I have been such a good girl lately. I haven’t purchased a new book in quite a while. Between the library and the eGalleys and advanced reader copies that I get in the mail or on my Kindle, I have more than enough reading matter to last me quite a long time.
My queue at the library includes Louise Penny’s newest, The Nature of the Beast. And I’m not all that far down the list. I told myself that I didn’t need to own the book, even though I had all of the other Three Pines mysteries on my bookshelves. Surely I would be just fine if I read the library copy. No big deal.
Then I stopped by the bookstore on my way to Target yesterday.
I caved.
I justified this purchase with the fact that I’ve been sick for the last week and I’ve been sticking to my budget and I haven’t bought any new books in a long, long time and I’m on a diet from sugar and salt and I’m losing weight (thank goodness) and surely I deserve some sort of treat?
A resounding “Yes!” was my answer to myself.
Along with The Nature of the Beast, I bought Fahrenheit 451 because I have never read it. It’s shocking that I’ve never read this book about books and burning books and the need for words on the page. I’m going to remedy that.
And then I threw in Nancy Martin’s latest Blackbird Sisters Mystery, A Little Night Murder. Have you read any of the books in this series? They’re delightful and very well written. They take place in and around the Philadelphia area. As I lived there for five years, it’s fun to rediscover it all via Martin’s series.
We won’t even mention how many TBR books I have here already – both on my bookshelves and on the Kindle. We just won’t.
One of the things I had wanted to do this week when I went into NYC was visit The Mysterious Bookshop. Being sick put paid to that idea, so I guess I’m comforting myself in a way. Really, the fact is if I was given a big chunk of cash, I’d probably spend it on books. Not furniture, not clothes, not little things for the house, not shoes, not even food. (Maybe some miniatures…) No, I’d trot off to The Mysterious Bookshop and the Strand and spend, spend, spend.
I’m about 90 pages from the end of The Girl in the Spider’s Web and then I’ll either start the newest Jan Karon (which has been waiting for me on the Kindle) or the Penny. Hmmm.
What are you reading at the moment?
Happy Saturday.