A very cold, but sunny morning. The temps were back down to the 20s last night.
Spring: You are crazy.
This cold weather will continue for the next couple of days and then the temps will gradually rise. I’m ready for full-on Spring, thank you very much.
We both woke up ridiculously early this morning. I won’t say what time. But we’re determined to be positive and sail through the day with flying colors. Wish us luck!
I did some minor faffing to the original dollhouse yesterday. Over time, changes of temperature cause things to fall off walls, or be jostled in some way or another. I rehung some pictures, a mirror, and a platter. Straightened up the sofas. Dusted the floors (with a paintbrush.) Usually, the dollhouse exterior is facing me when I’m sitting in the den, but I turned it recently – it inspires me for the work that must be done on the rescued dollhouse. It helps to remember all the steps it took to get to the finished product. So, when I turned it and looked closely, I realized some minor adjustments needed to be made.
I also painted a base coat of white on the exterior of my current project. I didn’t want any blue showing when I started the long process of attaching the ‘stones’ to the exterior. My plans yesterday for doing some work up in my office didn’t come to fruition. I did nothing but hang around with my husband, cuddle, and read. That was it. But it was awfully nice.
Someone asked the other day about sources for dollhouse furniture and tips for rehabbing a dollhouse, so it’s time to remind everyone that I have a heck of a lot of posts about Hummingbird Cottage and Don’s Studio under the Dollhouses/Minis tab on my navigation bar. There’s also a Source List, which I just happened to update last week. There’s lots of information for you there.
Okay. It’s Monday. It’s April. It’s sunny.
I’ll take it.
Happy Monday.
Thanks for the introduction to a word I have never heard before…faffing. I do that all the time, lol!
Cold here too…60’s though on the horizon, if only for a day or two next weekend….I’ll take it.
Good luck getting through the day nap free! ;)
Thank you, Donnamae!
Well, sometimes you just need a cuddle & read day, and I hope you navigate today indeed with those flying colors!
I had to look up the word, “faffing”. Yep, I learn a lot of new things on MHC!
I hope so, too. Right now, it seems awfully difficult!
Spring here will be dry and sunny followed by overcast and rain followed by dry and sunny followed by…you get the picture. Fortunately, I don’t mind either weather, even though I admit that the rain gives me an excuse to forego all the raking and weeding I see before me…
I have so much work to do outside but it’s too darned cold!
It sounds incredibly productive! Yes, I, too, am eagerly awaiting full-on spring and trying to get through this transition season with little projects. Today I found 17 bottles of vinegar in a cupboard I had neglected. I don’t know if I’m relieved or disappointed that vinegar seems to have an indefinite shelf life…
Whoa! That’s a lot of vinegar, Jeanie!
It should be warm enough here for me to bundle up and pot some flowers. Enjoy the work on your dollhouse.
I will – though not today! I’m too tired!
Claudia, you are so ambitious. That dollhouse is going to be lovely.
Thank you, Marilyn!
Sounds like you had a perfect day in my book. We woke up to twenties today too and lots of wind. So, instead of heading outside, I’ve been pootling – a word I like almost as much as faffing ;-) – around at cleaning out cupboards and basement organization. There’s so much to be done indoors instead of moping and pining to be outside. I honestly don’t see how we ever could have planned this upcoming down-to-the-studs kitchen reno if I was still working full time. I’ve decided to readjust my attitude about spring’s failure to show up, put my head down, and just get at it.
Any kind of renovation is overwhelming. Hang in there, Kay!
I’m getting ready to do the same thing with my dollhouse, along with a couple of wallpaper repairs. It definitely needs it! So, “off subject” … I was reading in the latest issue of Fleamarket Style an article about Hudson, New York. Is it close to you? Have you and Don ever been there? It looked like such a charming and fun place to visit.
It’s about an hour north of us. I’ve been there, but it was several years ago. I think we’ll try for a visit sometime this spring.
hope you had a good day and will sleep better/longer tonight!
your faffing is my puttering and i love to do that. sometimes for me it’s procrastination (which is one way i process for my mind getting to relax) and sometimes my puttering actually means i have the necessary chores done (heehee) and can tinker around with little details or new ideas. either way … love it.
also, your photo of the flowers in the light is just beautiful! wish some smartie would sign you and don to write books with all your stories and skills (writing and photography among them)!
kathy in iowa
Oh, thank you for your kind words, Kathy! (I did sleep better last night!)
These cold nights seem even colder when it is warm during the day!…but I will take it as it won’t be long until I am complaining that it is too hot! lol
It was REALLY cold this morning! We don’t want to have to order any more heating oil and I think we’re going to make it with out having to do that.