My first zinnia has bloomed. Yes, I know it’s a bit late but I seem to forget to put the seeds in the ground until late in the spring. I also planted some sunflower seeds. However, the plants that are coming up look suspiciously like the purple hyacinth bean vine that I planted in pots by the entrance to the dog corral.
I seem to have a problem with sunflowers.
Last year, a blogging friend sent me some giant sunflower seeds, which I excitedly planted. Whatever it was that came up was scrawny and I never saw a giant sunflower. Okay. So this year, I bought my own seeds and planted them. Something is coming up that bears no resemblance to the photo on the seed packet. In fact, yesterday I pulled out the seed packet (which I had saved in a drawer) to make sure that I had actually planted the seeds. I did. So what gives?
On another note: I caught a glimpse of this little goldfinch, who turned out to have a mate, flitting among the weeds on the edge of the property. I shot this through the mesh of the kitchen window screen, so it’s a bit fuzzy. He’d jump from flower to flower, sometimes hanging upside down. It was like watching a gymnastics competition.
Which brings me to a question I have about birds. In the last week or so, I no longer see birds at the birdbath. There was so much activity earlier in the summer and now….none. All of the rain and bird activity had dirtied up the birdbath, so I cleaned it out thoroughly, thinking that might be keeping them away. Still no birds. It’s so hot right now, I would think they’d be using the birdbath more than ever. And though I’m indoors a lot these humid days, I don’t even see them flying around. Where are they?
What gives? Does anyone out there have any information?
I miss them. That’s why I was so happy to see the goldfinches yesterday.
Other business: A few of you asked about the cabinets and plate rack I bought for the dollhouse kitchen. They are made by JBM Miniatures. I first discovered them on this site, but they no longer have them in 1″scale. They do still carry them in 1/2″scale. On checking the JBM site, I see they are also sold out. (This is why I decided to bite the bullet and purchase them the other day.) I found Grandma Holly’s House online and they had 2 left in stock. I just checked and there is still one available.
It’s a little more money than I would usually spend, but the units are so well made and are very high quality. The drawers open and are beautifully finished. To me, they were worth the investment. If you’re interested, I would click on that link as soon as possible. Good luck!
Happy Sunday.
We don’t have little birds this year either. We have crows and they kill them just for sport…. It is horrible. And they are noisy and destructive.
I can’t start plants from seeds because we get here too late in the season.
Love your dollhouse kitchen!
My birds are fewer now mainly because we stopped filling the feeders this Summer due to the squirrels depleting $20 worth of seed weekly…………we were spending more on seed than on keeping our ‘frig stocked with the basics!! Why has birdseed become so expensive this year? Also, because our front feeder is next to the fig tree, and we are trying to keep birds and squirrels off the ripening fruit, the birdbath, although we clean out and keep filled with fresh water daily, doesn’t seem to attract many birds without lunch awaiting close by! Yesterday I did hear chattering and saw 5 finches drinking together – that was nice – and my wrens still come to the wicker chairs on the porch several times a day to eat tiny bugs. I have a hummingbird at that feeder on the porch, and yesterday also saw a few cardinals fly by. When DH mows the robins appear on the lawn looking for worms I guess. The hawks have been more prevalent here lately and perhaps are scaring off the birds. Your goldfinches are so sweet, I love those birds even though the niger seed is costly!
Sunflowers, strange garden glories! Mine never came up this year either – could it be too hot and dry? Doubt it because they love this weather – sometimes I think they get the wrong seeds in those packets! Best ones I ever had were from that same feeder in front two years ago – dropped by the birds/squirrels – came up everywhere and reached 6 ft. tall with massive blooms. Such an amazing surprise – thought I was back in Provence!
Happy Sunday dear – hope your birds return soon.
Mary X
My birds seem to come and go with the season..Maybe they are busy feeding newborns…My finches are around almost all the time..The robins haven’t been around this week..Cardinals too..Maybe they’re on vacation..Hope they’re having fun…
The absence of birds could be as simple as another source of water nearby. However, the birds seem to be less active now in this heat…maybe reserving energy?
Your zinnia is gorgeous! We never had any luck growing zinnias. Always had a battle with fungus.
Hi – we’re still seeing lots of birds but during the heat of the day, they are mostly in the spruce tree. About dinner time, they come out to feed and drink and bathe. I dump and refill my bird bath daily (mostly because of mosquitoes and West Nile but the birds seem to appreciate it). There’s a sparrow in the bird feeder outside my window as I’m typing. J
It might be more about food than water at this time of year. I don’t feed the birds because of my killer cat, however, dozens have taken up residence around my chicken enclosure. They swoop in for the seed the chickens have dropped. ~ Maureen
Our birds seem to be as plentiful as ever early morning and late afternoon. I keep the water sources moving either with a fountain or my hose for the same reason as others ~ mosquitoes. I purchased some fish from the nursery and voracious little darlings are doing a splendid job of eating the larvae. I have missed the night sounds of crickets, katydids and frogs this past week. There was just enough of a short window of opportunity in the shade to weed the herb garden this morning. My hands smell so good.
The drawers open on the lower cabinet ~ wow. You must hand a dishtowel from the drawer. Do you decorate the dollhouse for the season by changing the fabrics? See you are getting more questions than answers.
Happy Sunday.
I am not sure what is going on with the birds. It is odd because we have them at the feeders but they are NOT using either bird bath this year.
I don’t have much luck with sunflowers OR morning glories! Maybe you will get some exotic spectacular plant- xo Diana
When mine stop coming to bathe I usually discover that a stray kitty has been about..stray kitty leaves me “presents” as a calling card….
Wow,I don’t know what gives with the birds… If if makes you feel any better, I can’t get sunflowers to grow either!