Lately, Don and I have been taking a walk at the end of the day; that time of day when the sun is about to set and darkness isn’t far behind. On Sunday, the sky was full of dark clouds and the late afternoon light blazed through the clouds, creating some spectacular autumn scenery.
Timing is everything.
The walk: a few hundred feet down our road, then a right turn onto another lovely road, then back again. Simple. I’m going to share the photos in chronological order, ending with a glorious sunset.
We live in a beautiful place.
We live on the top of that hill. Just on the other side of this view.
By the time we got home it was dark.
We looked and gasped and stood in awe and thought, not for the first time, how lucky we are to live here. For all the inconvenience of living so far from the city, for all the days we miss California, for all the days we long for someplace warm, for all the days we wish we weren’t saddled with a mortgage, there are days like this that stop us in our tracks and fill us with gratitude.
Happy Tuesday.