Since I’m filled with anxiety and fear lately (gee, I wonder why?) I’m going to post something cute. Adorable, in fact.
I’m not ordering any new dolls for the time being – maybe forever – but I ordered a doll head, faceup, and wig about 7 months ago from a BJD designer in China. This particular doll is very popular on my Blythe feed and I was enchanted by her ‘look.’ She was very reasonably priced, and as with most BJDs, the designer posts a preorder and then makes enough dolls to fulfill that order. It takes a lot of time because they are not mass produced. In this case, the heads had to be made, then shipped to the designer, then individual faceups had to be done, etc. I didn’t order the body because I had an OB 22 body on hand. That’s the same body that several of my Blythes have, as well as Jessie, the Little Keiko doll that I did the faceup for.
I knew she was going to ship about a week ago, but never received any tracking information. That made me very uneasy because the doll was coming all the way from Beijing. That’s never happened before. I was also concerned about customs fees, which I’ve never had to pay, but are now in place due to actions of the felon in the WH. But late in the day on Monday, there was a knock on the front door and the mail carrier was standing there with a box from China. It took less than a week, which is astounding. And no customs fee, though I’m not exactly sure why.
Here she is:
I hadn’t even thought of a name ahead of time, but the minute I looked at her, I knew she was Ruby. She has the smallest head of any of my dolls, even smaller than Lily or Wren. But it’s beautifully in proportion to the OB 22 body. (I’ll take a picture soon of a Blythe and a Little Keiko and this girl, so you can get an idea of the difference in body/head size.)
Her hair looks a little auburn here because of the sun streaming in our windows. That was yesterday. Today, it’s raining.
The wig was made by another creator in China, who is a pal of Ruby’s designer. It’s really beautiful. She even included a mini comb and brush!
Don is enchanted by her. I am, too. I must admit, her arrival lifted my spirits on Monday and Tuesday. Now, of course, I want another so she can have a friend. But the process takes so long, so that may not happen.
I have another video for you. It’s a tour of Hummingbird Cottage, my first attempt at restoring a dollhouse.
Since my site was infected today, and the only thing I’m doing differently is adding YouTube links, I’m going to discontinue that. Just go to YouTube and search under: claudiathechroniccollector.
Dollhouse Tour: Hummingbird Cottage
I hope you enjoy the little tour.
NOTE: For some reason, I’m getting an error message when I try to leave a comment. I’ll check with my host. Update: the site was hacked – my first time since Blogger days, It’s fixed now.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.