The zinnias, bless them, are still going strong, with new flowers still emerging. They are my late-in-the-season gift.
I am not a fan of Monday holidays. But here we are. I suppose I don’t like the fact that there’s no mail delivery, more than anything. Also, when I was teaching in an actor training program and coaching theater – and when I was an actress as well – Monday was our day off. Our only day off. So having a holiday on that day made going to the bank and the post office next to impossible. It’s a bit different now in that you can deposit a check with an app, but the post office is still an impossibility.
I finished The Stone Circle by Elly Griffiths and have ordered The Lantern Men, which is next. Then I’ll be ready to read her latest, which I believe is still in hardcover. I have a stack of books ready to take to Brooklyn with me, including the latest by Louise Penny, John Connolly, Amor Towles, and Anthony Doerr.
Imogen, sitting on the tiny cardboard suitcases I bought on Amazon. I needed some cute way to store the girls’ clothes other than the shoe box I had been using. I told her she could share everything with Sophia and she was delighted. I haven’t yet broken the news that they’re leaving home for six weeks. It’s too soon.
Red Sox again tonight. Last night’s game, for some inexplicable reason, was only carried by MLB TV, and we don’t subscribe to it. So major league baseball, despite their mission to gain a viewing audience, shot themselves in the foot. Most of their viewers rely on accessible cable tv to view the games and yours truly was not about to subscribe for one game. So, the evening turned a bit surreal as I held my phone and followed along with the game on both the Red Sox and MLB sites. Don sat on the sofa with his eyes closed while I announced balls, strikes, who was on base, etc. Since the game lasted 13 innings, this was a long and tedious process. Tonight, thank goodness, it’s available.
We won, by the way.
Okay. Have to coach Ben today.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
I had to laugh Claudia as that’s the way we “watched” the game too! We are rooting for the Rays though as we live in the Tampa area. I love Elly Griffiths’s books also. I am reading the Magic Men series now and and am really enjoying it. Thanks for all you share.😊
You’re’ most welcome!
Stay safe, Janet.
Glad Sophie has a sweet friend!
I just heard about the Hillary Clinton and Louise Penny book. Looks interesting!
Have a great week!
Sorry… Sophia not Sophie.
No, you were right – It’s Sophie!
It does. I plan on reading it.
Stay safe, Melanie.
What a gorgeous shade of red! Imogene looks ready to travel. Perhaps she overheard a conversation.
She might have!
Stay safe, Kay.
I’m reading the Crossing Places by EG. I had never heard of her until your endorsement. Thanks! I’m enjoying it!
Well, I never heard of her until readers on this blog told me about her!
So glad you’re enjoying her.
Stay safe, Barbara!
Love how you ‘watched’ the game. Those little suitcases are adorable. I forgot today was a holiday and was looking for mail all day. Take care!
I don’t like it when there’s no mail!
Stay safe, Linda.
all sounds good. enjoy!
no job news here … yet. working and praying for that change (improvement, relief) to happen soon.
it rained here today, first time in a long time. i didn’t get to be out in it, but am grateful for it.
hope everyone is having a nice night.
Take care and stay positive, Kathy.
Stay safe.
I’m a Sox fan, too (when it’s not the Cleveland Indians!) Love the suitcases. I remember my doll trunk for Barbie with the clothes in it. The suitcases are cuter! I got my Penny along with a number of other very good books I will have to push to read. From a good swap with a friend. Right now I’m reading “The Riviera Set”by Mary Lovell. I want to get the Doerr, too!