The latest morning glory update from Don’s iPhone. It changes daily as those pretty blooms only last one day. Seems wrong, doesn’t it? Shouldn’t they last weeks at a time? I’m thinking there might not be any left when I get back home.
This faint thread of melody (from Bye Bye Birdie) keeps going through my mind:
What’s the story, morning glory?
What’s the word, hummingbird?
Which resolves to:
Have you heard about Hugo and Kim?
It’s from the opening number, The Telephone Hour, where lots of teens are on the phone with each other passing on the news that Hugo and Kim going steady. Ah, a more innocent time. I directed a high school production of Bye, Bye Birdie many years ago, pre-moving away from my hometown and going to grad school. I’m still in contact with several of those kids, who are, ahem, in their forties now.
What? How could that happen? They were 16 and 17 years old when I met them and they are still that age in my mind.
Speaking of productions, Don tells me his American Experience won’t be aired until January – something about starting off the new season with this episode. He learned this when he was doing some voice-over work in the recording studio the other day. Oliver Platt, who was also in the studio, is doing the narration. Just keeping you up-to-date!
The weather has been pretty spectacular around here lately and on Friday, when Don drove me back to Hartford, the sky was a gorgeous shade of blue with lovely wispy clouds. Here we are on a local road we often use:
I made Don stop the car so I could take a picture of the yellow barn and the vine-covered silo.
How often do you see a yellow barn? I wonder how old this farm is? I’d love to explore the innards of that barn.
We stopped at Trader Joe’s along the way, of course, and Scoutie worked her charm on a fellow shopper:
Everyone loves that girl. By the way, in the “Don’t assume things about a person of a certain age” category, that lovely lady and her husband were driving that red Jeep. Unexpected and, I must say, delightful.
This is shaping up to be an all-iPhone photo post. Today is my day off and I have to run some errands this morning. Hopefully the air conditioning in my apartment, which is not working at the moment, will be fixed today. Please. And I think I’m going to meet my former student for coffee, which makes me very happy. We have a lot of catching up to do.
It’s still summer, by the way. I repeat: it’s still summer.
Happy Monday.
Beautiful morning glories! Love the barn photo, but what are the spots all over the barn?
We are looking forward to the American Experience episode!!
I’m thinking the spots may be where the paint wore off the knots in the wood?
Nothing like the blue of a morning glory is there? Love, love, love that shade. What stories that barn and silo could tell if only they could speak. Gorgeous photos Claudia. thank you for sharing. Hope your day is fun!
So far, it’s full of a lot of errands and bill paying.
Still summer here, with flowers blooming and temps so hot, things are melting! But we also have the start of the yellow leaves, which are starting to take over the green and some are even falling to the ground. My favorite part of fall but we’re hanging on to summer while we can, even if we can’t stand the heat any more!! Enjoy your day.
We’ve had some leaves falling from our Sugar Maple for the past few weeks.
Love the barn photos and the sky is beautiful. I never use my phone for pics, I may have to give it a go. I just always assumed they couldn’t compare to my nice expensive camera:)
It depends on the light, but outdoors on a sunny day, it does a pretty good job!
Wow, those are pretty nice pictures coming from an iPhone….thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome, Elizabeth.
Claudia – those morning glories are beautiful!! Such as gorgeous shade of blue…. I will have to put some in for next year!! I am looking forward to seeing American Experience in January!! Hope you have a nice day!! Francine
I wish I was home to see them! Ah, well.
I haven’t thought about Bye, Bye Birdie in decades…at least I didn’t have to say half a century! I’m glad your iPhone works so well taking pics…I’m due for a new phone, so I might have to get one. And yes it’s still summer…today…by Friday it will be fall!! Temperature wise at least! ;)
Don says it feels cool at home, but it’s warmish here.
The morning glory’s are just beautiful and I love the pops of color from the zinnia’s there, too! This was well worth your wait. And the blue skies on your way to Hartford…incredible!
Isn’t that the most gorgeous sky? No retouching of those photos, by the way.
It’s all fall here in Ontario. The nights are downright cold and the leaves are coming down!
Uh oh!
I was going to ask about the spots on the barn, but see that someone beat me to it! Unusual. I love barns and silos! That is one of my favorite things to do in watercolors. Glad you had a few days home. Scout just sways everyone and anyone off their feet, doesn’t she? Bella would have been barking!
Have a great day.
She does, Judy. She is all love and charm, that girl. Now, I don’t know for sure whether the spots on the yellow barn are wood knots but it seems like they might be.
Beautiful pics Claudia..Glad you had such a pretty day to travel back to Hartford!!
I did. Really lovely day.
Fabulous photos…thanks so much for sharing.
You have a fabulous blog too. Going to follow if I can.
Stopping by from the TLC tour list…was looking for your review of THE RETURNED. I will look around for it. :)
I reviewed it too for this tour. It was good but eerie.
Silver’s Reviews
My Blog
It’s not scheduled until September 10th, Elizabeth – tomorrow. It will be up in the morning. Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Claudia!
Oh, I love this post! Thank you, because of it, I learned that Bye Bye Birdie was the first play I ever saw (1961) — not Oliver as my faulty old memory had thought – Oliver turns out to be number four or five — because I can’t remember if I saw Song of Norway for sure? I can remember the girls singing on the phones in Bye Bye Birdie to this very day. So much fun. Smitten forever after.
Happy week to you!
I was in Oliver twice! First as Mrs. Bedwin, then as Nancy. And Bye Bye Birdie was the first musical I saw at our high school – when I was in junior high school. I was in awe of the high school students! I still remember that production. I really love that play.
What a good photo of Scout with the Trader Joe shopper, they are color coordinated. Disappointing that American Experience won’t be on until January but people will be looking forward to new shows then. And I adore Oliver Platt!
I hope your week goes well and that the AC is fixed soon.
You made me laugh Claudia with the comment on not judging. When I moved into our little Cape last year, one of the first things I noticed, was the retired lady who lives across the street, who drives a fire engine red convertible with the top down as often as weather allows here. My thought was, I want to be that person when I’m that age!
Yes..sad to say, It’s still summer..It’s to be 90 today and tomorrow..Back in the 70’s for the weekend..I hope, I hope..
LOVELY SHOTS ! Countryside, blue skies, barns and silos…love them :)
So wonderful to read. I’m happy to see the world through your eyes today.
Such a beautiful drive, Claudia. Love the barn and silo pictures.