How many times can you post a photo of pottery and make it look fresh? The answer? Zero. But I keep trying. Frankly, in the non-gardening season, it isn’t easy to come up with new ideas for a photo. Only if I happen to have something new to display, like the kitchen island.
I’m tired today. The winds have been very strong all night long and today. I didn’t sleep well because the wind kept waking me up. So I feel sort of edgy – strong winds do that to me – and I keep shouting at the wind to ‘Cool it!’
It isn’t listening to me.
At least it’s sunny. There’s that.
We watched another episode of Babylon Berlin last night and then switched over to coverage of Super Tuesday. Very, very interesting, don’t you think? I will admit to being very excited about the next several months, though I will do my best to maintain some distance from the 24 hour news and social media coverage. Sanity remains my top priority.
I’m reading Year of the Monkey by Patti Smith. And, since I’m tired, perusing magazines, which are the best thing for me when my attention span is somewhat limited.
Thankfully I have a husband who is one of the funniest people I know and last night, in the midst of the results when my energy was flagging and the wind was beginning to howl, he had me laughing so hard that I started snorting. He was relentless. I can’t begin to describe to you what he was saying but it was a long running monologue and I finally had to beg him to stop, just so I could breathe.
When I was younger, but not so young that I wasn’t already wise about this sort of thing, I was often asked what I considered to be my number one requirement on my list of qualities in a future mate. The non-negotiable requirement.
I would immediately answer, “A sense of humor. He has to make me laugh and laugh a lot.”
Bingo. I got my wish. He can make me laugh so hard that I have to rush to the bathroom because I’m going to pee in my pants.
I’m not bragging…but maybe I am – I can also make him laugh just as hard. Nothing makes me happier than making my husband laugh.
Where would we be without laughter?
Happy Wednesday.