In about three weeks, I’ll see my husband. I have yet to make the plane reservation but I’m planning on traveling sometime during the first few days of July. His show closes July 9th. Then, on the 10th, we’ll start out on our trip home.
And in the ‘we’re never home at the same time’ category, I found out that my next show at Hartford Stage starts rehearsals on August 11th. Sigh. I guess we’ll have about three weeks together here at the cottage. I’m, as always, grateful for the work, but not so entranced by another separation.
Taken about 6:30 this morning, as I was trying to get a good picture of the Catalpa blossoms:
The blossoms are everywhere. Since we’re due for rain on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I fear they won’t be with us much longer. The scent is wonderful. As I do my work outside, it hovers in the air. Beautiful.
Roses and roses and roses.
Each stage of the unfurling is beautiful. If I had the time, I’d park myself on a bench and take pictures throughout the day, capturing all the changes.
I mowed the front of the property yesterday. It was a beautiful day; low eighties with no humidity and sunny. Today, the corral and the back forty and I’ll be good to go for another week. Life seems to consist of checking the weather forecast and calculating when I will be able to mow.
Next week, I will be in Manhattan on Tuesday and Wednesday to do a little checking in on Anastasia and to work with a couple of the actors. Working with the actors is always a pleasure and seeing the show again will be lovely.
Do you ever find yourself wanting to say “I warned you” or “I told you so” when talking about the current state of things in the Oval Office? I do. (I’m only human.) There were so many warnings from so many people about what would most likely happen if he was elected. And it’s all coming true with an extra dollop of corruption, collusion and greed.
Those of us who live in or near NYC were on to him years ago. His corruption was well known – there’s a reason New Yorkers didn’t vote for him. As you know, I wrote about him over the course of four or five posts and certain readers were angry about that and stopped reading the blog.
He’ll be a less than one-term President. Let’s hope that happens sooner rather than later. There is too much at stake.
The shootings that happened yesterday – in Virginia and San Francisco – were tragic. My thoughts are with everyone involved. Violence and guns are never the answer to any problem.
Happy Thursday.