Hope for spring. I just discovered the daffodils on the edge of the woods. I’ve also seen the shoots from the earliest-to-bloom day lilies emerging from the ground. But, as usual in March, one day is quite warm and the next is freezing. We had a lot of rain last night and now…yes, you’re right…today will be windy all day long.
This has been such a stressful time. My blog security company is trying to find out why the database can’t be backed up. They did manage to stop the other backup and told me it was happening to several other accounts as well. Now they have to dig further. In the meantime, I had two hours of sleep the other night, got up at 5 am, and when Don came downstairs, I just started sobbing. Lack of sleep, the world, the blog stuff, but mostly because my friend Jan has stopped eating and drinking and we now know she has entered the final weeks of her life. She is very frail. She rarely speaks and when she does, she doesn’t always make sense. Joe and I are in constant contact. Hospice says it will probably be within a week or so.
Yesterday was her birthday and I asked Joe to let me know when I might call him, so that he could put the phone up to her ear. I did that yesterday morning and she actually said to me, “Oh, hi!” I wished her a happy birthday and told her I love her. She said “Thank you.” Her voice was very shaky. I told her I didn’t want to tire her and then there was silence. I loudly said, “Give the phone to Joe” so that he would hear me, which he did. Oh, how grateful I was for that moment when she knew it was me. That was an unexpected gift.
I take my phone upstairs with me at bedtime in case Joe needs to reach me.
There’s just too much going on right now and none of it is easy or peaceful.
I finished The Grey Wolf this morning. Excellent, as always. Now I’m on to Nemesis, which I picked up from the library yesterday.
You can click on that envelope icon and send me an email comment. For those of you who read the blog on phones, the set up is different. You have to scroll down past the posts and there you’ll see all the sidebar information. I believe the envelop icon is the first thing you’ll see in that section.
I have a new little tour on the YouTube channel. I’ll give you the link tomorrow.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.