We mowed the front lawn yesterday and I weed whacked, as well. With so much way-too-hot and humid weather in the past 10 days, we were behind. We’re still behind; the corral and back forty have to be mowed, as well, but at least the front of the house is looking neater.
In the middle of our driveway was this little bouquet which sprung up from the gravel:
It’s in the middle, so we don’t drive over it. Almost as if it knew the perfect place to be.
So, we’re tired today. Don is running some errands. I’m blogging. And then we’re going to take it easy as we’re driving to Pennsylvania tomorrow; actually, a town right outside Philadelphia, my old stomping grounds. The dollhouse seller and I have communicated and have come up with a plan to do this exchange safely. And the dollhouse will be on the porch, so we won’t have to go inside.
Yikes. A big old dollhouse is coming to the studio! I’ve already cleared a space on the work table. Dove Cottage has been moved to the sewing table where it used to be before Don gave me the worktable as a birthday present. Eventually, I’ll have to figure out where Dove Cottage will live, but we’re not quite there yet.
I’ll share pics of the Beacon Hill with you. It’s painted a rather bright yellow, the porch seems to be on crookedly, so that will have to be fixed, the shutters need to be repositioned, and the rooms are all painted dark colors and not very well painted, at that. I think I’m going to have to do what I did with Hummingbird Cottage – paint it all white, inside and out. That will be a base coat and then I’ll go from there, choosing wallpaper and a color for the outside. We won’t get back until late in the day, but hopefully, I can get some pictures as the sun floods that room in the afternoon.
Anyway…an adventure tomorrow. Bless my husband for being willing to do this. We have to use the Pilot, which I’ve never driven, and I wouldn’t want to do this alone. So my big, tall, strong husband will be at my side and we’ll take lots of quilts to cushion the dollhouse for its journey to our little cottage.
Am I crazy? Yes. But then, you knew that.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.