Whew. I confess I sat in bed last night, constantly refreshing my Twitter feed to see what was happening with the vote on health care. All I could think of last night was the very real chance that millions of people were going to lose healthcare. I couldn’t shake it. I was up far too late but gave in to sleep before it all happened. And I had indigestion because Don tried a new recipe which took far too long to prepare and we didn’t eat until 9 pm.
So. With not enough sleep, Cranky Claudia arose this morning, afraid to check Twitter. Fortified by the first sips of a cup of coffee, I saw the news. Thank goodness! Thank you Democrats, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins! For the rest of you who voted for it?
2018 is coming.
Thank you, thank you for all of your comments on yesterday’s post! I have the best readers and believe me, I never take you for granted. Your support, your enthusiasm and your wisdom really helped. I read many of them to Don. By mid-afternoon, I had Don call Antique Stove Heaven to check on the cost of a double oven (though I knew we’d be fine without one) and the additional $1500 or so that it added to the cost of the one we were seriously considering gave us our answer. We’re going with the one in the photo.
We’re buying it!!
I transferred the money for the down payment yesterday and today I’ll call and make the payment over the phone. And then they’ll make sure everything is tip-top, convert it to propane, figure out the shipping cost, etc. At some point, it will start the trek to our little cottage.
On one level, it’s scary for us to spend this much money. I wake up in the morning thinking “What the heck (actually, I use another word) are we doing?” On the other hand, we’re really excited.
I read an article that really helped us make the decision. It’s older – it was published on Slate in 2009, but it really hit home for me. Especially since the writer used Antique Stove Heaven and had the stove shipped to Manhattan. If you’re interested, here it is.
Can you see a tiny glass vase full of flowers on that shelf above the stove? I can.
I did a ton of weeding yesterday. I also cut back lots of brambles. I was tuckered out by mid-afternoon. But it looks better out there.
Again. Thank you. I love you all. You have been such a source of support for me through good times and bad and I bow to your wisdom and kindness and compassion.
Much love from Don and me.
Happy Friday.