am I not looking at reality?? sometimes I really wonder how some people get their conclusions —
are they not seeing truth for what it is??? afraid for all of us — not expecting any one woman or man will correct our problems and not quickly. enjoy your grocery outing — did ours yesterday for essentials. stay safe/healthy
Are you in a drought, Linda?
Some people will never see truth, Linda. They’ve been brainwashed and they are now too invested in the lie.
Stay safe.
Our bookclub just finished Death at La Fenice by Donna Leon. She’s a new to me author and I think I will read the next one in the series. We listened to the first but I don’t know how she is to actually read. There are 33 books in the series. The main character reminds me a bit of Gamache – smart, kind and caring.
Woody and I are listening to All the Colors of the Dark and I am reading The Essex Serpent. I’ve no opinion on that yet.
Keep reading,
She’s a very good author but for some reason I’ve never fully invested in her. Don’t know why! Maybe timing.
I loved the Essex Serpent and, in fact, every book she’s written.
Stay safe, Eileen.
I just finished two books, Mad Honey by Jodi Piccult and Look in the Mirror by Catherine Steadman. Both good reads, but not my favorite of Catherine Steadman.
What’s next, Judy?
Stay safe.
glad you have several choices to read now and a new book soon out by a favorite author to look forward to!
reading the Bible. not enough, but trying.
just last night, very late, i finished “girl on the train” by paula hawkins. started slow for me, in part for having more than one narrator (which i don’t care for in books, but it was well done and helped tell the story). couldn’t figure out the conclusion, didn’t see it coming so ended up liking this book, though it’s not my favorite genre (which is non-fiction).
don’t know for sure what i will read next, but am thinking it will be the “vanderbeeker” series about a family with five kids and pets living in nyc. there are seven books in this series (i have the first six and will probably get the seventh as a Christmas present). these are chapter books for maybe 8- to 12-year-olds and i want to read them for what they are, for being family-oriented and on the new york times bestsellers lists and as encouragement for me to keep working on my own children’s (picture) books.
thanks for asking this question. i enjoy learning what you all are reading and appreciate getting more titles for my “tbr” list. :)
keep cool and safe.
Thanks so much, Kathy!
Stay safe.
What a nice, flowery photo! I’ve got all our windows open to cool the house off before it heats up in a couple hours. It’s supposed to be a bit cooler than yesterday, but it’ll still be close to 90°. I just finished reading The Day the World Came to Town, about the plane passengers who had to land in Gander, Newfoundland on 9/11. The people of Gander were amazing…and I’m sure they still are. Now I have to finish my beach read….
Enjoy your beach read, Barrie.
Stay safe.
I hope you have seen the musical “Come from Away”. I’m not sure if it is based on the book but it is about the same event.
A new Brenda not Brenda B
Is this Brenda B in Florida? How are you? I’ve been thinking of you!
I’m reading a lightweight murder mystery series by Cleo Coyle, about a manager of a coffee shop in Greenwich Village. Of course, she has a complicated personal life and solves murders. The series is about 20 years old and I read the latest book first. So now I’ve gone back and finished books 1 and 2 already.
Always great to find a new-to-you series!
Stay safe, Wendy.
I just finished Tom Lake. Not sure what to read next so I will be interested to see the comments.
Tom Lake really brought back memories of growing up in West Mich and picking cherries in high school to earn money for school clothes. Back in those days everything was hand shakers. My uncle had a fruit farm with cherries, apples, pears. I remember vividly the smell of warm cherries and the feel of cherry juice running down my arms. We had to climb up ladders into the trees to pick the tops. I would go to bed at night and close my eyes and see cherries. It was hard physical work and I sure knew I needed to go to college and get a good job.
Reading the book brought back lots of memories.
Take care
It really resonated with me as a Michigander but it must really resonate with you, Marilyn!
Glad you enjoyed it.
Stay safe.
I grew up in Michigan, love going back and visiting the areas around TC and north along the lake.
Me too! My cousin lives on Lake Michigan, just north east of Traverse City.
I’m reading The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood (never saw The Handmaid’s Tale). Some strange things in the stories, but I like her writing. And I’m far enough along to have figured out one of the plot twists, now wanting to see how it all ends.
Good! She’s a wonderful writer.
Stay safe, Lynda.
I recently finished two excellent books, The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters, and The Island by Adrian McKinty. The Island is more thrillery than The Berry Pickers, but each is intense in its own way and I stayed up all night to finish both. I’m between books now, but I think James by Percival Everett is next.
I know this is off topic, but I have to rave about Babylon Berlin, which you’ve mentioned. Last night I finished watching the second season and OMG, that scene in the water with Charlotte and Rath. I was yelling No! No! at the top of my lungs, scaring the cats and, probably, my neighbors – too late, I remembered my windows were open.
It’s very hot and humid here in Western Mass, but that’s forecast to change overnight. Looking forward to Fall!
I love that show so much! We’re rewatching Season two right now and I know exactly what scene you’re talking about! Isn’t it a fabulous series?
Very hot and humid here today – “feels like” 95 degrees.
Stay safe, Di.
Last week, I read “The God of the Woods” by Liz Moore. It was as good as the hype around it! Almost finished with “The Briar Club ” by Kate Quinn. Set during the Joe McCarthy era. I love how Kate Quinn makes history and the lives of her characters interesting. Next up is Ann Cleeves new Vera Stanhope mystery, The Dark Wives. Can’t wait to start!
They all sound great, Betsy!
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — Ky is not “officially” in a drought as a whole, some areas west and south of us have had rain thru out summer — here in central we have not — of course we have many acres of pastures which really emphasize dry conditions — brown grass is not very pretty !! hope you all stay safe/healthy
We’ve had droughts here that were in certain sections of the Hudson Valley, so I understand that.
Recently finished the latest Anthony Horowitz. I picked up a new book at work the other day that looks interesting. It’s The Seventh Veil of Salome by Silvia Moreno -Garcia. Set in the Golden Age of Hollywood, it’s title is that of the film in production. Looks like it might have an All about Eve theme as well as a sub story regarding John the Baptist. Thought it looked intriguingly!
Happy Wednesday
Sounds very interesting, Dee Dee!
Stay safe.
I did not write the first line of my post regarding moderation. That’s very odd.
You know that I am now moderating comments, right? I wrote about it on Monday. Because of the nature of the campaigns currently going on here in the USA, I’m getting some negative and mean comments, which means I have to block and delete. I figured the best way to handle it was to delete before any of you have to see them. So each comment is held pending my approval.
This year the phlox has self seeded a wider area and I’m loving it. It smells so heavenly. Brown-eyes Susans are appearing out back when they were only planted in the front of the house. And the cone flowers are still everywhere. Love this time of year when everything bursts out like the finale of a fireworks show.
I’m afraid most people aren’t interested in my reading interests. I tend to stick with non-fiction. Right now I’m reading “The Good Neighbor, the Life and Work of Fred Rogers” by Maxwell King. I think he was a fascinating individual and my kids as toddlers and preschoolers absolutely adored him.
Take care,
Fred Rogers was a wonderful man. Enjoy reading about him!
Stay safe, Kay.
hej, kay.
i’m interested in your book recommendations! while i am newly back to reading after a long drought and so trying to read more fiction, i will read more non-fiction again because i love it and it’s been what i’ve read most often in my life. even as a kid.
i will add the book about mr. rogers to my list (what a wonderful human being!). thanks for telling about it.
hope you have a nice day and stay safe.
The Susans go for a long while. I love them for that!
I just finished “Three Queens, Three Sisters” (historic fiction by Philippa Gregory on Katharine of Aragon, Margaret Tudor and Mary Tudor); also “Year of Wonder” by Geraldine Brooks. That was wonderful, but Brooks always is. Now seeking my next read!
Thanks so much, Jeanie!
Stay safe.
Apologies, Claudia. I did see the post from the insulting commentator and was tempted to say something but I knew that you could handle them!
Take care
No problem, Dee Dee.
I just think moderating is the way to go for now.
Stay safe.
Hi Claudia, I just finished reading (late last night) American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins. It is such a hard story but worth the read. So many have their thoughts about immigration and it’s important to learn why many must leave their own country. I was quite moved by this book. Next up is Mind Games by Nora Roberts from my library waiting list! So many books I always have one to read!
Having several books on hand is essential, Linda!
Thanks so much!
Stay safe.
Right now blooming we have yellow wing stem. It is a wildflower and is blooming around the edges of our yard.
I will look forward to the new Louise Penny book. Our book group read Things We Cannot Say. It was good. I am trying to get a copy of James by Percival Everett. It is about Huck Finn’s brother. I love books by Rhys Bowen and Ellie Griffiths. I am starting a new series by Katharine Schellman. One of my book groups is reading Indigo Girl. Next month we have scheduled to read Tom Lake. Enjoy!
Loved Tom Lake, Sue.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
I just finished “The Last Devil to Die” by Richard Osman. I agree with you that it is a wonderful series. I just started “The Mystery Guest” by Nita Prose. I cannot imagine my world without reading and the magic of stories.
I hope things cool down and you can sit outside and enjoy your beautiful yard with your extraordinary husband. I have said this before but I can see Don as Sheriff Walt Longmire. I bring this up again because I recently finished “First Frost” the latest book in the series.
Take Care,
We sat on the glider today, Kaye.
Stay safe.
I think I’ve read everything that Donna Leon has written. Just ordered her latest, A Refiner’s Fire. Still waiting on almost all of the books I put on hold at the library and so have been reading some oldies like Don Winslow, James Patterson, David Baldacci, Harlan Coben, etc. Can’t justify buying books very often, so am at the mercy of the library. I’ve asked for Clete, and many others that are out now and no luck. So, I guess I’ll have to wait for those. We’ll see what they decide about the upcoming Michael Connelly, Louise Penny, Alafair Burke, and many more.
Surprisingly (to me), I’ve become kind of hooked on a “cozy mystery” series by Lucy Burdette. Couldn’t resist her food-writer, houseboat resident of Key West! They are fun reading.
I’m the same way. I just took two big stacks of books to our library for their sale. I’m trying to get rid of some of my books!
That series sounds fun!
Stay safe, Shanna.
I’m reading a John Grisham. I like simple books, and have read lots of his books. Louise Penny sounds good and I’ll have to check her out. I’ve been painting a bit this summer. Usually they are failures and I rip them up on the way to the bin. I take classes. I think I’ve found my thing.
I like worried little Wren. I’ve always been a terrible worrier. Apparently it’s a learned thing, and goes back to spending so much time with my worrying grandma. Oh, well. Somebody’s got to stay up late. And use the art studio at midnight or at 5 a.m.
I don’t think I learned worrying. I have always been a worrier since I was a wee girl and neither my mom or dad exhibited that behavior – that I know of.
Glad you’re enjoying painting, Irene! I need to get back to that, as well. Just haven’t felt motivated.
Stay safe.
I’m always glad when you ask your readers what they’ve been reading! I’ve read some wonderful books from these recommendations.
I recently read This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger – not his usual mystery. I read Watership Down by Richard Adams and Just a Regular Boy by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Enjoyed them all. Thanks for asking!
I’ve heard very good things about This Tender Land.
Thanks so much, Barbara.
Stay safe.
Brian will love to know that a new Louise Penny book is coming out. He’s a big fan.
I just finished a non-fiction book by Edith Eger ~ The Gift: 12 Lessons to Save Your Life. Really good.
I’ve been in the mood for poetry, so last night started a book called The Poetry of Impermanence, Mindfulness and Joy by John Brehm.
Thanks so much, Melanie!
Stay safe.