We’re getting more snow today but none of the forecast models agree, so it looks like we could get anywhere from 2-5 inches. Our local guys are forecasting 1-3 inches but say they will be updating as the day goes on. Don is happy. Normally, I groan when I hear more snow is coming – and truthfully, I still do – but it makes him happy. He does most of the shoveling and cleanup so it gives him something to do. And both of us love seeing it fall outside our windows when we’re snug and cozy here in the house.
What’s new? Cleaning – but that’s always the case, lockdown or no lockdown. We watched The Producers on TCM last night – one of our favorite movies. I’m currently working on another book puzzle that was sent to me by a reader – this one consists of C.S. Lewis titles. I remember thinking when I saw the box, yes, he wrote a lot, but certainly not the number of books in this grid. Turns out that the same titles are repeated, but in different editions, cover art, and fonts. It’s a bit maddening.
You can see two different covers of The Screwtape Letters in this shot.
Funny thing: I’ve never actually read any C. S. Lewis, but I’ve coached at least four different adaptations of his books, most recently, The Great Divorce.
And yesterday’s mail brought my next puzzle challenge:
I love the New Yorker cover puzzles. (I got them on Amazon, if you’re interested.) I have one more arriving on Wednesday.
We’re always trying to see the positives of this isolation we’re all going through. I certainly have days when I’m restless and tired of it, as does Don. But in a conversation we had the other day, we reminded ourselves that during the course of our 26 years together, we have gone through many periods where one or both of us were on the road, where we spent long spells apart from each other. When you freelance in the performing arts, that’s what happens. You go where the work is. It is something that I believe we’ve handled with grace, but it is never easy. But now, we’ve been given the gift of time together. No travel to another city. No home-away-from-home living. Just here, in our home, together. And we’re blessed.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.