Sunny, but with a golden quality to the light that tells me autumn is coming.
I’ve had to reschedule my coaching sessions at the last minute twice this week as the actor is filming a series in England and the filming has gone past the time originally scheduled. We’re going to work tomorrow on his day off. (Not his fault, of course!)
I also was contacted by the next Anastasia tour – this one is non-union, as it’s the second national tour – and we’re trying to schedule some days where I come in and work with the actors. All of this conveniently falls in late September – mid October, before I start work on the movie. I am grateful for the opportunity to be the main source of income for the next few months. Really, really grateful.
As you might imagine, our lawn throughout the property is very overgrown because of all the rain. Today, we’ll start to tackle that. I’ve been wearing a mask when I mow because my allergies are so bad this year. I don’t know if it helps, but I do it anyway. Anyway, we have our work cut out for us this weekend.
Hopefully, I’ll get some time to paint. Fingers crossed.
Sad to see summer ending, but ready for fall.
Hope all is well with you.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
More work on Anastasia! Such a happy coincidence that it slots nicely into your previously agreed-upon work schedule.
I love the autumn light. I loved school, too, so it brings back happy memories of school shopping. It’s the supplies I remember, not the clothing.
I’m so happy that someone is engaged in the arts, making this world, even here deep in Taliban Texas, a better place. This morning, my husband and I again had the “Do we leave or stay in Texas and try to help make it a better place for our five grandchildren?” conversation. We again committed to staying here and doing what we can to help. I made a contribution to Beto’s group Powered by the People yesterday. Next week, I’ll look for a postcard campaign. And, when I grow too angry, I’ll sit on my new rolling lawn cart that makes me ridiculously happy and weed more of the overgrown herb garden.
That is great that you have work. Hopefully you will able to put away some extra money for dry spells because we all know they will come.
Or repairs which we need to do.
Thanks, Linda
Stay safe.
Bravo to you and your husband, Linda. It would be easy to cut and run, but you’re committed to fighting for what you believe in.
Thank you for that.
Stay safe!
You might also think about donating to Joe Jaworski’s campaign for Attorney General. I’ve known Joe since he moved to Galveston years ago; he’s a good, decent, smart man.
Replying to myself to say I goofed and this was meant for the first Linda. Oops.
I understood that you were writing this for me. Thanks for the tip. I’ll check out his campaign and platform. Paxton is another we have to vote out of office.
Linda, scroll down to where I replied to the Linda whose comment followed yours. Just wanted to say that Joe Jaworski’s campaign for Texas Attorney General is Aldo worth donating to.
congratulations on more work coming your way … i am very happy for you!
the zinnias and the light are beautiful. not pushing for snow and ice, but i am definitely ready for cooler weather too.
grateful to have monday off. hope to get some things done at home, among other things.
hope everyone has a lovely weekend. stay safe and well!
kathy in iowa
Enjoy your long weekend Kathy!
Stay safe.
Congratulations on the Anastasia work!
Have a good weekend.
Stay safe
I knew it was coming as Darko contacted me about it a long time ago. I’m just glad it doesn’t conflict with the film work.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
It is wonderful that you are finding work doing something you love. Enjoy the cooler weather that is coming soon.
Thank you, Kay.
Stay safe!
That’s terrific news about the Anastasia tour, even if it’s non-union. I’m remembering the Margaritaville issue with non-union shows. But work is work and it’s a lovely show. The timing sounds excellent.
I can imagine the bugs are out in force after all the rain. Take care and don’t overdo!
The issue with Margaritaville was that it was the First National Tour. First Tours are normally union tours. Then when the second tour goes out, it’s often non-union. Margaritaville went with a non-union tour as the first tour. Anastasia’s first tour was union.
I don’t mind working non-union, as I’m not in Equity. I’ve actually worked for this particular touring company in the past – I did it a lot when we first moved out here.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
AH. I see the difference, now. OK — that makes sense! Thanks for the explanation.
Love the photo – zinnias are my favorite summer flower!
I love zinnias!
Stay safe, Lynda.
Just came in from weeding in my front garden bed. I always feel better after I have done that and probably should do it more often!! :)
Glad you are working again. Stay safe!
Thank you, Ellen.
Stay safe.
Great news about the additional work, sometimes life just comes together in such a great way.
If it’s not too cheeky, I wonder if I can ask about your voice coaching. Do you teach various accents and how does it work? Do you teach voice inflections and how do you do that? Is it a case of talking, talking, talking in the chosen accent and do you give lessons to your students? My questions are all the same really, I was just sitting and wondering how you get a British actor to speak with a natural sounding US accent. Hope you don’t mind.
I hope you don’t mind, Fiona, but I just got in from doing a lot of mowing and the thought of trying to explain the way I work is too daunting at the moment. I will either post a link to a previous post about it in the near future, or, when I’m less exhausted I’ll try to address it.
Thanks so much!
Stay safe.
Stay safe.
I don’t mind waiting at all :) whenever you have the time and energy, be it this week, next week or whenever and if you feel like it. I’m rather fascinated that’s all. Have a good rest and take care.
I was thinking of you the other night while watching an episode of Foyle’s War. The British actor playing an American actually had a very good accent, but the rhythm was just enough off to be distracting.
Let’s hope that isn’t an issue in this film!
Stay safe, Margaret.
Great news about the Anastasia work. It’s like the saying ‘ You wait ages for a bus then two come along at once!’
Yes. I’m grateful for the work, but you can be sure I’ll be wearing a mask.
Stay safe.
Great! Things are looking up!!!
Thank you, Lottie!
Stay safe.
Great news about the additional work! Hope the mowing wasn’t too much for you two. Enjoy your day…after mowing! ;)
It was too much. We’re tuckered out!
Stay safe, Donnamae.