Tuesday in the Hudson Valley. A sunny day, no rain, temps in the seventies.
I can’t complain.
Oh lord, did I have a weird night last night. It was one of those nights where I wasn’t sure if I was sleeping or not. Have you ever had one of those? It seems like you’re in some in-between state; not sleeping and not awake. I do know that I feel very tired this morning, so I can’t have slept all that much. This happens rarely, thank goodness, but its a surreal experience. I finally gave up and got out of bed at 5:30, which threw off Don’s morning rhythm. He’s usually up before me, but this time I trailed him downstairs.
Funny how we have our daily rhythms. Don is up for at least an hour before me, usually, and by the time I get up, he’s read for an hour, had his coffee, and upon hearing me come downstairs, proceeds to make mine. I have my rhythms as well, and you’ll sometimes hear one of us saying to the other, “You realize you’re throwing my rhythm off, don’t you?” Or, when the day requires an early trip into Manhattan, for example, we’ll comment that the whole day’s rhythm has been thrown off.
That happens to everyone, but maybe even more so as you get older and have more time on your hands. There was a time when my days were incapable of having a rhythm because my schedule changed so much from day to day and I just went with it.
But now I’m older and, boy, do I love the pattern and structure of my days. So does Don.
I happened to glance up yesterday and saw these little dots of light (from the blinds) all over the den. Sort of magical!
I’ve started a new book, The Woman in the Window by A. J. Finn. It’s a mystery that I’ve had on my shelf for well over a year. So far it’s quite good and I’m intrigued. I finished The Feral Detective by Jonathan Lethem this morning. It was one of the books I picked up at Oblong Books last week. Excellent read; very modern, post-2016 election (with references to the shock and unreality of that day), edgy, and surreal. It’s a mystery. I liked it very much. It’s also interesting to see That Man referred to in a work of fiction. But then again, he deals in fiction, so I guess it’s appropriate.
I plan to lay low (not enough sleep) and read.
That’s it. That’s my plan for the day.
Happy Tuesday.