Back home. I was really tired yesterday and getting packed, hauling everything to the bus station and the ride back home took all my remaining energy. I was very happy to see the cottage, where the snow, though still evident, has melted a lot since I left last Tuesday. It’s a rainy and gray day here and I’m told it will be that way all week long.
Of course, I came home to a cottage that was empty and the fact that Don is gone really hit me. His absence is felt, believe me – as he tells me when I’m away, the house just isn’t the same without him. As far as Don’s journey, he’s in California today and will arrive in LaJolla in the afternoon. First rehearsal is tomorrow.
When a new musical or play is in previews, it’s still in rehearsal. So, while public performances are going on at night, the afternoon is for rehearsing, rewriting, restaging. I know that some of that is on the agenda for Anastasia, so I will no doubt be back in NYC at some point. But for now, I have some time off.
Today is for mundane things; buying some groceries, picking up the mail, sorting through tax stuff so we can file an extension – that sort of thing.
And for reading. I took two books along to the city but I was so busy that I hardly read at all.
These are the two pieces I got at Fish’s Eddy. I said they were vintage, but I now know they were made within the last twenty years. This is a part of the Restaurant Ware line – made by Homer Laughlin (creator of Fiesta.) Homer Laughlin is still going strong today. I looked up the marks on the back of the saucer and it looks like it was made in 1999. I love this pattern – though there were only a few pieces left.
Awfully pretty restaurant ware, don’t you think? Since I really don’t need or have room for any new china, these two pieces are all I allowed myself.
Now…where to put them?
Missing Don, missing Anastasia, but happy to be home.
The winner of a copy of Garden Design is Melissa! Melissa, I’ve sent you an email. I need your mailing address.
I have one more book to share with you and I’ll do that sometime this week.
Happy Monday.