Greetings from the wind tunnel.
I’m not kidding. It sounds like I’m in a wind tunnel, especially upstairs in the office. The winds kicked up yesterday afternoon and they raged all night long. At this point, I’m ready to scream. In fact, I did scream some invective last night. Luckily, both Don and I are well versed in the dramatic turn, so he just laughed at me. (I did it twice.)
I grew up in Dearborn, Michigan, home of the Ford Motor Company. Not only was it the home of the World Headquarters, there was also the Rouge Plant (every school kid went on a tour of the Rouge Plant) and mysterious things like the Testing Ground and the….Wind Tunnel.
I was fascinated by the Wind Tunnel. What must it have been like inside the tunnel?
I think I know now.
Welcome to life in and around my cottage in what seems to be the windiest part of my neck of the woods. Again, not kidding. The other day, during a horrendously windy day, I got in the car to run some errands. Once I left my road and ventured onto neighboring roads, it struck me that the trees weren’t moving. Nor were the bushes. But back home? Crazy movement everywhere. I’ve observed this same thing many times. Windy here, but not there.
It’s in the single digits right now. Lovely.
I saw robins for the first time yesterday. They looked stunned by all the snow on the ground. Oh, we’re getting over a foot of snow on Tuesday.
I found myself whiling away some time on eBay yesterday afternoon. Roseville has been very pricey for the past 6 months or so. Ever hopeful, I did a search. Still too pricey. I miss adding to my collection, but truth be told, because I have amassed quite a bit of Roseville, I’m pickier now. Same thing with McCoy. I have a lot of McCoy and there are really only a few pieces I would bid on at this point.
But I love collecting. What’s a girl to do?
Never fear, I found a vintage Nancy Drew and it’s on the way to the cottage. The newest will be The Mystery at Lilac Inn. I can’t wait to show you the cover illustration!
We’re hunkered down here at the cottage because it’s so gosh-darned cold out there! Reading, cuddling (it’s our last weekend together for quite a while), maybe some quilting, and some cleaning, straightening, plant watering…that kind of thing.
Happy Saturday.