This is the kind of weather day that makes me want to climb inside the dollhouse for extra protection. The winds are relentless, I can hear them constantly. I worry about the trees, which seem to be losing more and more limbs lately. I used to like the sound of wind. No more. It makes me edgy and nervous.
I had a long day yesterday: four hours of driving in the rain, a full day of rehearsal – all on about 4 hours of sleep. But it was a good day, as well, with a terrific group of actors to work with and a director who is a truly nice person as well as very talented. Got home around 9 p.m., ate some pizza and went to bed. I’m catching up on all my email and comments. Thanks so much for all the wonderful, supportive comments on my two projects. I love creating and it’s tremendously satisfying, but it’s even more so when I can post photos and get such wonderful feedback from friends.
I want a real-sized version of this sofa in my living room.
Anyone want to climb in the dollhouse with me? We could have a cup of tea or coffee and a nice, cozy chat.