I love a foggy morning. After last night’s intense thunderstorm, we woke up to this view. Perfect: not so much that it’s dangerous to drive, but just enough for ‘atmosphere.’
We tag-team mowed the front lawn yesterday and it was so humid that we were dripping! It was one of those days where the temperature was not all that high, but the humidity was. So, we went outside thinking it would be cool and quickly realized it was unbelievably uncomfortable. But we did it. We also took a morning walk right before we mowed.
Couldn’t wait to get in the shower and turn on the air conditioning.
All of that left me feeling tired, so I didn’t do any work on deductions. But today is another story and I have to tackle that chore while Don is taking photos at the Farmers Market. Tomorrow, I have to take the car in for a yearly inspection. And on Wednesday, I fly off to Las Vegas. Don is working on Friday on a new show called Starling that will be on Apple’s new network.
Suddenly, we’re busy. Feast or famine. But it will all get back to normal next weekend.
Thanks for the great discussion about children’s literature. I loved all sorts of books – many of the titles elude me because we didn’t have many books that we actually owned, but instead, checked books out of the library/bookmobile. Since I had to return them within a week or so, I didn’t often have the option of reading them over and over. All I know is that I read a lot of books and the authors I most remember are Beverly Cleary and Laura Ingalls Wilder. My grandmother had a book of fairy tales that I would thumb through on visits to her house. My mom’s childhood books sat on a shelf in our bedroom; Jack and Jill, Anne of Green Gables and Anne of the Island, Five Little Peppers and How They Grew, Little Women. Later, when I could buy Scholastic Books through my school, I saved up my pennies (or Mom and Dad gave me the money) and all of a sudden, I had books of my very own! I still remember when those boxes of books arrived in our classroom and my teacher would make a big deal of the unboxing. Sometimes, I was lucky enough to be the student who got to pass out the books.
My dad wasn’t much of a reader, he tended to read the newspaper and magazines. But my mom was a voracious reader and she made sure I had a lot of books to read via weekly visits to the Bookmobile. (I wrote a post about the Bookmobile long ago on this blog – it was everything.) When I had my book blog, I dedicated it to her. I am enormously grateful that she passed on her love of reading to me.
There’s nothing better.
Happy Sunday.