These vintage Penguins arrived earlier in the week, all the way from England. I think we have about 8 or 9 now. Don is a big Wodehouse fan, so we’re going to collect Wodehouse Penguins, and of course, I love mysteries. (Don did a one-man show earlier in his career called Jeeves Take Charge in which he played multiple characters from the series. He first performed it in his early thirties, having been coached in it by the actor who originated the role and who had been given permission by the Wodehouse estate to write the script. Don performed it again in 1998, so I got to see it. It was a huge hit. I saw it the day before we got married. He was frigging brilliant.)
A small, but slowly growing collection.
Today, my plants will be granted the freedom to once again grow outdoors. Huzzah! The perennials in the ground, despite frost last night, seem to be doing well. So the plan is to put on some old clothes, take the plants back outside, drive to the nursery/farm stand and get supplies – both plants and some produce. Don had a reaction to a shot he got yesterday, so I’ve forbidden him to leave the house, so this time I will be getting everything. It’s only right as he’s done most of the errand running during this lockdown.
Background: Don has been getting shots in his left eye for a year now as he’s suffering from macular degeneration in that eye. This particular round had been postponed because of the pandemic, but his sight was really suffering, so he went in yesterday. They have a protocol in place, only letting a few patients in at a time. But it was nervous-making. Sometimes the shot is relatively easy, but this time, it wasn’t and his eye has been watering continuously – as well as his nose. We ended up talking to the doctor on call last night and she was very reassuring about everything. But it’s been a pain – literally. So he’s taking it easy today.
And there you go. I’m off to restore the plants, fold up tarps, and run errands.
Stay safe.